States vote against Obama private property policies


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
The New Hampshire House of Representatives voted to ban UN Agenda 21 polices.

This legislation will prevent local, county and state governments from adopting the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) programs.

ICLEI is a UN agency that provides “local” community plans, software and training to towns and cities that pay their dues. Other private organizations in league with ICLEI are:

• National League of Cities
• International City/County Management Group
• National Governors Association
• American Planning Group

“I know it is totally against our Constitution from reading the U.N. biodiversity assessment,” Rep. Anne Cartwright (R-Alstead), the primary sponsor of the bill. “It’s through local initiative that it is being implemented in bits and pieces to erode our property rights.” Cartwright believes ICLEI is attempting to remove individual property rights through sustainable development.

Cartwright said: “They are very slowly implementing rules and regulations that have not reached a high level yet. They are implementing it through zoning, planning and regional planning things that impact our property rights.”


As states become aware of the underlying meaning behind Agenda 21, they are putting in place legislation to prevent this takeover of our rights as Americans by the international United Nations.

President Obama, a big supporter of the UN’s Agenda 21 initiative, signed the executive order Establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities where he outlined plans to partner with local communities and the US government to “provide them with comprehensive technical assistance to use and compete for Federal resources”.

The US government will then “enable them to develop and implement economic strategies to become more competitive, sustainable, and inclusive”.

Obama claims that only with regional collaboration and comprehensive planning with the US government will stabilize economic growth, create jobs, and lead to sustainable redevelopment of our American cities. This rhetoric is nearly copied directly from the Agenda 21 documents from past Earth Summits.

Obama wants to gain governance over resources and implement US government objectives under the guise of suggestive communication with state and local governments. Simply put, when the US government provides the financial backing, they can create any outcome they desire. By using the cloak of sustainability and economic growth, the Obama administration is seeking to obtain voluntary control of our towns and cities from our local governments.

As with Agenda 21, this governmental intervention will take all the power out of the local residents of towns and cities. The US government will have supreme control by way of financial manipulation. As the local level is forced to change independent strategies, the government will assist the supposed failing local governments with predetermined and sustainable economic opportunities . . . as long as the local governments do as they are told by the Obama administration.

Activist Post: States Vote to Ban UN Agenda 21 Policies
Kansas is fully aware of this effort and is fighting it tooth and nail.

Good for Kansas! .....wish more states did the same....
Kansas is really becoming a "cutting edge" state (think sharia too)....:cool:

Rep. Dennis Hedke (R-Wichita) said "The notion of sustainability is not necessarily a bad thing. However when guidelines are transformed into indoctrination, globally, nationally and with each state and local government, and that indoctrination is connected to an intense socialistic philosophy, questions are raised."

Hedke also suggested that Agenda 21 was behind the Obama administration's new coal power plant regulations and wetlands permits. He told colleagues that he believes that the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture and other federal agencies are working together to implement Agenda 21.

Agenda 21: Kansas Lawmakers Endorse Measure Opposing U.N. Sustainability Plan

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