Stepson of Roy Moore Accuser: She’s LYING – ‘I STAND BEHIND THE JUDGE 100%’ (VIDEO)

I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out the allegations are all true though. There are LOTS of stalkers of kids out there. Kids are easy targets. They don't have experience a lot of times and, to put it bluntly, they are stupid a lot of times.

Yes, men who go after 14-year-old children are child diddlers. Fourteen is barely a teenager and some 14-year-olds have NOT gone through puberty yet. Some girls don't begin their period until they are even 15 or 16 years old. Just because you have gone through puberty, doesn't mean you are an "adult." I don't know what the fuck is wrong with some of these men. I really don't. They obviously have some kind of issues though, being attracted to young kids. It's sick. The whole situation is just sick and disturbing as hell.

I agree, but I'm a big benefit of the doubt kinda guy. 38 year-old allegations? Meh, something doesn't smell right.

Well, I hope that he didn't.

Of course, because that's be downright creepy.
The GP simply posted the video which is compelling.
Compelling? Is it really?

Cool story, word is to this day they have a warning picture in the Security offices at the Mall with Moores picture on it

See, where is that stuff? He is a political dude. You know there are folks at old jobs who would jump on a chance to get him back.l for whatever. So where are those people who knew he was a creeper? This is a political hit.

The only reason this is a political hit is because

1. He's in politics
2. Touching children is universally viewed as negative

If he wasnt in politics it'll still be bad the job title doesnt change that

How did Moore making it in as a judge with all the tools of the media to expose him, going on 40 years, if all these allegations are true?

That is a really good point.

Even while judge, why didn't the ACLU or the atheist bring it up while he fought to keep the 10 commandments on public property, or during the Gay Marriage debate, no groups knew of this?

Really? Being such "common knowledge" in the community?

That’s the quickest way for the ACLU and progressives to shut down a 10 Commandment battle with then Judge Moore. Did progressives not think back then that child molestation is contrary to those teachings he was advocating? Also interesting that this comes at the heels of the Harvey Weinstein embarrassment by the left, they have to try muddy the waters by pushing back saying .... “But WAIT! Look at this guy who’s a right-wing conservative!! “
They are playing games on the public. Roy is an innocent man and they know it. They are laughing at Moore trying his best to defend himself over lies. But now they are bringing up about Bill Clinton's rape case and Hillary's scandals as well. The only reason why they are bringing up these matters, just to make it look like that they are not only picking on Moore. But you noticed that Session has not appointed a special counsel, but pretending that he is going to. But once the election is over, that Session will come up with an excuse, why he cannot appoint a special counsel, it is because of the made up over-night law, the Exo-Change-o law that says that he cannot do it. And then we all will say," Ah chucks!!! We has came close on convicting Hillary, until the ole' Exo-Change-o law has gotten in the way and blocked us from doing so." And so then they had succeeded on moving Moore out of the way, and Pres.Trump is back where he has started, with no help at all. And Bill Clinton back messing around with Bimbos. And we all are looking stupid for falling for their tricks...
Now here is another important point. How many of these accusations coming forward involve an attorney and steps towards prosecution. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t see why you wait 40 YEARS before you as a parent decide to go after someone who molested your child. Especially if you have such detailed recollections of the event in question. I couldn’t be silent, knowing that someone you honestly believe is a pedofile intends to serve the public with that knowledge. Wouldn’t you WANT other parents and families to know? Who does that?!?
Now here is another important point. How many of these accusations coming forward involve an attorney and steps towards prosecution. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t see why you wait 40 YEARS before you as a parent decide to go after someone who molested your child. Especially if you have such detailed recollections of the event in question. I couldn’t be silent, knowing that someone you honestly believe is a pedofile intends to serve the public with that knowledge. Wouldn’t you WANT other parents and families to know? Who does that?!?

I know that people like to pretend that waiting a long time to report these things is out of the ordinary but that is not really the case, it is in fact the norm.

