State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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Those vendors refusing to provide the same level of service to homosexuals as they provide to every other customer are not refusing to provide service on religious grounds. They are refusing service because they are bigots.

Providing services to a wedding does not rise to the threshold of "participation" in the wedding. Wedding vendors merely supply services. They are not invited guest, they are not members of the family or in the wedding party. They are not bridesmaids, best men, parents of the newly wedded couple, flower girls, ring bearers or officiates. Their function at a wedding is to provide services. In many cases, such as florists and bakers, the vendor just delivers their goods to a reception hall and never encounter the newly weds at the venue.

When bigoted vendors claim a religious exemption to public accommodation laws, they are, in fact, twisting faith to serve as legal cover. I am a Christian and I have never heard my minister admonish the congregation to avoid commerce with homosexuals. Rather he preaches that Christianity is a faith of love and forgiveness, love and brotherhood. He preaches that Christ commanded us to love one another, to judge not lest we be judged and to not cast the first stone as we all bear sin.

But, there is a movement among faux Christians to ignore the basic tenets of the faith in order to perpetuate bigotry and hatred. An odd concept born from a faith that espouses the polar opposite.

Homosexual Americans are, by in large, just as committed in their relationships as any heterosexual couple. They are active in our communities, our schools, our armed services. They are our neighbors, our first responders, our friends and our family members. I would be amazed if no one reading this post does not personally know a homosexual. Homosexuals pay taxes, vote, support our troops, are active in civic organizations and are just as sober and responsible as any other member of the community.

Those who seek to discriminate against them have no more reason to do so than their own misperceptions of the LGBT community. Homosexuals are not committing crimes by simply being homosexuals. The bigots who rush to judgment do so because they find homosexuals 'icky'. This is not a legitimate basis for discrimination.

Refusal to provide the exact same level of goods and services to a same sex wedding is tantamount to refusing to serve a racially mixed couple, or a couple based on any racial situation. that's illegal in this country. Why can't the bigots who wish homosexuality would just go back into the closet understand that basic precept of freedom and liberty?
Yeah, you are a false accuser too! But most here already knew that.
You made a claim that you had some very interesting info to share. Now you don't want to share it and make up stuff as to why you cannot share it. Anyone would be sceptical at that. But all you have to do is prove by sharing some of your fascinating info with us.
No, you are making assumptions. For one I do not have the capability of putting it online. I did not have a decent computer to use until a few weeks ago, nor did we have Internet until just a few months ago. When you are forced into poverty by others illegal and illegitimate actions you no longer have all those perks. If you are really all that interested you can pay for a copy of those documents that are on file with the Supreme Court and the documents that are on file with the Work Comp people. I'll even give you the case numbers. Once you have paid for those copies let me know and I could even muster a few bucks up to mail you an exact copy of the disk that is the actual recording taken. As far as the mailing that went to someone else from the Employment gay director. I don't have an actual copy of that; because the fact is I never got notification of the final determination. It was convenient that away I suppose. What you can look for it though. They have no documentation that notice was signed by me as that notification was never sent to my address. I never received it.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
I believe most (and probably all) state legislatures have used their powers to regulate economic activity and enact laws prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations.

Public accommodation laws are rationally related to legitimate government interests. All persons, regardless of who they are, should be allowed to enter a business open to the public and be treated with equal dignity.

It is wrong to discriminate.

It's more wrong to ruin a person over not wanting to bake a cake, and even more wrong to use government to enact said ruination.

Bakers, butchers, and candle-stick makers are not "ruined".

They have freedom of speech. They can post big signs in their places of business or post messages in huge font on their business websites stating something like this: "We don't agree with equal rights under the law for some people, but we will comply with state law." They may even use language dripping with anti-black, anti-gay, or anti-whatever animus.

People who are offended will probably boycott the business; but perhaps bigoted people will patronize the store. You win some, you lose some. Whatever. But, if you choose to violate the law, then there are consequences.

Yes, they are ruined. It's comical that you separate the mechanism from the desired out come. It's like saying the bullet didn't kill him, the hole in his body did. and he shouldn't have been standing there anyway.

