States sue to rein in Obama's illegal amnesty

When the GOP Congress passes amnesty, the tards will quickly forget all the noise their puppet masters had them echoing. The puppet masters rely on their rubes having the memory retention of goldfish.

They will move on to the next panic (GAYEBOLGHAZICARE!) and forget all about the pants shitting they were doing over illegals a week before.
This lawsuit is nothing more than a handjob to those in the base who are too stupid to know it's bullshit.
Only Obama knee padders take that view. These are the same people who assured us cases against Obamacare were going nowhere. After all, "it was the law!"

No, it's just that some of us aren't crippled with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and also have a basic understanding of how the separation of powers works in our government. Just because I don't like Obama's actions does not make it unconstitutional.

Go ahead I can't wait for you to explain why Obama, a supposed Constitutional law professor said 20+ times that it would not be legal for him to do what he has now just done so have at it. Well?

This is an interesting situation. Was the "Constitutional scholar" right when he said he did NOT have the authority to do what he did, and thus what he did was unconstitutional, or was the "Constitutional scholar" WRONG when he said that and thus not much of a "Constitutional scholar", since in question is such a basic matter of Constitutional limits on presidential power?

Neither bodes well for him does it.

The thundering silence from the usual suspects is telling.
This lawsuit is nothing more than a handjob to those in the base who are too stupid to know it's bullshit.
Only Obama knee padders take that view. These are the same people who assured us cases against Obamacare were going nowhere. After all, "it was the law!"

No, it's just that some of us aren't crippled with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and also have a basic understanding of how the separation of powers works in our government. Just because I don't like Obama's actions does not make it unconstitutional.

Go ahead I can't wait for you to explain why Obama, a supposed Constitutional law professor said 20+ times that it would not be legal for him to do what he has now just done so have at it. Well?

I really don't give a shit, because unlike you ODS loons I realize that this is not about Obama. Those in the Republican party who are obsessed with making Obama look bad are wasting time, harming the country and the party all at the same time.

Obama's EO is legal. The correct and proper response from Congress and the GOP is LEGISLATIVE ACTION, not whiny bullshit panty wetting.

It sounds like you're saying that past Obama was wrong when he said he didn't have the authority to do it since laymen (that's you, for government school graduates) apparently know something that past Obama (who claimed to be a "constitutional scholar") did not. That leads me to question everything Obama has to say on the Constitution, if he got something so basic as that wrong.
This lawsuit is nothing more than a handjob to those in the base who are too stupid to know it's bullshit.
Only Obama knee padders take that view. These are the same people who assured us cases against Obamacare were going nowhere. After all, "it was the law!"

No, it's just that some of us aren't crippled with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and also have a basic understanding of how the separation of powers works in our government. Just because I don't like Obama's actions does not make it unconstitutional.

If there was a seperation of powers, Obama wouldn't be taking it upon himself to use executive order to prevent deportation of those who violate Federal Immigration Laws that were once passed by the legislative branch and signed into law. He is purposely moving outside the Constitutional process, through an action not granted unto him under Article II regarding executive powers.
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This lawsuit is nothing more than a handjob to those in the base who are too stupid to know it's bullshit.
Only Obama knee padders take that view. These are the same people who assured us cases against Obamacare were going nowhere. After all, "it was the law!"

No, it's just that some of us aren't crippled with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and also have a basic understanding of how the separation of powers works in our government. Just because I don't like Obama's actions does not make it unconstitutional.

Go ahead I can't wait for you to explain why Obama, a supposed Constitutional law professor said 20+ times that it would not be legal for him to do what he has now just done so have at it. Well?

I really don't give a shit, because unlike you ODS loons I realize that this is not about Obama. Those in the Republican party who are obsessed with making Obama look bad are wasting time, harming the country and the party all at the same time.

Obama's EO is legal. The correct and proper response from Congress and the GOP is LEGISLATIVE ACTION, not whiny bullshit panty wetting.

It sounds like you're saying that past Obama was wrong when he said he didn't have the authority to do it since laymen (that's you, for government school graduates) apparently know something that past Obama (who claimed to be a "constitutional scholar") did not. That leads me to question everything Obama has to say on the Constitution, if he got something so basic as that wrong.
This thread exposes liberals on this forum for the sycophants they are. They believed him when he repeatedly said he DID NOT have the authority to change the law. No one challenged him then. NOW they're defending him when he decides to do it anyway, even though he said it would be illegal. They don't have a mind of their own, he tells them what to think and what to do and they fall right in line, no matter HOW stupid it makes them look. If he came out tomorrow and again decided he didn't have the authority to grant amnesty, they would AGAIN change their minds too. Talk about blind allegiance, liberals are nothing more than puppets dangling on a string.
Only Obama knee padders take that view. These are the same people who assured us cases against Obamacare were going nowhere. After all, "it was the law!"

