Still Befuddled Over Ford?,Definitely Remembers The Person 100%, Yet Can't Recall The Day And Place?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:dunno: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_think: Am I the only one who sees it in this manner? How can any woman, who went thru this and any similar traumatic event recall the culprit to a Tee, 100 per cent sure "It Was Him",,yet, cant even remember the day/night/location/how she got there and who took her home when she was 15?
This is one of those, look, either you were very intoxicated, or not dilemma/scenarios.

And no one asked her about this? , "How can you remember the person who molested you, yet you have no idea when and where the incident occured?"
Christ !!! even Jimmy Carter remembers all of the details of that tragic event the last time he was molested by an angry/giant bunny from HELL !!!
you know, im not sure if i was ever molested between the years of 1972 to 2016.
:dunno: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_think: Am I the only one who sees it in this manner? How can any woman, who went thru this and any similar traumatic event recall the culprit to a Tee, 100 per cent sure "It Was Him",,yet, cant even remember the day/night/location/how she got there and who took her home when she was 15?
This is one of those, look, either you were very intoxicated, or not dilemma/scenarios.

And no one asked her about this? , "How can you remember the person who molested you, yet you have no idea when and where the incident occured?"
They just wanted to find fifty more women to come forward so that way her story filled with holes will now be filled with craters.

We see her lies , but the ones who don't are pretending they don't see them. Go along to get along they do that best.
yet, Miss Piggy remembers all of the dates she was molested by frogs and people who look like bernie sanders
Every time I get molested by a hot woman, I remember every single disgusting detail.

And it’s traumatic! How do you make it through buddy? I’m here to support you. #metoo

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