Stephen Miller tests positive for COVID-19


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

Wonder if Pence will agree to the plastic shield now? He was trying to be manly and say he doesn't need one. Would make him look weak.
Whew...the news for the Trump camp gets worse by the hour. :)

What are we up to now, 20 people in Trump's WH circle infected?
I do not wish for anyone to die of this virus but this one tests me on that belief.

“If Sen. Harris wants to use a fortress around herself, have at it,” said Katie Miller, a Pence spokeswoman.

She says this with her husband at home with Covid.
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy...
he put children in cages...not that i was expecting him to be decent...he works for Trump after all

but i wish him all the best
Trump is tweeting the same as usual about random political though nothing is happening
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

The incompetence of this administration is astounding – but not surprising.
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy...
Miller is a racist and a bigot, as is Trump – but no one deserves to have COVID-19, including a racist and bigot.
I do not wish for anyone to die of this virus but this one tests me on that belief.

“If Sen. Harris wants to use a fortress around herself, have at it,” said Katie Miller, a Pence spokeswoman.

She says this with her husband at home with Covid.
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy...
Miller is a racist and a bigot, as is Trump – but no one deserves to have COVID-19, including a racist and bigot.
Dude your a democrat calling a Republican racist? Priceless lol
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

Dude Trump is freeing these people from fear, and no one is sick
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

Crazy conspiracy theory with no basis to it whatsoever.
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy...
Yep, he'll get past it and then in his briefings just breath on the press........
Wonder if Pence will agree to the plastic shield now? He was trying to be manly and say he doesn't need one. Would make him look weak.
Whew...the news for the Trump camp gets worse by the hour. :)

What are we up to now, 20 people in Trump's WH circle infected?

pence has finally relented and agreed to that plastic shield.

These people are just horrific.

They don't want to take any precautions at all.
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

You can prove he was ground zero ?

Pray tell...please do or shut the fuck up.
Wonder if Pence will agree to the plastic shield now? He was trying to be manly and say he doesn't need one. Would make him look weak.
Whew...the news for the Trump camp gets worse by the hour. :)

What are we up to now, 20 people in Trump's WH circle infected?

Yeah, they'll all be dead tomorrow.

Except they probably keep normal schedules since this little bug really isn't that big a deal if you are not a quivering scared little piece of shit like Joe Biden.
trump has become his own covid-19 version of Typhoid Mary.

He has been busy spreading it around to people around him.

So far there's 18 people who have been infected.

How many more will he infect? How many of them will have complications or possibly die?

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy with a nicer wife. Thankfully she won't be there tonight.

But the two camps were split over whether to erect a plexiglass barrier, according to people familiar with the talks. Harris' campaign supported it, Pence's opposed it. “If Sen. Harris wants to use a fortress around herself, have at it,” said Katie Miller, a Pence spokeswoman.​

Btw, here's another Katie Miller classic on family separation and child detention facilities. They deserve one another. :confused:

Miller said her "family and colleagues told me that when I have kids I'll think about the separations differently. But I don't think so. ... DHS sent me to the border to see the separations for myself — to try to make me more compassionate — but it didn't work." Soboroff said he was astonished by Miller's remarks, and asked her: "Are you a white nationalist?" She responded, "No, but I believe if you come to America, you should assimilate. Why do we need to have 'Little Havana'?"​


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