There are lots of reasons why some wait. The most common reason why is the backlash they face when they do come forward. These women have been dragged through the mud and all sorts of accusation have been made against them (just look at this thread). Communities often rally around the accused and ostracized the accusers. That is a hard thing to live with, especially when one is young and unestablished. The first woman to come out, the one that was 14, said she didn't come forward sooner because her children were still in school and didn't want them to face the backlash that she is now facing. That seems a pretty legit concern to me, as a parent.
Now here is another important point. How many of these accusations coming forward involve an attorney and steps towards prosecution. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t see why you wait 40 YEARS before you as a parent decide to go after someone who molested your child. Especially if you have such detailed recollections of the event in question. I couldn’t be silent, knowing that someone you honestly believe is a pedofile intends to serve the public with that knowledge. Wouldn’t you WANT other parents and families to know? Who does that?!?

I know that people like to pretend that waiting a long time to report these things is out of the ordinary but that is not really the case, it is in fact the norm.

There are lots of reasons why some wait. The most common reason why is the backlash they face when they do come forward. These women have been dragged through the mud and all sorts of accusation have been made against them (just look at this thread). Communities often rally around the accused and ostracized the accusers. That is a hard thing to live with, especially when one is young and unestablished. The first woman to come out, the one that was 14, said she didn't come forward sooner because her children were still in school and didn't want them to face the backlash that she is now facing. That seems a pretty legit concern to me, as a parent.

NOT if you are the parent of a child who was sexually attacked or molested. For the victim, perhaps, but if the mother knew about this all of those years ago? Inexcusable.
If my teen daughter came home telling me about some 30-something-year-old man trying to molest her, damn right there would be hell to pay. I would go right to the police to file a complaint.
Now here is another important point. How many of these accusations coming forward involve an attorney and steps towards prosecution. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t see why you wait 40 YEARS before you as a parent decide to go after someone who molested your child. Especially if you have such detailed recollections of the event in question. I couldn’t be silent, knowing that someone you honestly believe is a pedofile intends to serve the public with that knowledge. Wouldn’t you WANT other parents and families to know? Who does that?!?

I know that people like to pretend that waiting a long time to report these things is out of the ordinary but that is not really the case, it is in fact the norm.

There are lots of reasons why some wait. The most common reason why is the backlash they face when they do come forward. These women have been dragged through the mud and all sorts of accusation have been made against them (just look at this thread). Communities often rally around the accused and ostracized the accusers. That is a hard thing to live with, especially when one is young and unestablished. The first woman to come out, the one that was 14, said she didn't come forward sooner because her children were still in school and didn't want them to face the backlash that she is now facing. That seems a pretty legit concern to me, as a parent.

NOT if you are the parent of a child who was sexually attacked or molested. For the victim, perhaps, but if the mother knew about this all of those years ago? Inexcusable.

you think it's easy to go up against a powerful man?
Now here is another important point. How many of these accusations coming forward involve an attorney and steps towards prosecution. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t see why you wait 40 YEARS before you as a parent decide to go after someone who molested your child. Especially if you have such detailed recollections of the event in question. I couldn’t be silent, knowing that someone you honestly believe is a pedofile intends to serve the public with that knowledge. Wouldn’t you WANT other parents and families to know? Who does that?!?

I know that people like to pretend that waiting a long time to report these things is out of the ordinary but that is not really the case, it is in fact the norm.

There are lots of reasons why some wait. The most common reason why is the backlash they face when they do come forward. These women have been dragged through the mud and all sorts of accusation have been made against them (just look at this thread). Communities often rally around the accused and ostracized the accusers. That is a hard thing to live with, especially when one is young and unestablished. The first woman to come out, the one that was 14, said she didn't come forward sooner because her children were still in school and didn't want them to face the backlash that she is now facing. That seems a pretty legit concern to me, as a parent.

NOT if you are the parent of a child who was sexually attacked or molested. For the victim, perhaps, but if the mother knew about this all of those years ago? Inexcusable.

you think it's easy to go up against a powerful man?

Easy? When it comes to someone attacking my child, that is not something that would cross my mind. I would file a complaint immediately. You wouldn't? Oh forget it honey, he is TOO powerful.
Still trying to figure out why this didnt' come out when he was removed from the bench, not once, but TWICE
Now here is another important point. How many of these accusations coming forward involve an attorney and steps towards prosecution. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t see why you wait 40 YEARS before you as a parent decide to go after someone who molested your child. Especially if you have such detailed recollections of the event in question. I couldn’t be silent, knowing that someone you honestly believe is a pedofile intends to serve the public with that knowledge. Wouldn’t you WANT other parents and families to know? Who does that?!?