If the lawbreakers are "ruined", then the "mechanism" responsible for that alleged ruination is their own unlawful conduct. If you didn't know this before, you know it now: If you violate the law, that's your choice and there are probably consequences. The alleged "bullets" are the consequences, but you're being overly dramatic.

So i guess MLK deserved to be thrown into that jail cell in Birmingham, right?

Dr. King advocated inclusion and anti-discrimination.

Ms. Klein advocates exclusion and discrimination.

The two are not the same.

Ms. Klein did not go to jail, however. She was ordered to pay damages to the victims of her unlawful conduct.
A christian woman got a $300,000 + settlement when her PA rights were broken. I don't remember you declaring that excessive.

Sure, I'll believe your claim... :eusa_whistle:

BTW, settlements are far different than statutory fines.
It was the same state and the same law. Bend dentist fined nearly $348,000 for required Scientology-based training, BOLI announces

Unlike you....I don't make claims I'm afraid to back up with links. It is also talked about with a link earlier in this thread....BEFORE you posted your fake picture of "BLM agents" in SWAT gear.
You made a claim that you had some very interesting info to share. Now you don't want to share it and make up stuff as to why you cannot share it. Anyone would be sceptical at that. But all you have to do is prove by sharing some of your fascinating info with us.
No, you are making assumptions. For one I do not have the capability of putting it online. I did not have a decent computer to use until a few weeks ago, nor did we have Internet until just a few months ago. When you are forced into poverty by others illegal and illegitimate actions you no longer have all those perks. If you are really all that interested you can pay for a copy of those documents that are on file with the Supreme Court and the documents that are on file with the Work Comp people. I'll even give you the case numbers. Once you have paid for those copies let me know and I could even muster a few bucks up to mail you an exact copy of the disk that is the actual recording taken. As far as the mailing that went to someone else from the Employment gay director. I don't have an actual copy of that; because the fact is I never got notification of the final determination. It was convenient that away I suppose. What you can look for it though. They have no documentation that notice was signed by me as that notification was never sent to my address. I never received it.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
I'm not asking anything about YOUR personal info...I'm asking for the business and this alleged gay Employment director. Neither of those pieces of information are you now....or are they?
State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Oregon Bakers

Nope no harm done to you if you disagree with homosexuality and won't bend to their will. None at all. Just lose your business,money,freedom,house,cars etc etc etc. Great thing about the internet is it NEVER loses its memory so when time comes it will be fairly simple to find the scum who destroyed this nation and get revenge.
Couldn't they just be placed in stocks during daylight hours for a week, in order to allow any GLBT person offended by their bigotry to peltest them with fouled, rotted fruit.
No, you are making assumptions. For one I do not have the capability of putting it online. I did not have a decent computer to use until a few weeks ago, nor did we have Internet until just a few months ago. When you are forced into poverty by others illegal and illegitimate actions you no longer have all those perks. If you are really all that interested you can pay for a copy of those documents that are on file with the Supreme Court and the documents that are on file with the Work Comp people. I'll even give you the case numbers. Once you have paid for those copies let me know and I could even muster a few bucks up to mail you an exact copy of the disk that is the actual recording taken. As far as the mailing that went to someone else from the Employment gay director. I don't have an actual copy of that; because the fact is I never got notification of the final determination. It was convenient that away I suppose. What you can look for it though. They have no documentation that notice was signed by me as that notification was never sent to my address. I never received it.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
I'm not asking anything about YOUR personal info...I'm asking for the business and this alleged gay Employment director. Neither of those pieces of information are you now....or are they?
You asked for the cases online... transcripts... recordings...that does contain personal info. Why act like a twit?

If you would have merely stated you want the name of the businesses involved and the directors name you should have said so in the first place.

Case of the first altered transcripts Wells Fargo aka Norwest their attorneys one in the same the same who bought and paid for gay marriage in Iowa through the Iowa Supreme Courts

Godfrey business Petsmart their Insurance carrier Travelers
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
I'm not asking anything about YOUR personal info...I'm asking for the business and this alleged gay Employment director. Neither of those pieces of information are you now....or are they?
You asked for the cases online... transcripts... recordings...that does contain personal info. Why act like a twit?

If you would have merely stated you want the name of the businesses involved and the directors name you should have said so in the first place.

