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CDZ State Sponsored Terrorism

Which modern US president was the greatest sponsor of state terrorism

  • Frankin Roosevelt

  • Harry Truman

  • Dwight Eisenhower

  • John Kennedy

  • Lyndon Johnson

  • Richard Nixon

  • Gerald Ford

  • Jimmy Carter

  • Ronald Reagan

  • George HW Bush

  • Bill Clinton

  • George W Bush

  • Barack Obama

Results are only viewable after voting.
Why do you think im not being honest? Im being COMPLETELY honest. That is what I THINK. Who are you to tell me I am lying about what is going on in my head?
The elites want it. That much is for certain. People in power will do anything for more power. Just because you think America is exceptional, doesn't mean humans are...
I mean, try not to discount millenias of human corruption and greed...
Because your one-word answer of "globalism" to explain why you think hundreds of American military and intelligence personnel are traitors who are sponsoring anti-American terrorism is inherently dishonest. It's like saying "the Jews", "Satan" or "Illuminati".

You spent more time and effort disclaiming being dishonest in your replies than in your replies. When making an accusation that the United States military and intelligence services are engaged in a global conspiracy to fuck over American citizens, I'd like to see more than a single-word explanation.
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Why do you think im not being honest? Im being COMPLETELY honest. That is what I THINK. Who are you to tell me I am lying about what is going on in my head?
The elites want it. That much is for certain. People in power will do anything for more power. Just because you think America is exceptional, doesn't mean humans are...
I mean, try not to discount millenias of human corruption and greed...
Because your one-word answer of "globalism" to explain why you think hundreds of American military and intelligence personnel are traitors who are sponsoring anti-American terrorism is inherently dishonest. It's like saying "the Jews", "Satan" or "Illuminati".

You spent more time and effort disclaiming being dishonest in your replies than in your replies. Let's not forget your previous answer was also a single-word.
Because that explained it all. And, AGAIN, I will say I do not think it is a big conspiracy. If I am correct, it is only a few people.
Because that explained it all. And, AGAIN, I will say I do not think it is a big conspiracy. If I am correct, it is only a few people.
As I explained a few times, it can't be just "a few people". Too many eyes are watching out there. It's like claiming the Moon Landing was a hoax. Unless the USSR, the PRC, the UK, France, Japan and other technologically advanced nations were in on the conspiracy, it can't have been faked. Same goes for the accusation that the US is supplying ISIS. Too many people would know and, therefore, have to be in on the conspiracy.
I didn't say that proved it. That is just another notch in the belt of me thinking its a proxy. I understand coincidences happen, but not one right after the other. I mean, we have a 4 decade old history of arming/training terrorists.
Okay, let's discuss proxies.

The Soviets invaded Afghanistan. To fight communism, we armed Afghan freedom fighters. Were they proxies? They were fighting for their own country. We were assisting them because it was in our best interests to do so to stymy Soviet communism.

What would be the purpose of arming ISIS or other fundamentalist Islamic terrorists who are actively murdering Americans?
Sorry, dude, but if you don't want to discuss this honestly, then I'll consider the discussion closed. Have a nice day.
Why do you think im not being honest? Im being COMPLETELY honest. That is what I THINK. Who are you to tell me I am lying about what is going on in my head?
The elites want it. That much is for certain. People in power will do anything for more power. Just because you think America is exceptional, doesn't mean humans are...
I mean, try not to discount millenias of human corruption and greed...
What you are saying is what the reason why the experiment call the United States was formed. Normal , sane people wanted a place that was self ruled, personal responsibility, repercussions for ones actions. But there was another side that wanted it all, did what ever they could to get everything they could, used the government to get it, and now we are at the crux of total destruction. You can call the US a terrorist country, but maybe you might want to watch this video I am going to suggest, once you watch it, then come back and we can discuss your feelings. The Youtube video isn't as great as the DVD but if you are cheap then watch it for free.

Because that explained it all. And, AGAIN, I will say I do not think it is a big conspiracy. If I am correct, it is only a few people.
As I explained a few times, it can't be just "a few people". Too many eyes are watching out there. It's like claiming the Moon Landing was a hoax. Unless the USSR, the PRC, the UK, France, Japan and other technologically advanced nations were in on the conspiracy, it can't have been faked. Same goes for the accusation that the US is supplying ISIS. Too many people would know and, therefore, have to be in on the conspiracy.
I just don't agree. Turkey was smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars of oil right through their borders in big trucks.
I just don't agree. Turkey was smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars of oil right through their borders in big trucks.
Okay. So Turkish business interests were buying cheap oil and they bribed Turkish leaders to look that other way. That's a loooooong way from the US military and CIA being behind ISIS.

