State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.

Actually, I don't think anyone expects you to do anything. Everybody can tell you are lying though.
Yeah, you are a false accuser too! But most here already knew that.
You made a claim that you had some very interesting info to share. Now you don't want to share it and make up stuff as to why you cannot share it. Anyone would be sceptical at that. But all you have to do is prove by sharing some of your fascinating info with us.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.

Actually, I don't think anyone expects you to do anything. Everybody can tell you are lying though.
Yeah, you are a false accuser too! But most here already knew that.

And another lying right winger cries when the lies are pointed out.Keep it up, and you will be right up there with DumbFury
If you want to put it that way, but really it's nothing more than they broke the law. It costs you when you do that.

The law that makes some people more equal than others.

Unjust laws should be resisted,
And how are you resisting "unjust laws" Or first, how do YOU determine what laws are "unjust"? What's your formula for making that determination?
If you want to put it that way, but really it's nothing more than they broke the law. It costs you when you do that.

The law that makes some people more equal than others.

Unjust laws should be resisted,

Unjust laws should be resisted. The court did exactly what they were designed for and ruled that one wasn't unjust. Tough for you that you disagree. The founding fathers didn't name Uncensored 2008 as the interpreter of laws.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.

Actually, I don't think anyone expects you to do anything. Everybody can tell you are lying though.
Yeah, you are a false accuser too! But most here already knew that.
You made a claim that you had some very interesting info to share. Now you don't want to share it and make up stuff as to why you cannot share it. Anyone would be sceptical at that. But all you have to do is prove by sharing some of your fascinating info with us.
No, you are making assumptions. For one I do not have the capability of putting it online. I did not have a decent computer to use until a few weeks ago, nor did we have Internet until just a few months ago. When you are forced into poverty by others illegal and illegitimate actions you no longer have all those perks. If you are really all that interested you can pay for a copy of those documents that are on file with the Supreme Court and the documents that are on file with the Work Comp people. I'll even give you the case numbers. Once you have paid for those copies let me know and I could even muster a few bucks up to mail you an exact copy of the disk that is the actual recording taken. As far as the mailing that went to someone else from the Employment gay director. I don't have an actual copy of that; because the fact is I never got notification of the final determination. It was convenient that away I suppose. What you can do is look for it though. They have no documentation that notice was signed by me as that notification was never sent to my address. I never received it.
"Water is wet" have nothing to do with you proving the picture you posted was taken of BLM agents at the Clive Bundy face off. No one forced you to post that picture and make the claim you did. But it's pretty evident now that you can't prove anything.

Here, you fucking retard;

Let me google that for you
So...basically, you cannot prove your assertion. My, what a surprise. Can't even tell us where you got that picture?
And how are you resisting "unjust laws" Or first, how do YOU determine what laws are "unjust"? What's your formula for making that determination?

Derp derp derp?

Compelling trolling there, Shortbus...
When you cannot answer simple questions and can only reply with insults..........well, we know what that means.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.

Actually, I don't think anyone expects you to do anything. Everybody can tell you are lying though.
Yeah, you are a false accuser too! But most here already knew that.

And another lying right winger cries when the lies are pointed out.Keep it up, and you will be right up there with DumbFury
No, you just see another creep making false accusations, the Antichrist do that though so it is no surprise.
Unjust laws should be resisted. The court did exactly what they were designed for and ruled that one wasn't unjust. Tough for you that you disagree. The founding fathers didn't name Uncensored 2008 as the interpreter of laws.

$135,000 fine for not baking a cake?

Does this judge give lethal injections for jay walking?

The state wants a political showdown. They want to make an example of "Sweet Cakes by Mellisa" as warning to anyone else thinking they have the right to work for whom they please.

So now they will get their showdown.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.