Case of the first altered transcripts Wells Fargo aka Norwest their attorneys one in the same the same who bought and paid for gay marriage in Iowa through the Iowa Supreme Courts

Godfrey business Petsmart their Insurance carrier Travelers
I did say so....
But thanks for the info that you DID provide.
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
No, just don't force 'em to provide products and services to sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).
I find religious fanatics of all kinds to be the sexual deviants and perverts.....many on the down low.
Yes, well, given your (perceived) orientation, I think we'll take that one with a grain of salt.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
I'm not asking anything about YOUR personal info...I'm asking for the business and this alleged gay Employment director. Neither of those pieces of information are you now....or are they?
You asked for the cases online... transcripts... recordings...that does contain personal info. Why act like a twit?

If you would have merely stated you want the name of the businesses involved and the directors name you should have said so in the first place.

Case of the first altered transcripts Wells Fargo aka Norwest their attorneys one in the same the same who bought and paid for gay marriage in Iowa through the Iowa Supreme Courts
That's just a link to a Google search for Wells Fargo
Godfrey business Petsmart their Insurance carrier Travelers
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
No, just don't force 'em to provide products and services to sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).
I find religious fanatics of all kinds to be the sexual deviants and perverts.....many on the down low.
Yes, well, given your (perceived) orientation, I think we'll take that one with a grain of salt.
I'm sure you will. While I will give (percieved) faith of religious fanatics with a grain of salt since they keep getting caught on the down low.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
I'm not asking anything about YOUR personal info...I'm asking for the business and this alleged gay Employment director. Neither of those pieces of information are you now....or are they?
You asked for the cases online... transcripts... recordings...that does contain personal info. Why act like a twit?

If you would have merely stated you want the name of the businesses involved and the directors name you should have said so in the first place.

Case of the first altered transcripts Wells Fargo aka Norwest their attorneys one in the same the same who bought and paid for gay marriage in Iowa through the Iowa Supreme Courts

Godfrey business Petsmart their Insurance carrier Travelers
Those are just links to Google search pages.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
I'm not asking anything about YOUR personal info...I'm asking for the business and this alleged gay Employment director. Neither of those pieces of information are you now....or are they?
You asked for the cases online... transcripts... recordings...that does contain personal info. Why act like a twit?

If you would have merely stated you want the name of the businesses involved and the directors name you should have said so in the first place.

Case of the first altered transcripts Wells Fargo aka Norwest their attorneys one in the same the same who bought and paid for gay marriage in Iowa through the Iowa Supreme Courts
That's just a link to a Google search for Wells Fargo
Godfrey business Petsmart their Insurance carrier Travelers
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
No, just don't force 'em to provide products and services to sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).
I find religious fanatics of all kinds to be the sexual deviants and perverts.....many on the down low.
Yes, well, given your (perceived) orientation, I think we'll take that one with a grain of salt.
I'm sure you will. While I will give (percieved) faith of religious fanatics with a grain of salt since they keep getting caught on the down low.
Why would I give you anymore than that? Wells Fargo aka Norwest and Travelers affiliates went after us personally. That was my company and my husband company that they took out. Anything more than that would be personal information. Again; if I give you the case numbers you would have my personal information. I gave you who was involved, that is what you claimed you wanted all along.

Two distinct cases over a period of ten years; with many of the same players. See once you are stripped financially you get a job. If you get hurt at that job Petsmart you are subject to receive the so called care they wished to provide you with... At that point they send you to a nutjob physco doctor of their choosing. It only becomes legal when the gay director dismisses your claim by sending out a decision that you never receive. Then the claim against you for their illegal activity is you failed to file in a timely manner which is bullshit because you were never notified for you can make that claim. Are you that dense?

That may work in this world where destruction is looming but it does not work in the next.
Last edited:
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
I'm not asking anything about YOUR personal info...I'm asking for the business and this alleged gay Employment director. Neither of those pieces of information are you now....or are they?
You asked for the cases online... transcripts... recordings...that does contain personal info. Why act like a twit?

If you would have merely stated you want the name of the businesses involved and the directors name you should have said so in the first place.