No, it's just that some of us aren't crippled with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and also have a basic understanding of how the separation of powers works in our government. Just because I don't like Obama's actions does not make it unconstitutional.

Go ahead I can't wait for you to explain why Obama, a supposed Constitutional law professor said 20+ times that it would not be legal for him to do what he has now just done so have at it. Well?

I really don't give a shit, because unlike you ODS loons I realize that this is not about Obama. Those in the Republican party who are obsessed with making Obama look bad are wasting time, harming the country and the party all at the same time.

Obama's EO is legal. The correct and proper response from Congress and the GOP is LEGISLATIVE ACTION, not whiny bullshit panty wetting.

It sounds like you're saying that past Obama was wrong when he said he didn't have the authority to do it since laymen (that's you, for government school graduates) apparently know something that past Obama (who claimed to be a "constitutional scholar") did not. That leads me to question everything Obama has to say on the Constitution, if he got something so basic as that wrong.
This thread exposes liberals on this forum for the sycophants they are. They believed him when he repeatedly said he DID NOT have the authority to change the law. No one challenged him then. NOW they're defending him when he decides to do it anyway, even though he said it would be illegal. They don't have a mind of their own, he tells them what to think and what to do and they fall right in line, no matter HOW stupid it makes them look. If he came out tomorrow and again decided he didn't have the authority to grant amnesty, they would AGAIN change their minds too. Talk about blind allegiance, liberals are nothing more than puppets dangling on a string.
how thick is your skull?????????? How obtuse, can you be????

He did not change the law, he delayed deportation action on those who are the parents of US Citizen minors....BECAUSE, INS is funded to only deport 400,000 illegals a year, and there are 11 million of them, which would take 27.5 years to deport them all at the funding level INS is given by congress.

IT WOULD BE IRRESPONSIBLE of the President, who was given authority to oversee certain government agencies to not prioritize INS's deportation efforts, given the financial shortage to get the job done in full.

congress can give INS the money to deport all 11 million, or they should EXPECT INS to prioritize their efforts to deport in the most logical way and protect us Americans in the most efficient way, with the money they have to do the job.

If you THINK that INS should spend their money on breaking up family units, of law abiding illegal immigrants who are parents to US Citizens first and BEFORE deporting those illegals in gangs, dealing drugs, or felons etc...

then I don't know what to say to you, other than you are lacking in thought, and common sense.

I would rather see Congress address our immigration problems....but the Republican Congress are yellow bellies and ALWAYS SKIRT their duties to do their job....and are more interested in political posturing than actually helping the situation THEY HAVE PUT INS in with the lack of funding for the deporting of the 11 million.
This lawsuit is nothing more than a handjob to those in the base who are too stupid to know it's bullshit.
Only Obama knee padders take that view. These are the same people who assured us cases against Obamacare were going nowhere. After all, "it was the law!"

No, it's just that some of us aren't crippled with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and also have a basic understanding of how the separation of powers works in our government. Just because I don't like Obama's actions does not make it unconstitutional.

Go ahead I can't wait for you to explain why Obama, a supposed Constitutional law professor said 20+ times that it would not be legal for him to do what he has now just done so have at it. Well?

I really don't give a shit, because unlike you ODS loons I realize that this is not about Obama. Those in the Republican party who are obsessed with making Obama look bad are wasting time, harming the country and the party all at the same time.

Obama's EO is legal. The correct and proper response from Congress and the GOP is LEGISLATIVE ACTION, not whiny bullshit panty wetting.

I have a constitutional law professor who says you are wrong, his name is Barak Obama. OH SNAP! :laugh:
Only Obama knee padders take that view. These are the same people who assured us cases against Obamacare were going nowhere. After all, "it was the law!"

No, it's just that some of us aren't crippled with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and also have a basic understanding of how the separation of powers works in our government. Just because I don't like Obama's actions does not make it unconstitutional.

Go ahead I can't wait for you to explain why Obama, a supposed Constitutional law professor said 20+ times that it would not be legal for him to do what he has now just done so have at it. Well?

I really don't give a shit, because unlike you ODS loons I realize that this is not about Obama. Those in the Republican party who are obsessed with making Obama look bad are wasting time, harming the country and the party all at the same time.

Obama's EO is legal. The correct and proper response from Congress and the GOP is LEGISLATIVE ACTION, not whiny bullshit panty wetting.

