states want to hold blm civily and criminaly responsable for the damage they caused

Not only do I disagree with the insanely dangerous idea that BLM should be held liable, SCOTUS will strike these laws down as well.

They're outrageous.

I'm not saying I respect BLM, but I do respect free speech and fair law.

These bills attack both.

Property damage is not part of free speech
First off, you have a direct link between Trump and the protesters?

Should we go and prosecute the governors and mayors that let the rioters go and told police to stand down? We have direct evidence there.
Yes, there are a gazillion links to Trump and cronies, to those marching down to the Capitol and breaking in to the Capitol. Get out of your closed circuit media world you must be in? Search January 6 investigation findings.

Do you have a direct link to the organization of BLM being responsible for the looters and vandals at night?
As they should, no matter who did the damage.
Respectfully disagree....(if I am understanding your position correctly?)

The people protesting, or organizing protesting should NOT be held responsible and charged for what a handful or two individuals did criminally, and all on their own.

These kinds of threats to hold protest organizers responsible for the damage of rogue criminals is simply a way for govt to squash future protests against them and our rights to redress grievances, and free speech for fear of being billed for what damage criminals cause.
Respectfully disagree....(if I am understanding your position correctly?)

The people protesting, or organizing protesting should NOT be held responsible and charged for what a handful or two individuals did criminally, and all on their own.

These kinds of threats to hold protest organizers responsible for the damage of rogue criminals is simply a way for govt to squash future protests against them and our rights to redress grievances, and free speech for fear of being billed for what damage criminals cause.

Perhaps I misread the article, I thought it was the people doing the damage that were being charged.

I agree with your post
BLM as an orginzation should be prosecuted and held responsible for the orginzations many many many crimes. Theft, destruction or public and private and state and federal property, hate crimes, inciting riots, assualt and battery, obstruction of justice, domestic terrorism, and more.

Then they need to start interrogation and go after individuals and hold them responsible as well. Once they get one squealer it will be an easy investigation after that.

Dude, 4 posts in a row. Bad spelling. It's a bot. No doubt about it.

You must not come here often if you think he is a bot. And his spelling and grammar have gradually improved.
Perhaps I misread the article, I thought it was the people doing the damage that were being charged.

I agree with your post
To be fair, I didn't read the article yet, I replied to what I knew about it from previous news articles and 24/7 news.... :)
No matter how you try to justify criminal acts, by yelling "free speech" while you're committing them, will it make it true. My right to be free from you stealing from me or damaging my property is not given up by you claiming it's your free speech right... Your right to free speech ends when you start stomping on my rights.
Nope! Nope and Nope!

Blm did not plan a riot. They planned peaceful protests and there were hours upon hours upon hours of peaceful protests with 24 million people across the USA participating peacefully for the BLM/Floyd protests.

Criminals, looters, vandals, and arsonists that came out at night, should be held responsible for what they did, not the BLM Organization.

Charging protest organizers for what damage rogue rioters did, is simply an authoritarian way, to undermine and squash our means to voice our concerns via protesting peacefully against our government doings....
Yes, there are a gazillion links to Trump and cronies, to those marching down to the Capitol and breaking in to the Capitol. Get out of your closed circuit media world you must be in? Search January 6 investigation findings.

Do you have a direct link to the organization of BLM being responsible for the looters and vandals at night?
There is nothing so far that directly links Trump to telling the rioters to riot. Circumstantial evidence is what you have, which like with BLM is linked by circumstantial evidence. Now, we mayors and governors telling police to stand down and let the rioters riot. I do hold Trump responsible for not calming the waters but that doesn’t make him guilty for what others did.

How dare you claim I watch closed circuit media, do you have proof or are you pulling crap out of your butt to diminish and negate my opinions? I thought you were honest and not a partisan moron. Am I wrong, to interpret your cheap shot any other way?
There is nothing so far that directly links Trump to telling the rioters to riot. Circumstantial evidence is what you have, which like with BLM is linked by circumstantial evidence. Now, we mayors and governors telling police to stand down and let the rioters riot. I do hold Trump responsible for not calming the waters but that doesn’t make him guilty for what others did.