Case of the first altered transcripts Wells Fargo aka Norwest their attorneys one in the same the same who bought and paid for gay marriage in Iowa through the Iowa Supreme Courts
That's just a link to a Google search for Wells Fargo
Godfrey business Petsmart their Insurance carrier Travelers
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
No, just don't force 'em to provide products and services to sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).
I find religious fanatics of all kinds to be the sexual deviants and perverts.....many on the down low.
Yes, well, given your (perceived) orientation, I think we'll take that one with a grain of salt.
I'm sure you will. While I will give (percieved) faith of religious fanatics with a grain of salt since they keep getting caught on the down low.
Why would I give you anymore than that? Wells Fargo aka Norwest and Travelers affiliates went after us personally. That was my company and my husband company that they took out. Anything more than that would be personal information. Again; if I give you the case numbers you would have my personal information. I gave you who was involved, that is what you claimed you wanted all along.
Why are you quoting my post reply to Kondor3? Are we dealing with a sock who can't keep "straight" who they are pretending to be now?
Says the man that insists that laws forbidding racial discrimination are the same as those laws mandating racial discrimination.

Your capacity for reason on this topic is inadequate to carry your argument. As this:

Is not the same as this:

You can't tell the difference. A rational person could.

The reasoning behind both this the same. I want XXXX to either follow my rules, or go away.

The reasoning behind mandating racial discrimination and forbidding racial discrimination is the same?

I don't think 'same' means what you think it means. The word you're looking for is 'opposite'. Again, you lack the capacity to discern a difference between this:

Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, all persons within the jurisdiction of this state are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any place of public accommodation, without any distinction, discrimination or restriction on account of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or age if the individual is 18 years of age or older.

ORS 659A.403 - Discrimination in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

and this...

It was unlawful for whites and blacks to purchase and consume alcohol on the same location. Penalty for this act was a misdemeanor punishable by a fine from $50 to $500 or an imprisonment in the parish prison or jail up to two years.

A rational person could.

For blacks it was to remove them from economic and political power. For religious people, its because you want them to either 1) think like you think or 2) be ruined.

Religious people can think however they'd like. There's no regulation or thinking. There is however regulation of action. And Christians must act in accordance with the law or face the consequences of violating that law.

Sorry, my little Sovereign Citizen. But laws don't disappear just because you disagree with them.

Regulation on acting in this case is just a cop out to regulate their thinking. Again, the issue is a substantial government interest, and except for moralistic busybodies such as yourself, there is none when it comes to a single baker not wanting to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Hurt feelings are not harm.

The state has a vested interest in preventing sexual and racial discrimination. You disagree. So what? The validity of the State's position isn't predicated on your agreement.

Yet once again you pull the same Sovereign Citizen argument, insisting that only those laws that you personally agree with are valid and can be enforced, only using the reasoning that you agree with.

That's not our system of laws. Not from the era of the founders to today.

and you continued use of the "sovereign Citizen" boogeyman shows your immaturity.

When you stop using Sovereign Citizen logic, I'll stop calling on its application. And you're still insisting that the applicability of law is based on your agreement with a law and its reasoning.

Neither is true. Neither validity nor applicability is defined by you or requires your agreement. You can certainly have an opinion. But you're not entitled to your own legal definitions.

it only has a vested interest when an actual harm is being produced. Having to go to another baker is not a harm. Hurt feelings are not a harm. The laws need to be re-defined to exclude things like this, which the government has no compelling interest in getting involved with.

But keep using the SC line if it somehow helps you justify your jackboots.