It sounds like you're saying that past Obama was wrong when he said he didn't have the authority to do it since laymen (that's you, for government school graduates) apparently know something that past Obama (who claimed to be a "constitutional scholar") did not. That leads me to question everything Obama has to say on the Constitution, if he got something so basic as that wrong.
This thread exposes liberals on this forum for the sycophants they are. They believed him when he repeatedly said he DID NOT have the authority to change the law. No one challenged him then. NOW they're defending him when he decides to do it anyway, even though he said it would be illegal. They don't have a mind of their own, he tells them what to think and what to do and they fall right in line, no matter HOW stupid it makes them look. If he came out tomorrow and again decided he didn't have the authority to grant amnesty, they would AGAIN change their minds too. Talk about blind allegiance, liberals are nothing more than puppets dangling on a string.

From what I have seen from the left the last few years they see nothing at all wrong with lying, dishonestly, hypocrisy, back stabbing and mocking their own. You can point this stuff out and they just shrug their shoulders.
No, it's just that some of us aren't crippled with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and also have a basic understanding of how the separation of powers works in our government. Just because I don't like Obama's actions does not make it unconstitutional.

Go ahead I can't wait for you to explain why Obama, a supposed Constitutional law professor said 20+ times that it would not be legal for him to do what he has now just done so have at it. Well?

I really don't give a shit, because unlike you ODS loons I realize that this is not about Obama. Those in the Republican party who are obsessed with making Obama look bad are wasting time, harming the country and the party all at the same time.

Obama's EO is legal. The correct and proper response from Congress and the GOP is LEGISLATIVE ACTION, not whiny bullshit panty wetting.

It sounds like you're saying that past Obama was wrong when he said he didn't have the authority to do it since laymen (that's you, for government school graduates) apparently know something that past Obama (who claimed to be a "constitutional scholar") did not. That leads me to question everything Obama has to say on the Constitution, if he got something so basic as that wrong.
This thread exposes liberals on this forum for the sycophants they are. They believed him when he repeatedly said he DID NOT have the authority to change the law. No one challenged him then. NOW they're defending him when he decides to do it anyway, even though he said it would be illegal. They don't have a mind of their own, he tells them what to think and what to do and they fall right in line, no matter HOW stupid it makes them look. If he came out tomorrow and again decided he didn't have the authority to grant amnesty, they would AGAIN change their minds too. Talk about blind allegiance, liberals are nothing more than puppets dangling on a string.
how thick is your skull?????????? How obtuse, can you be????

He did not change the law, he delayed deportation action on those who are the parents of US Citizen minors....BECAUSE, INS is funded to only deport 400,000 illegals a year, and there are 11 million of them, which would take 27.5 years to deport them all at the funding level INS is given by congress.

IT WOULD BE IRRESPONSIBLE of the President, who was given authority to oversee certain government agencies to not prioritize INS's deportation efforts, given the financial shortage to get the job done in full.

congress can give INS the money to deport all 11 million, or they should EXPECT INS to prioritize their efforts to deport in the most logical way and protect us Americans in the most efficient way, with the money they have to do the job.

If you THINK that INS should spend their money on breaking up family units, of law abiding illegal immigrants who are parents to US Citizens first and BEFORE deporting those illegals in gangs, dealing drugs, or felons etc...

then I don't know what to say to you, other than you are lacking in thought, and common sense.

I would rather see Congress address our immigration problems....but the Republican Congress are yellow bellies and ALWAYS SKIRT their duties to do their job....and are more interested in political posturing than actually helping the situation THEY HAVE PUT INS in with the lack of funding for the deporting of the 11 million.

Hey its not our fault you people elected an incompetent moron president who lacks the leadership skills to get bills passed in congress. Also, we elected our representatives and sent them to Washington to tell you liberals to pound sand on amnesty, so tough it sucks to be you.
amnesty grants full pardon ... that's not the case with the EO issued by Obama.
Who gave you the authority to define amnesty? Any change in the law that allows them to stay in the country legally is amnesty.
None of you nutters, whether anarcho commie like yourself bripat or a liberatarian or any group, get to say what are the definitions or the defy that law should work in ways for which it was passed.,

The EO is nothing like amnesty.

And the states have no standing sue over EOs about illegals. The cases will be summarily dismissed.
Go ahead I can't wait for you to explain why Obama, a supposed Constitutional law professor said 20+ times that it would not be legal for him to do what he has now just done so have at it. Well?

I really don't give a shit, because unlike you ODS loons I realize that this is not about Obama. Those in the Republican party who are obsessed with making Obama look bad are wasting time, harming the country and the party all at the same time.

Obama's EO is legal. The correct and proper response from Congress and the GOP is LEGISLATIVE ACTION, not whiny bullshit panty wetting.

