Steve Utash near ready to leave hospital

You wouldn't care if the victim was black, would you?

What makes you think that? The woman who saved him was black. But the media whitewashed that she saved him with a gun. When the national media stopped ignoring this story, they never mentioned she used a gun to scare off the attackers. Only the local media mentioned that.
Beating victim Steve Utash 'almost back to his old self,' will leave hospital soon | Detroit Free Press |

Maybe Obama might comment on Michael Sam taking a shit. That would be more comment worthy for libfags.

Well, i'm certainly glad the guy who ran over a child is going to recover from the beating he got.

You are such a scumbag. Every account had the child running out into the street. He was beat when he checked to see how the child was doing. Nobody said he was at fault.

You are a fucking asshole. Typical of a liberal.
Beating victim Steve Utash 'almost back to his old self,' will leave hospital soon | Detroit Free Press |

Maybe Obama might comment on Michael Sam taking a shit. That would be more comment worthy for libfags.

Well, i'm certainly glad the guy who ran over a child is going to recover from the beating he got.

Wow dude, you sound as if he deserved it. According to witnesses the child ran out into the street in front of Utash's vehicle. When Utash STOPPED TO RENDER AID he was mobbed by these animals and nearly beaten to death.

Care to come back and change your tone ?
Beating victim Steve Utash 'almost back to his old self,' will leave hospital soon | Detroit Free Press |

Maybe Obama might comment on Michael Sam taking a shit. That would be more comment worthy for libfags.

Well, i'm certainly glad the guy who ran over a child is going to recover from the beating he got.

You are such a scumbag. Every account had the child running out into the street. He was beat when he checked to see how the child was doing. Nobody said he was at fault.

You are a fucking asshole. Typical of a liberal.

He ran over a black child. Sorry, people got emotional over that for some reason.

Maybe because when you go around giving guys like ZImmerman a pass for shooting black kids, you don't wait for the justice system.
Beating victim Steve Utash 'almost back to his old self,' will leave hospital soon | Detroit Free Press |

Maybe Obama might comment on Michael Sam taking a shit. That would be more comment worthy for libfags.

Well, i'm certainly glad the guy who ran over a child is going to recover from the beating he got.

Wow dude, you sound as if he deserved it. According to witnesses the child ran out into the street in front of Utash's vehicle. When Utash STOPPED TO RENDER AID he was mobbed by these animals and nearly beaten to death.

Care to come back and change your tone ?

Nope. Not really. He ran over a kid.

People reacted emotionally. A lot of them are going to go to jail for it.
So you'll blame a black the accidentally ran over a white kid who darted out into the street should a white mob attack the driver?
So you'll blame a black the accidentally ran over a white kid who darted out into the street should a white mob attack the driver?

Do you have a case to cite, or are you just citing hypotheticals.

The thing is, if a black guy ran over a white kid, he'd go to jail.

Not if it was accidental, you idiot.

Um, yeah, he probably would.

Heck, we get damned close to executing black folks for crimes they didn't even do in this country.
Jesus, do you have brain damage!

You mean that I see that Blacks get a different quality of justice in this country than White People do?

Um, yeah... I totally see that. Because that's the reality.

If you want to go there, show me an example of a black being convicted of a hate crime against a white person.

Or tell me why the media ignores black on gay crime?
Jesus, do you have brain damage!

You mean that I see that Blacks get a different quality of justice in this country than White People do?

Um, yeah... I totally see that. Because that's the reality.

If you want to go there, show me an example of a black being convicted of a hate crime against a white person.

Or tell me why the media ignores black on gay crime?

whenever I hear a statement like 'Media ignores", I tune it out.

A simple Google search would have found a lot of black folks convicted of hate crimes against whites.

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