How dare you claim I watch closed circuit media, do you have proof or are you pulling crap out of your butt to diminish and negate my opinions? I thought you were honest and not a partisan moron. Am I wrong, to interpret your cheap shot any other way?
Who said he told them directly to riot? Mob bosses never tell their cronies directly to commit crimes....

Sending the protesters down to the capitol after a full one hour of inciting them, with things like 'you have to go down to the capitol, fight like hell, or you will not have a Country anymore', and lying to them over and over and over telling them the election was stolen from THEM...

If I were one of his followers and believed him, I might have been crazy enough or infuriated enough and participated in breaking in to the capitol to stop Pence, and congress from the illegal and injustice that was about to happen.... All the speeches from all of his guest speakers used the same rebel rousing language throughout the protest and at the day before s protest.

The chaos by his protesters sent down to the Capitol, was just a small piece of his criminal actions that he took to try to install himself in to power and stealing the election from the winner of the election.

He began his steal, 6 months before the election and still continues now.

He illegally used his administration to interfere with state election results, he had a Doj cronie write a letter to the state legislators saying they found fraud...which they HAD NOT FOUND, which thank God, it was not sent....He had his lawyers sicked on Pence to reject the elector counts, he called the secretary of state in Georgia telling him to find the 11780 votes he needed to win by 1 over Biden and implied he would go after the secretary if he didnt, he called legislators from Pennsylvania to the white House to try to get them to throw out the vote of their citizens and insert their own electors for Trump.... His team, before the election also met with legislators telling them not to accept the people's vote and insert Trump electors, same with Arizona legislators, and I believe the Michigan ones too....he interfered in the State election process, which is ILLEGAL.

I am surprised you didn't know any of this....
BLM as an orginzation should be prosecuted and held responsible for the orginzations many many many crimes. Theft, destruction or public and private and state and federal property, hate crimes, inciting riots, assualt and battery, obstruction of justice, domestic terrorism, and more.

Then they need to start interrogation and go after individuals and hold them responsible as well. Once they get one squealer it will be an easy investigation after that.

You must not come here often if you think he is a bot. And his spelling and grammar have gradually improved.
that is mam to alll of you. i
m a lady. lol
Wow what is up with some of these people. We got millions of miles of film of blm commeting these crimes. they threaten when they can not have their way/ they shouldbe prosecuted. they so not protest they terrorize , destroy and hate.
Who said he told them directly to riot? Mob bosses never tell their cronies directly to commit crimes....

Sending the protesters down to the capitol after a full one hour of inciting them, with things like 'you have to go down to the capitol, fight like hell, or you will not have a Country anymore', and lying to them over and over and over telling them the election was stolen from THEM...

If I were one of his followers and believed him, I might have been crazy enough or infuriated enough and participated in breaking in to the capitol to stop Pence, and congress from the illegal and injustice that was about to happen.... All the speeches from all of his guest speakers used the same rebel rousing language throughout the protest and at the day before s protest.

The chaos by his protesters sent down to the Capitol, was just a small piece of his criminal actions that he took to try to install himself in to power and stealing the election from the winner of the election.

He began his steal, 6 months before the election and still continues now.

He illegally used his administration to interfere with state election results, he had a Doj cronie write a letter to the state legislators saying they found fraud...which they HAD NOT FOUND, which thank God, it was not sent....He had his lawyers sicked on Pence to reject the elector counts, he called the secretary of state in Georgia telling him to find the 11780 votes he needed to win by 1 over Biden and implied he would go after the secretary if he didnt, he called legislators from Pennsylvania to the white House to try to get them to throw out the vote of their citizens and insert their own electors for Trump.... His team, before the election also met with legislators telling them not to accept the people's vote and insert Trump electors, same with Arizona legislators, and I believe the Michigan ones too....he interfered in the State election process, which is ILLEGAL.

