Steve King's Anti -Immigrant Protest

ok, that man is one creepy wigged out person

so, let me be the first to say

who cares

gawd you people are digging from the bottom of the gutter
ok, that man is one creepy wigged out person

so, let me be the first to say

who cares

gawd you people are diggrng from the bottom of the gutter

Incorrect. He's one creepy wigged out teabagger.
like I said, the gutter
HOLY SMOKES a bee hive of low IQ people ranting spewing nothing but hate
don't go to that link folks, it will hurt
I didn't know. There were more. .many more...

Demonizing Migrant Children Proves An Epic Fail For Anti-Immigrant Groups | ThinkProgress

To make their case that Americans are really upset about an increase in unaccompanied children at the border, anti-immigrant groups staged what was supposed to have been a massive number of protests around the country. They staged a “National Day of Protesting Against Immigration Reform, Amnesty & Border Surge” which for some reason was actually two days, this past Friday and Saturday. This effort was led by three anti-immigrant groups, ALIPAC, Make Them Listen, and Overpasses for America.

Local anti-immigrant groups, many of them associated with the national anti-immigrant organization Federation for American Immigration Reform, then encouraged people to join a local protest. This included groups like Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform, South Carolina’s Americans Have Had Enough Coalition, Oregonians For Immigration Reform, Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform, New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement and Help Save Maryland. The right wing World Net Daily “news” website which has a long history of fomenting conspiracy theories wrote a glowing article on the coming protests entitled “Hundreds of Cities fight back Against ‘Invasion’.”

The organizers sent around a list of some 300 locations where protests would allegedly be occurring around the country.

Despite this all in effort, the anti-immigrants failed miserably to turn people out to protest children. If these rallies around the country were meant to demonstrate the power of the anti-immigrant movement, they may instead signal its end. In many cases, no one showed up at all. In others, the numbers were miniscule. In still others, anti-immigrant protestors were overwhelmed in numbers by local people who rallied in counter protests supporting both the children fleeing violence and immigrants already here.
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