It sounds like you're saying that past Obama was wrong when he said he didn't have the authority to do it since laymen (that's you, for government school graduates) apparently know something that past Obama (who claimed to be a "constitutional scholar") did not. That leads me to question everything Obama has to say on the Constitution, if he got something so basic as that wrong.
This thread exposes liberals on this forum for the sycophants they are. They believed him when he repeatedly said he DID NOT have the authority to change the law. No one challenged him then. NOW they're defending him when he decides to do it anyway, even though he said it would be illegal. They don't have a mind of their own, he tells them what to think and what to do and they fall right in line, no matter HOW stupid it makes them look. If he came out tomorrow and again decided he didn't have the authority to grant amnesty, they would AGAIN change their minds too. Talk about blind allegiance, liberals are nothing more than puppets dangling on a string.
how thick is your skull?????????? How obtuse, can you be????

He did not change the law, he delayed deportation action on those who are the parents of US Citizen minors....BECAUSE, INS is funded to only deport 400,000 illegals a year, and there are 11 million of them, which would take 27.5 years to deport them all at the funding level INS is given by congress.

IT WOULD BE IRRESPONSIBLE of the President, who was given authority to oversee certain government agencies to not prioritize INS's deportation efforts, given the financial shortage to get the job done in full.

congress can give INS the money to deport all 11 million, or they should EXPECT INS to prioritize their efforts to deport in the most logical way and protect us Americans in the most efficient way, with the money they have to do the job.

If you THINK that INS should spend their money on breaking up family units, of law abiding illegal immigrants who are parents to US Citizens first and BEFORE deporting those illegals in gangs, dealing drugs, or felons etc...

then I don't know what to say to you, other than you are lacking in thought, and common sense.

I would rather see Congress address our immigration problems....but the Republican Congress are yellow bellies and ALWAYS SKIRT their duties to do their job....and are more interested in political posturing than actually helping the situation THEY HAVE PUT INS in with the lack of funding for the deporting of the 11 million.

Hey its not our fault you people elected an incompetent moron president who lacks the leadership skills to get bills passed in congress. Also, we elected our representatives and sent them to Washington to tell you liberals to pound sand on amnesty, so tough it sucks to be you.
It's not you or me or our Presidents over the years....this lays in the hands of congress, both houses....and always will.

What has occurred, over the decades to put us all in this position of having 11 million illegals in this Nation, has occurred because of our CONGRESS and SENATE's inaction...decades and decades of inaction..... of writing laws that seem like they are reforming the situation, while not funding it, or writing laws that they know won't help, because at the last minute they watered down the penalties on those breaking the law before they pass, or sometimes they water them down in the negotiating process between the Senate's bill and the House's bill.... they are truly ALL TALK AND NO ACTION.... even when the senators and representatives change over these decades, the end result is the same....they have no desire to actually put an end to this mammoth illegal immigrant problem....

or maybe they are smarter than all of us, and they know the problem will never end,

but that is highly least on the "smarter" part of it.
None of you nutters, whether anarcho commie like yourself bripat or a liberatarian or any group, get to say what are the definitions or the defy that law should work in ways for which it was passed.,

The EO is nothing like amnesty.

And the states have no standing sue over EOs about illegals. The cases will be summarily dismissed.
Who says states don't have standing? Either tell us or admit you just made it up.
amnesty grants full pardon ... that's not the case with the EO issued by Obama.
Who gave you the authority to define amnesty? Any change in the law that allows them to stay in the country legally is amnesty.
Because there is no law, giving them is delaying deportation action for a couple years or so, at a time...UNTIL CONGRESS ACTS and does something. The next president can also rescind this President's action with INS and direct INS in another manner...there is nothing permanent about this, that makes this LAW....

What it does, is direct INS's limited resources, to be used on those illegals that we want to deport first, then second, then third etc....and those that are last, will be the parents of US citizens, that have been law abiding etc....

AND in the mean time, we have brought these illegals in to the light.
This lawsuit is nothing more than a handjob to those in the base who are too stupid to know it's bullshit.
Only Obama knee padders take that view. These are the same people who assured us cases against Obamacare were going nowhere. After all, "it was the law!"

No, it's just that some of us aren't crippled with Obama Derangement Syndrome, and also have a basic understanding of how the separation of powers works in our government. Just because I don't like Obama's actions does not make it unconstitutional.

If there was a seperation of powers, Obama wouldn't be taking it upon himself to use executive order to prevent deportation of those who violate Federal Immigration Laws that were once passed by the legislative branch and signed into law. He is purposely moving outside the Constitutional process, through an action not granted unto him under Article II regarding executive powers.

He is making sure that resources are devoted to the deportation of criminals, not babies, yet you complain about it.

That BHO is rightfully in the vein of RR in this matter was explained to you above; that you don't get it is your problem.
"From what I have seen from the" far right" the last few years they see nothing at all wrong with lying, dishonestly, hypocrisy, back stabbing and mocking their own" GOP and its ledership.

You nativists will fail on this as you have during the last 50 years.

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