Stephanopoulos Features Atheist on Easter Sunday Discussing...Religion?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
By Noel Sheppard

As religious people are bludgeoned with secular views by America's media practically 24/7, it would be nice if they could be given a break on their holiest days.

George Stephanopoulos clearly doesn't feel that way for on Easter Sunday he invited an atheist on ABC's This Week to join a panel discussion about - wait for it! - religion (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Read more: Stephanopoulos Features Atheist on Easter Sunday Discussing...Religion? | NewsBusters

Good for him. He should have had a pagan on to talk about eggs and bunnies too.

You'd rather have what, a monologue? An echo chamber? Got something against alternative/dissenting viewpoints?
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By Noel Sheppard

As religious people are bludgeoned with secular views by America's media practically 24/7, it would be nice if they could be given a break on their holiest days.

George Stephanopoulos clearly doesn't feel that way for on Easter Sunday he invited an atheist on ABC's This Week to join a panel discussion about - wait for it! - religion (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Read more: Stephanopoulos Features Atheist on Easter Sunday Discussing...Religion? | NewsBusters


(My bold)

In the first case, you must be exempting all the 24/7 religious programming channels on cable. & the 700 Club & the various religious programming that goes on weekends.

As for an atheist discussing religion - Why not? We get Roman Catholic priests, bishops, cardinals & pope holding forth about the theology & practice of family & approved sex & procreation issues, when the clergy is @ least officially celibate.

& there's the wonderfully loopy charge that atheism & agnosticism are merely disguised forms of religion, with their own rites, holy books, vestments, holidays & so forth.

I don't watch the networks much - I figure they're aimed @ somebody else, some other demographic. Maybe if time truly hangs heavy on my hands, I'll give it a look.
You don't have to watch it.

And if you're complaining about this and you frequently or even sometimes watch any reality tv're a damn hypocrite.

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