Actually, I don't think anyone expects you to do anything. Everybody can tell you are lying though.
Yeah, you are a false accuser too! But most here already knew that.
You made a claim that you had some very interesting info to share. Now you don't want to share it and make up stuff as to why you cannot share it. Anyone would be sceptical at that. But all you have to do is prove by sharing some of your fascinating info with us.
No, you are making assumptions. For one I do not have the capability of putting it online. I did not have a decent computer to use until a few weeks ago, nor did we have Internet until just a few months ago. When you are forced into poverty by others illegal and illegitimate actions you no longer have all those perks. If you are really all that interested you can pay for a copy of those documents that are on file with the Supreme Court and the documents that are on file with the Work Comp people. I'll even give you the case numbers. Once you have paid for those copies let me know and I could even muster a few bucks up to mail you an exact copy of the disk that is the actual recording taken. As far as the mailing that went to someone else from the Employment gay director. I don't have an actual copy of that; because the fact is I never got notification of the final determination. It was convenient that away I suppose. What you can look for it though. They have no documentation that notice was signed by me as that notification was never sent to my address. I never received it.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Unjust laws should be resisted. The court did exactly what they were designed for and ruled that one wasn't unjust. Tough for you that you disagree. The founding fathers didn't name Uncensored 2008 as the interpreter of laws.

$135,000 fine for not baking a cake?

Does this judge give lethal injections for jay walking?

The state wants a political showdown. They want to make an example of "Sweet Cakes by Mellisa" as warning to anyone else thinking they have the right to work for whom they please.

So now they will get their showdown.
A christian woman got a $300,000 + settlement when her PA rights were broken. I don't remember you declaring that excessive.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.

Actually, I don't think anyone expects you to do anything. Everybody can tell you are lying though.
Yeah, you are a false accuser too! But most here already knew that.
You made a claim that you had some very interesting info to share. Now you don't want to share it and make up stuff as to why you cannot share it. Anyone would be sceptical at that. But all you have to do is prove by sharing some of your fascinating info with us.
No, you are making assumptions. For one I do not have the capability of putting it online. I did not have a decent computer to use until a few weeks ago, nor did we have Internet until just a few months ago. When you are forced into poverty by others illegal and illegitimate actions you no longer have all those perks. If you are really all that interested you can pay for a copy of those documents that are on file with the Supreme Court and the documents that are on file with the Work Comp people. I'll even give you the case numbers. Once you have paid for those copies let me know and I could even muster a few bucks up to mail you an exact copy of the disk that is the actual recording taken. As far as the mailing that went to someone else from the Employment gay director. I don't have an actual copy of that; because the fact is I never got notification of the final determination. It was convenient that away I suppose. What you can look for it though. They have no documentation that notice was signed by me as that notification was never sent to my address. I never received it.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
When you cannot answer simple questions and can only reply with insults..........well, we know what that means.

Look, you're a fucking retard and a troll. You actually think the bullshit you post is clever "gotcha."

But in fact you're just a moron, making a fool of yourself.
Can't you even tell us where you got that picture you posted? Not even that?
Actually, I don't think anyone expects you to do anything. Everybody can tell you are lying though.
Yeah, you are a false accuser too! But most here already knew that.
You made a claim that you had some very interesting info to share. Now you don't want to share it and make up stuff as to why you cannot share it. Anyone would be sceptical at that. But all you have to do is prove by sharing some of your fascinating info with us.
No, you are making assumptions. For one I do not have the capability of putting it online. I did not have a decent computer to use until a few weeks ago, nor did we have Internet until just a few months ago. When you are forced into poverty by others illegal and illegitimate actions you no longer have all those perks. If you are really all that interested you can pay for a copy of those documents that are on file with the Supreme Court and the documents that are on file with the Work Comp people. I'll even give you the case numbers. Once you have paid for those copies let me know and I could even muster a few bucks up to mail you an exact copy of the disk that is the actual recording taken. As far as the mailing that went to someone else from the Employment gay director. I don't have an actual copy of that; because the fact is I never got notification of the final determination. It was convenient that away I suppose. What you can look for it though. They have no documentation that notice was signed by me as that notification was never sent to my address. I never received it.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
And religious rights come WAY ahead of some homosexual whining over a cake. Go get someone else to make a cake. EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. This is an attack by homosexuals on the rights of religious people. Simple as that.

That's the argument they used in court. I didn't work then either.
Was no court.It was a dictator like "commission"
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