If you want to look for a state sponsor of terrorism, look for the manufacturer of these weapons:


That's a Soviet-made BMP-2
I just don't agree. Turkey was smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars of oil right through their borders in big trucks.
Okay. So Turkish business interests were buying cheap oil and they bribed Turkish leaders to look that other way. That's a loooooong way from the US military and CIA being behind ISIS.

If you want to look for a state sponsor of terrorism, look for the manufacturer of these weapons:


That's a Soviet-made BMP-2
They also have Humvees, Abram tanks and Howitzers.
I just don't agree. Turkey was smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars of oil right through their borders in big trucks.
Okay. So Turkish business interests were buying cheap oil and they bribed Turkish leaders to look that other way. That's a loooooong way from the US military and CIA being behind ISIS.

If you want to look for a state sponsor of terrorism, look for the manufacturer of these weapons:


That's a Soviet-made BMP-2
At one time I couldn't believe that the US was giving guns to Mexican Drug cartels. Then I heard of Eric(the Racist) Holder and Fast and Furious.
Well this is going to be a shock to you.

How US Ambassador Chris Stevens May Have Been Linked To Jihadist Rebels In Syria
But there's growing evidence that U.S. agents — particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens — were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels.

In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition, working directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group — a group that has now disbanded, with some fighters reportedly participating in the attack that took Stevens' life
If you look deep into what George Soros, has got his hands into, the New World Order comes to mind.

"State sponsored terrorism" as used in this case is is nothing more than a neologism invented by the likes of Noam Chomsky as they indulge in false equivalencies in order to defend Jihadist terrorism.

False equivalencies?

Noah Chomsky is well respected, because his equivalencies are valid. You are the nut applying false equivalencies. The US can bomb innocents (and they have done it intentionally and still are) and not be considered terrorists, but if a group of rebels not backed by the military-industrial complex do the same, they will be classified as terrorists by the pentagon.

There is no false equivalency. Just double standards.

To be considered terrorism, an action needs to be undertaken by a group with a political purpose and involves the selection of innocent people as the targets specifically BECAUSE they are innocent.

What is the basis for that definition?

The etymological origin of the word terrorism, dates back to the 18th century where it was used to describe those that used terror in pursuit of political goals. You can't honestly tell me that the United States does not engage in or sponsor terrorism.

No, I am not a nut. I wasn't a major in political science, but I did take some poly sci classes when at Stanford in the early seventies. Your reliance on the prattling of Noam Chomsky represents a logical fallacy referred to as an appeal to authority. The simple matter that Chomsky can take Bin Laden's "letters to America" and regurgitate all the many themes does not make him an expert in the first place, even if he does wield his extremely florid prose in such a way as to try to manufacture opinion. The fact he has legions of young, naive followers who invest in him such a sense of gravitas means nothing.
I was in Saudi Arabia just up the road when the Khobar Towers were bombed.

So what?

Well, just to let you know, most of those Soldiers were 18 or 19 year old kids who died in their sleep

They chose to oppress others at the behest of the state. I cannot afford to take pity on soldier boys.

because Jimmy Carter in his spineless way didn't stop the spread of Islam when he had a chance, and now the parents of the slain kids will never see again. I guess Hillary was correct when she said "At this point, what difference does it make".

They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

What is this, an introduction to statism?
Your reliance on the prattling of Noam Chomsky represents a logical fallacy referred to as an appeal to authority.

You are the one who brought Noah Chomsky up.

I was never planning on making an appeal to Noah Chomsky, but I was obligated to defend the bullshit charges you brought against him.

The simple matter that Chomsky can take Bin Laden's "letters to America" and regurgitate all the many themes does not make him an expert in the first place, even if he does wield his extremely florid prose in such a way as to try to manufacture opinion. The fact he has legions of young, naive followers who invest in him such a sense of gravitas means nothing.

Sounds personal.

I agree with most of Chomsky's arguments. If you want to reference something specifically that he said, I'd be happy to defend it. Honestly though, he has had very little influence on my beliefs.
Sponsoring and supporting anti-Communist resistance doesn't even remotely qualify as 'state sponsored terrorism', and of course Obama and the Democratic Party openly finance and support domestic terrorism, via BLM and other gangster syndicates, so he gets my vote.

I noticed the list doesn't include Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or anybody but American Presidents, which of course just makes the poll worthless.
I noticed the list doesn't include Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or anybody but American Presidents, which of course just makes the poll worthless.

