Connecticut Judge Throws Out Election Results and Orders New Primary After “Shocking” Evidence of Democrat Ballot Fraud

Prove it. Video shows only boxes. Which boxes? who did what at lunch break? Would not hold up in a real court, 6AM vote spike after? Afraid I need more. Not one DEM can be trusted //


"Lunch break??"

You're out of your fucking mind, con. Typical conservative. :cuckoo:

The ballots were sealed and stowed under the table, in full view of the observers and press, at 10:06PM. They were then told to return to counting less than an hour later and pulled out those same sealed boxes at 11:00PM.

There was no lunch break during those 54 minutes late at night.

hour later and pulled out those same sealed boxes at 11:00PM.

in the words of the ever-loving Libstain Loons, “prove the boxes pulled out were the same”. There could have been other boxes put under there during the day. And they kept re-running stacks? The whole system sucketh. The pictures of 5 Ruby crew outside in Biden T-shirts shown OCT2020.

you may have cleared this one (you think you did). But there are thousands more out there co-inciding with vote spikes at shutdown times. The whole thing is suspect.
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in the words of the ever-loving Libstain Loons, “prove the boxes pulled out were the same”. There could have been other boxes put under there during the day. And they kept re-running stacks? The whole system sucketh. The pictures of 5 Ruby crew outside in Biden T-shirts shown OCT2020.

you may have cleared this one (you think you did). But there are thousands more out there co-inciding with vote spikes at shutdown times. The whole thing is suspect.

It's all on surveillance video, rube.

Of course, I'm telling that to an idiot who thought they took a lunch break until 11pm. To a moron who ignores Giuliani confessed to lying about Freeman and Moss committing election fraud.

It's all on surveillance video, rube.

Of course, I'm telling that to an idiot who thought they took a lunch break until 11pm. To a moron who ignores Giuliani confessed to lying about Freeman and Moss committing election fraud.


No one ever said lunch break at 11PM. Are you crazy? I said the table went in at ~8AM. Then you say they did nothing under the table until ~10PM. That is 14 hours? Surley break times happened all day long. A box of Test Ballots could have been slid under anytime during the day. GOVT employees get many breaks....long lunch breaks. etc. It is possible. 60MINUTES MSM would not be my source to find out ANY Truths.//
No one ever said lunch break at 11PM. Are you crazy? I said the table went in at ~8AM. Then you say they did nothing under the table until ~10PM. That is 14 hours? Surley break times happened all day long. A box of Test Ballots could have been slid under anytime during the day. GOVT employees get many breaks....long lunch breaks. etc. It is possible. 60MINUTES MSM would not be my source to find out ANY Truths.//

Dumbfuck, there were no ballots under that table until 10:06pm.
No one ever argued that. In any human endeavor someone will try and game the system. What this shows is that when it does happen it's pretty easy to catch.

Other seems to think that case after case after case where no evidence is actually presented that it shows some widespread abuse. It does not.

This sort of voter fraud is NOT at all easy to catch.
If she had not been caught on video repeatedly, no one would have caught it.
And if she had any intelligence at all she could easily have avoided being caught by just avoiding cameras, changing clothes, having others do most of the stuffing, etc.
The proof it was so easy means there is no way to know.
One of more than 9,000 challenges?

The system works.

MAGA has bigly lost because the solid majority is on to its scam.

Challenges can not at all detect fraudulent ballots dumped onto drop boxes illegally.
The system clearly does not work.
Everyone using drop boxes should have their identity recorded.
This sort of voter fraud is NOT at all easy to catch.
If she had not been caught on video repeatedly, no one would have caught it.
And if she had any intelligence at all she could easily have avoided being caught by just avoiding cameras, changing clothes, having others do most of the stuffing, etc.
The proof it was so easy means there is no way to know.
A few nuts, no worries, dupe
One of more than 9,000 challenges?

The system works.

MAGA has bigly lost because the solid majority is on to its scam.

It is impossible to make challenges from the outside, once the evidence has been destroyed.
There is why they instead just redid the entire election in Bridgeport, CN.
And I have seen 3 videos of the 2020 presidential election that were identical to the Bridgeport fraud.
Bags of ballots being stuffed by an unauthorized person.

"Lunch break??"

You're out of your fucking mind, con. Typical conservative. :cuckoo:

The ballots were sealed and stowed under the table, in full view of the observers and press, at 10:06PM. They were then told to return to counting less than an hour later and pulled out those same sealed boxes at 11:00PM.

There was no lunch break during those 54 minutes late at night.


But it was illegal to return to counting the ballots after the observers were sent home.

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