states want to hold blm civily and criminaly responsable for the damage they caused

Criminal acts cannot be separated from the other acts.
Of course they can.

You can be charged for robbing a bank, but not for wearing a Biden shirt while doing it.

Free speech = Legal even if accompanied by other illegal acts.

Incredible that this needs to be explained...
You need to get you head out of your ass.
Someone does. :)
I arrested pukes for this kind of crap.
What kind of crap?

Felonies = Felonies.

Free speech = Free speech.
It is called a Criminal Episode and one act cannot be detached from the other.
Felonious conduct can be charged; having a weird haircut or differing view cannot.
If you're in a group of ten people and you're the only one not committing a crime, but you knew that the other were going to... You go to jail too...
It depends; you may wish to speak to a prosecutor to gain clarity.
Have a nice day..
You too! :)
First off, you have a direct link between Trump and the protesters?

Should we go and prosecute the governors and mayors that let the rioters go and told police to stand down? We have direct evidence there.
DO you have a direct link between Blm's organization and the looters, arsonists, and rioters at night?
No matter how you try to justify criminal acts, by yelling "free speech" while you're committing them, will it make it true. My right to be free from you stealing from me or damaging my property is not given up by you claiming it's your free speech right... Your right to free speech ends when you start stomping on my rights.
Thankfully the surge of BLM riots, that we all saw, wained a bit when politics dictated them to do so. IMHO during the lull in riots (for whatever reasons) Americans are now asking themselves "What the hell was that all about?" BLM stands for "Buy Large Mansions" .......Mansions, giant buses to transport the useful idiots and tons of hate and division. I invite anyone to show me anywhere BLM has made any ones life better or matter more.
First off, you have a direct link between Trump and the protesters?

Should we go and prosecute the governors and mayors that let the rioters go and told police to stand down? We have direct evidence there.
trump was proven to not have anything to d withit. and those protestors were prosecuted ;. why should the blms not be for lootintg buring and and rioting? why should they get away with it? they did worse?

states want to hold them criminaly and civily for all the damage they caused. as they all should. blm is the head lice to our society.
You do realize that people cannot be prosecuted for violations of laws that didn't exist at the time of the alleged violation? I think that's covered in the 6th Amendment, possible the 5th.
BLM is an organization.

If any individual, associated with them or not, is committing felonies, that should be addressed legally.

Free speech: Not a felony.
Blm is a terroisthate group. they comitting felonieseverytime loot. burn and and riot. thy aren ot praticiting free speecbh but felonies.
Obviously they were not his rioters, but you've correctly identified an issue.

Free speech = Legal.

Felonies = Felonies.

Those committing felonies may be lawfully charged.

Those engaged in free speech may not be.

So you also disagree that blm, should pay for the damage criminals made...???

So you also disagree that blm, should pay for the damage criminals made...???
Not only do I disagree with the insanely dangerous idea that BLM should be held liable, SCOTUS will strike these laws down as well.

They're outrageous.

I'm not saying I respect BLM, but I do respect free speech and fair law.

These bills attack both.
No; individuals did, and can be charged.


Incredible that conservatives are pushing this brutally oppressive, anti-constitutional idea.
Yet I didn't see you defending those right wing groups that got sued for Charlottesville. Same game.

states want to hold them criminaly and civily for all the damage they caused. as they all should. blm is the head lice to our society.

As they should, no matter who did the damage.

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