The topic was only about presidential sponsors of terrorism.

If you want to create a thread on foreign sponsors of terrorism, then by all means do so.
Interesting, from a historical vantage, to view Carter as failing to be able to overcome the enormous damage done to the situation with Iran in 1953.
I noticed the list doesn't include Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or anybody but American Presidents, which of course just makes the poll worthless.

The topic was only about presidential sponsors of terrorism.

If you want to create a thread on foreign sponsors of terrorism, then by all means do so.

Except you didn't make that the title; no surprise, since the American record is far more benign than the rest of the planet's, and whining ' All Bout Evul Amerika' would look truly stupid in any context resembling reality, i.e. just your typical old, left over Soviet Cold War propaganda, regurgitated and babbled. I also note the utter lack of any context re bombing Cambodia and the other non-issues, which also deliberately ignore the North Vietnamese and Red Chinese blatantly illegally using Laos and Cambodia as invasion routes, which to any sensible person would invalidate any agreements on our part to contain our military operations within the UN agreed upon boundaries, an illegality somehow never commented on in any of the infantile screeds about 'Evul Merka' and its imaginary 'war crimes' narratives.
Interesting, from a historical vantage, to view Carter as failing to be able to overcome the enormous damage done to the situation with Iran in 1953.

What 'enormous damage' was that? Rescuing Iran from Soviet puppet state status for decades?
I just don't agree. Turkey was smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars of oil right through their borders in big trucks.
Okay. So Turkish business interests were buying cheap oil and they bribed Turkish leaders to look that other way. That's a loooooong way from the US military and CIA being behind ISIS.

If you want to look for a state sponsor of terrorism, look for the manufacturer of these weapons:


That's a Soviet-made BMP-2
At one time I couldn't believe that the US was giving guns to Mexican Drug cartels. Then I heard of Eric(the Racist) Holder and Fast and Furious.
Well this is going to be a shock to you.

How US Ambassador Chris Stevens May Have Been Linked To Jihadist Rebels In Syria
But there's growing evidence that U.S. agents — particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens — were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels.

In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition, working directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group — a group that has now disbanded, with some fighters reportedly participating in the attack that took Stevens' life
If you look deep into what George Soros, has got his hands into, the New World Order comes to mind.

Re Fast & Furious; again think more of Hanlon's Razor rather than a vast global criminal conspiracy by the Obama administration. As with the conspiracy theory of the US running ISIS, there are too many people who would have to be in on the conspiracy. Fast & Furious was a fuck up. Any random airdrops that fell into the hands of ISIS are fuck ups, not American military and intelligence personnel intentionally arming one of the world's most vicious and fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups.
I just don't agree. Turkey was smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars of oil right through their borders in big trucks.
Okay. So Turkish business interests were buying cheap oil and they bribed Turkish leaders to look that other way. That's a loooooong way from the US military and CIA being behind ISIS.

If you want to look for a state sponsor of terrorism, look for the manufacturer of these weapons:


That's a Soviet-made BMP-2
They also have Humvees, Abram tanks and Howitzers.
Are you claiming the US is air dropping Abrams tanks and Howitzers to ISIS?
Because that explained it all. And, AGAIN, I will say I do not think it is a big conspiracy. If I am correct, it is only a few people.
As I explained a few times, it can't be just "a few people". Too many eyes are watching out there. It's like claiming the Moon Landing was a hoax. Unless the USSR, the PRC, the UK, France, Japan and other technologically advanced nations were in on the conspiracy, it can't have been faked. Same goes for the accusation that the US is supplying ISIS. Too many people would know and, therefore, have to be in on the conspiracy.
I just don't agree. Turkey was smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars of oil right through their borders in big trucks.

Turkey has always played everybody against everybody in its policy games, and that includes flagrantly violating agreements with the U.S.; they aren't some puppet state who does everything the U.S. tells them to, and neither are any of the other ME states; they all do it, and always have.
I just don't agree. Turkey was smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars of oil right through their borders in big trucks.
Okay. So Turkish business interests were buying cheap oil and they bribed Turkish leaders to look that other way. That's a loooooong way from the US military and CIA being behind ISIS.

If you want to look for a state sponsor of terrorism, look for the manufacturer of these weapons:


That's a Soviet-made BMP-2
They also have Humvees, Abram tanks and Howitzers.
Are you claiming the US is air dropping Abrams tanks and Howitzers to ISIS?
Lol no way. I was just saying they have those too

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