State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.

Bode - aka shortbus, is a troll who offers nothing rational. She thinks the moronic "prove water is wet" posts of hers are effective.

I ignore 90% of the idiocy she posts.
So that's how you avoid having to prove your lies. How does that work for you in real life?
Bakers, butchers, and candle-stick makers are not "ruined".

They have freedom of speech. They can post big signs in their places of business or post messages in huge font on their business websites stating something like this: "We don't agree with equal rights under the law for some people, but we will comply with state law." They may even use language dripping with anti-black, anti-gay, or anti-whatever animus.

People who are offended will probably boycott the business; but perhaps bigoted people will patronize the store. You win some, you lose some. Whatever. But, if you choose to violate the law, then there are consequences.

Yes, they are ruined. It's comical that you separate the mechanism from the desired out come. It's like saying the bullet didn't kill him, the hole in his body did. and he shouldn't have been standing there anyway.

If the lawbreakers are "ruined", then the "mechanism" responsible for that alleged ruination is their own unlawful conduct. If you didn't know this before, you know it now: If you violate the law, that's your choice and there are probably consequences. The alleged "bullets" are the consequences, but you're being overly dramatic.

So i guess MLK deserved to be thrown into that jail cell in Birmingham, right?
Oh, grow the fuck up.

You are not MLK.

The bakers are denying the civil rights of others to engage in public business without discrimination.

King would not support your immature silliness, your silly libertarianism.

At this rate, marty will claim that MLK Jr. would have supported Woolworths lunch counters.

No, I am arguing that said laws should be interpreted by the courts to exclude non compelling interest situation, like the baker and the wedding cake.

The courts don't agree with you. Thus, we're dealing with a lawful order obtained through due process.....which you still insist is invalid because the courts don't abide your will.

Your will doesn't define legal validity. That's Sovereign Citizen reasoning. And isn't a legal argument.
Bought and paid for courts don't count.
And now you accuse our courts of being bribed. Is there anything you RWrs won't use as an excuse for your bigotry against your fellow Americans?
Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
Yes, they are ruined. It's comical that you separate the mechanism from the desired out come. It's like saying the bullet didn't kill him, the hole in his body did. and he shouldn't have been standing there anyway.

If the lawbreakers are "ruined", then the "mechanism" responsible for that alleged ruination is their own unlawful conduct. If you didn't know this before, you know it now: If you violate the law, that's your choice and there are probably consequences. The alleged "bullets" are the consequences, but you're being overly dramatic.

So i guess MLK deserved to be thrown into that jail cell in Birmingham, right?
Oh, grow the fuck up.

You are not MLK.

The bakers are denying the civil rights of others to engage in public business without discrimination.

King would not support your immature silliness, your silly libertarianism.

At this rate, marty will claim that MLK Jr. would have supported Woolworths lunch counters.

You already did. :lol:

So that's how you avoid having to prove your lies. How does that work for you in real life?

So the claim that "water is wet" is a lie?


You Soros hate drones are pathetic.
Still waiting for you to prove that picture you posted, the one where you can see three of the officers' chests say "police" are BLM federal agents at the Clive Bundy stand down.
The courts don't agree with you. Thus, we're dealing with a lawful order obtained through due process.....which you still insist is invalid because the courts don't abide your will.

Your will doesn't define legal validity. That's Sovereign Citizen reasoning. And isn't a legal argument.
Bought and paid for courts don't count.
And now you accuse our courts of being bribed. Is there anything you RWrs won't use as an excuse for your bigotry against your fellow Americans?
Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So this money is to pay for the homos pain and suffering for not getting a cake baked?

Nope. It's because they broke the law when they didn't bake the cake. If they could have legally refused to bake the cake, they wouldn't have to pay anything.
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
And religious rights come WAY ahead of some homosexual whining over a cake. Go get someone else to make a cake. EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. This is an attack by homosexuals on the rights of religious people. Simple as that.

That's the argument they used in court. I didn't work then either.
Bought and paid for courts don't count.
And now you accuse our courts of being bribed. Is there anything you RWrs won't use as an excuse for your bigotry against your fellow Americans?
Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.
And now you accuse our courts of being bribed. Is there anything you RWrs won't use as an excuse for your bigotry against your fellow Americans?
Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.
You are making a claim without proof.
And now you accuse our courts of being bribed. Is there anything you RWrs won't use as an excuse for your bigotry against your fellow Americans?
Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.

Actually, I don't think anyone expects you to do anything. Everybody can tell you are lying though.
And now you accuse our courts of being bribed. Is there anything you RWrs won't use as an excuse for your bigotry against your fellow Americans?
Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.
You don't need to buy a's called making a copy/picture on your own computer/printer. It sure sounds like you are starting to make excuses.......doesn't it? I'm gonna guess you've really got nothing and I just called your bluff.
Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.
You are making a claim without proof.
You also make false accusations; do it at your own risk.
Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.
You don't need to buy a's called making a copy/picture on your own computer/printer. It sure sounds like you are starting to make excuses.......doesn't it? I'm gonna guess you've really got nothing and I just called your bluff.
Whatever; like I said make false accusations at your own risk.
Courts and certified transcripts being change and courts using false information. Absolutely, I have the recordings and the altered certified transcripts to prove that is exactly what goes on. Bet you can't say the same.
Well...I look forward to reading your material and listening to the recordings. Link or post away.
When I put them online you may be the first one to get notice. Until then you are just making your typical false accusations about you thinking that I am lying.
And that will be......when? Today? Tomorrow? Why wait? No time like the present. I'd like to see/read them. They sound interesting.
So because you think someone else being trampled on in our current injustice system; you think I should go buy a machine to upload thousands of documents showing how corrupt our so called legal system is. I'll tell you what, you pay for someone that has the ability to put it all on line and I will let them copy every document I have concerning the matters. Until that time though feel free to make your false accusations if you like; keep in mind though that false accusations all go back on those who make them.

Actually, I don't think anyone expects you to do anything. Everybody can tell you are lying though.
Yeah, you are a false accuser too! But most here already knew that.
Still waiting for you to prove that picture you posted, the one where you can see three of the officers' chests say "police" are BLM federal agents at the Clive Bundy stand down.

You're still trolling using a "prove water is wet fallacy?" :eek:

I'm shocked.
"Water is wet" have nothing to do with you proving the picture you posted was taken of BLM agents at the Clive Bundy face off. No one forced you to post that picture and make the claim you did. But it's pretty evident now that you can't prove anything.
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