You and George Wallace have a lot in common. He thought mandated desegregation was government tyranny. I don't think he cared one iota about the "hurt feelings" of those black folks who experienced discrimination in public accommodations. You don't care either, so you are willfully blind to the harm that discrimination causes. Those of us who can see, however, recognize that discrimination against persons based on their sexual orientation is just as harmful as discrimination against persons based on the color of their skin.
You made a claim that you had some very interesting info to share. Now you don't want to share it and make up stuff as to why you cannot share it. Anyone would be sceptical at that. But all you have to do is prove by sharing some of your fascinating info with us.
No, you are making assumptions. For one I do not have the capability of putting it online. I did not have a decent computer to use until a few weeks ago, nor did we have Internet until just a few months ago. When you are forced into poverty by others illegal and illegitimate actions you no longer have all those perks. If you are really all that interested you can pay for a copy of those documents that are on file with the Supreme Court and the documents that are on file with the Work Comp people. I'll even give you the case numbers. Once you have paid for those copies let me know and I could even muster a few bucks up to mail you an exact copy of the disk that is the actual recording taken. As far as the mailing that went to someone else from the Employment gay director. I don't have an actual copy of that; because the fact is I never got notification of the final determination. It was convenient that away I suppose. What you can look for it though. They have no documentation that notice was signed by me as that notification was never sent to my address. I never received it.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
Actually, at this point I don't want anything from you because I simply no longer believe you are telling the truth.
No, you are making assumptions. For one I do not have the capability of putting it online. I did not have a decent computer to use until a few weeks ago, nor did we have Internet until just a few months ago. When you are forced into poverty by others illegal and illegitimate actions you no longer have all those perks. If you are really all that interested you can pay for a copy of those documents that are on file with the Supreme Court and the documents that are on file with the Work Comp people. I'll even give you the case numbers. Once you have paid for those copies let me know and I could even muster a few bucks up to mail you an exact copy of the disk that is the actual recording taken. As far as the mailing that went to someone else from the Employment gay director. I don't have an actual copy of that; because the fact is I never got notification of the final determination. It was convenient that away I suppose. What you can look for it though. They have no documentation that notice was signed by me as that notification was never sent to my address. I never received it.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
Actually, at this point I don't want anything from you because I simply no longer believe you are telling the truth.
That is okay a lot of people willing believe a lie; you can stay among those if you like. It is a free choice to do that.
We don't even have to pay for anything.....just tell us the title of the documents, or their dates and/or case another poster is our friend and we can look the particulars up. But first you have to tell us what we are looking for......for example, what company were you working for? When did this incident happen? What is the name of the "employment gay director".

Sorry, but right now, as it is, your story doesn't really add up to much.
Send me a PM with your email. I'll do that but you cannot get the transcripts online. You do have to pay for those; nor do they put everything online.
Nope...I don't do PMs and I sure as hell don't do e-mail after a poster here got ahold of it years ago from being a mod on another message board and helped himself to it.

Why don't you put that info out here for us to see?

I see you want my personal information but you want to falsely accuse another and think you can hide your self. It shows clearly what a hypocrite you are.
Actually, at this point I don't want anything from you because I simply no longer believe you are telling the truth.
That is okay a lot of people willing believe a lie; you can stay among those if you like. It is a free choice to do that.
I really think you believe that. Carry on.
I believe most (and probably all) state legislatures have used their powers to regulate economic activity and enact laws prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations.

Public accommodation laws are rationally related to legitimate government interests. All persons, regardless of who they are, should be allowed to enter a business open to the public and be treated with equal dignity.

It is wrong to discriminate.
Open to the public never meant publicly owned. If you don't want to make a product for someone that wants to celebrate their open anything goes relationship that should be/was your right. The problem with you tyrants is that you want the government to force YOUR morality onto others while you're screaming about morality. You want it defined your way, pure and simple. I disagree with Planned Parenthood and turned work down, that should be my right.

This is the slippery slope, when laws don't suit a group they demand change when the same group gets the law they demand full compliance from everyone. That is not freedom by any stretch. You don't even know what the word means.
fine. but my God doesn't tell me it's a sin to make pastries and i don't understand how anyone could believe it is. So i'm going to continue to consider those people dumbasses

The Diety I believe in considers it improper to have ANY interaction with immoral individuals of EVERY type.

And do. I suspect that EVERYONE you work with qualifies as "immoral", at least by your definition.
So if you favor a law, the law is the law, if you don't favor a law it's injustice and must be changed. Did you say the law is the law when homosexuals weren't allowed to marry? You dim fucks can't think straight. What about the bisexual, where's their equality. Try using your head for something other than a butt cork.

The point is, gays didn't break the law when it didn't say what they wanted it to. They worked to change the law.

Now, if the Klein's really want to argue to revoke Public Accomodations laws, and stand side by side with Klansmen and Nazis who don't want to serve blacks and Jews, they are totally free to do that. But they have to obey the law until it is changed.
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