I know that people like to pretend that waiting a long time to report these things is out of the ordinary but that is not really the case, it is in fact the norm.

There are lots of reasons why some wait. The most common reason why is the backlash they face when they do come forward. These women have been dragged through the mud and all sorts of accusation have been made against them (just look at this thread). Communities often rally around the accused and ostracized the accusers. That is a hard thing to live with, especially when one is young and unestablished. The first woman to come out, the one that was 14, said she didn't come forward sooner because her children were still in school and didn't want them to face the backlash that she is now facing. That seems a pretty legit concern to me, as a parent.

NOT if you are the parent of a child who was sexually attacked or molested. For the victim, perhaps, but if the mother knew about this all of those years ago? Inexcusable.

you think it's easy to go up against a powerful man?

Easy? When it comes to someone attacking my child, that is not something that would cross my mind. I would file a complaint immediately. You wouldn't? Oh forget it honey, he is TOO powerful.

That is an easy thing to say sitting behind your computer never having experienced it.
Now here is another important point. How many of these accusations coming forward involve an attorney and steps towards prosecution. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t see why you wait 40 YEARS before you as a parent decide to go after someone who molested your child. Especially if you have such detailed recollections of the event in question. I couldn’t be silent, knowing that someone you honestly believe is a pedofile intends to serve the public with that knowledge. Wouldn’t you WANT other parents and families to know? Who does that?!?

I know that people like to pretend that waiting a long time to report these things is out of the ordinary but that is not really the case, it is in fact the norm.

There are lots of reasons why some wait. The most common reason why is the backlash they face when they do come forward. These women have been dragged through the mud and all sorts of accusation have been made against them (just look at this thread). Communities often rally around the accused and ostracized the accusers. That is a hard thing to live with, especially when one is young and unestablished. The first woman to come out, the one that was 14, said she didn't come forward sooner because her children were still in school and didn't want them to face the backlash that she is now facing. That seems a pretty legit concern to me, as a parent.

NOT if you are the parent of a child who was sexually attacked or molested. For the victim, perhaps, but if the mother knew about this all of those years ago? Inexcusable.

you think it's easy to go up against a powerful man?

Easy? When it comes to someone attacking my child, that is not something that would cross my mind. I would file a complaint immediately. You wouldn't? Oh forget it honey, he is TOO powerful.

That is an easy thing to say sitting behind your computer never having experienced it.

I don't have to have experienced it to know what I would do if my daughter was sexually assaulted.
Now here is another important point. How many of these accusations coming forward involve an attorney and steps towards prosecution. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t see why you wait 40 YEARS before you as a parent decide to go after someone who molested your child. Especially if you have such detailed recollections of the event in question. I couldn’t be silent, knowing that someone you honestly believe is a pedofile intends to serve the public with that knowledge. Wouldn’t you WANT other parents and families to know? Who does that?!?

I know that people like to pretend that waiting a long time to report these things is out of the ordinary but that is not really the case, it is in fact the norm.

There are lots of reasons why some wait. The most common reason why is the backlash they face when they do come forward. These women have been dragged through the mud and all sorts of accusation have been made against them (just look at this thread). Communities often rally around the accused and ostracized the accusers. That is a hard thing to live with, especially when one is young and unestablished. The first woman to come out, the one that was 14, said she didn't come forward sooner because her children were still in school and didn't want them to face the backlash that she is now facing. That seems a pretty legit concern to me, as a parent.

... coming forward about 40 years later.

Where is the advancement towards prosecution and the attorney representing each case? Bill Cosby was faced with legal prosecution behind the allegations from several accusers. President Clinton faced allegations from the time he was governor that went forward towards a legal battle in provide their evidence. So what legal actions taken here ... or are these just simply defamitory statements without any position of legal recourse? Hillary Clinton tried that with candidate Trump with plenty of media reporting each woman who was coming forward with accusations, then it all simply fizzled away without offering steps toward prosecution or a means to allow for a defense through legal action. Which of the two are we seeing played out here?
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I have a son, not a daughter, but same thing applies. If he came home and told me someone had sexually assaulted him, I don't care who it was, I am going straight to the police department to file charges.

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