I am surprised you didn't know any of this....
Go Trump.
that is mam to alll of you. i
m a lady. lol
Oh, dear. I'll try to remember, but even with my very feminine avatar look and a name that is Odysseus' highly female lover, an avatar type that has been female exclusively for, lemme see, some 3000 years (wait, how do harpies reproduce?? Oh, the captured sexy Greek soldiers, right, just before we devour them, yum) ---- I have little success in keeping people aware of this elementary fact. I almost begin to have some sympathy with the bisexuals if no one can figure it OUT ------------- naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, just kidding.
Oh, dear. I'll try to remember, but even with my very feminine avatar look and a name that is Odysseus' highly female lover, an avatar type that has been female exclusively for, lemme see, some 3000 years (wait, how do harpies reproduce?? Oh, the captured sexy Greek soldiers, right, just before we devour them, yum) ---- I have little success in keeping people aware of this elementary fact. I almost begin to have some sympathy with the bisexuals if no one can figure it OUT ------------- naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, just kidding.
nope boren and bread lady and straight too. my profile says female too. what is with you all . you thjink only freeks and men come on here?
Who said he told them directly to riot? Mob bosses never tell their cronies directly to commit crimes....

Sending the protesters down to the capitol after a full one hour of inciting them, with things like 'you have to go down to the capitol, fight like hell, or you will not have a Country anymore', and lying to them over and over and over telling them the election was stolen from THEM...

If I were one of his followers and believed him, I might have been crazy enough or infuriated enough and participated in breaking in to the capitol to stop Pence, and congress from the illegal and injustice that was about to happen.... All the speeches from all of his guest speakers used the same rebel rousing language throughout the protest and at the day before s protest.

The chaos by his protesters sent down to the Capitol, was just a small piece of his criminal actions that he took to try to install himself in to power and stealing the election from the winner of the election.

He began his steal, 6 months before the election and still continues now.

He illegally used his administration to interfere with state election results, he had a Doj cronie write a letter to the state legislators saying they found fraud...which they HAD NOT FOUND, which thank God, it was not sent....He had his lawyers sicked on Pence to reject the elector counts, he called the secretary of state in Georgia telling him to find the 11780 votes he needed to win by 1 over Biden and implied he would go after the secretary if he didnt, he called legislators from Pennsylvania to the white House to try to get them to throw out the vote of their citizens and insert their own electors for Trump.... His team, before the election also met with legislators telling them not to accept the people's vote and insert Trump electors, same with Arizona legislators, and I believe the Michigan ones too....he interfered in the State election process, which is ILLEGAL.

I am surprised you didn't know any of this....
Who said he told them directly to riot? Mob bosses never tell their cronies directly to commit crimes....

Sending the protesters down to the capitol after a full one hour of inciting them, with things like 'you have to go down to the capitol, fight like hell, or you will not have a Country anymore', and lying to them over and over and over telling them the election was stolen from THEM...

If I were one of his followers and believed him, I might have been crazy enough or infuriated enough and participated in breaking in to the capitol to stop Pence, and congress from the illegal and injustice that was about to happen.... All the speeches from all of his guest speakers used the same rebel rousing language throughout the protest and at the day before s protest.

The chaos by his protesters sent down to the Capitol, was just a small piece of his criminal actions that he took to try to install himself in to power and stealing the election from the winner of the election.

He began his steal, 6 months before the election and still continues now.

He illegally used his administration to interfere with state election results, he had a Doj cronie write a letter to the state legislators saying they found fraud...which they HAD NOT FOUND, which thank God, it was not sent....He had his lawyers sicked on Pence to reject the elector counts, he called the secretary of state in Georgia telling him to find the 11780 votes he needed to win by 1 over Biden and implied he would go after the secretary if he didnt, he called legislators from Pennsylvania to the white House to try to get them to throw out the vote of their citizens and insert their own electors for Trump.... His team, before the election also met with legislators telling them not to accept the people's vote and insert Trump electors, same with Arizona legislators, and I believe the Michigan ones too....he interfered in the State election process, which is ILLEGAL.

I am surprised you didn't know any of this....
Again, no direct evidence.
If you sing when you set fire to a business is only the song considered free speech?
I mean these days.........

states want to hold them criminaly and civily for all the damage they caused. as they all should. blm is the head lice to our society.
Yes, responsible for the damage.

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