Still Think Only White People Are Racist? Think Again | Larry Elder


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Lot's of stats the racist left are gonna dislike. A lot. Plus some information that most won't even know.

Still Think Only White People Are Racist? Think Again | Larry Elder​

Of course blacks are racist as hell, have been for a very long time. But stupid white people made themselves feel so guilty for shit that they never did they won't admit it and tricked themselves into thinking whites are the only racist people around.

But yeah whites don't like blacks, neither do Mexicans or Asians. I have the solution, get rid of the blacks because no one likes them and you remove the source of racism.
Of course blacks are racist as hell, have been for a very long time. But stupid white people made themselves feel so guilty for shit that they never did they won't admit it and tricked themselves into thinking whites are the only racist people around.

But yeah whites don't like blacks, neither do Mexicans or Asians. I have the solution, get rid of the blacks because no one likes them and you remove the source of racism.

I feel no guilt left.
Lot's of stats the racist left are gonna dislike. A lot. Plus some information that most won't even know.

Still Think Only White People Are Racist? Think Again | Larry Elder​

Al Sharpton and Luis Farrakhan are antisemites.
So is Gabe Lackman
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Who here has claimed that only white people are racist? Name names.
Fuck names. Just try being honest. Have you never heard the claim that black people (perhaps referencing black Americans?) “can’t be racist” (by some weird definition)?

For example:

Bonus: at least one name included!
Blacks in Hellifornia are more racist than the KKK could ever HOPE to be!!!
Thems some EEEEVIL fukkin POS!!!!!

The ones from up North think their shit don't stink, and all other races need to bow down to them and GIVE them everything they ask for.

The ones down here in the South are just lazy as hell.

No, thats not all blacks.......the majority are ghetto trash that are like this. But there are TONS of Black "Karens" that have pretend jobs and live the high life off of welfare and housing.
Oh. And to be clear, that’s one shitty “definition.” It’s also just plain wrong. Racism is emphatically NOT about power. It is however about race and bigotry and preconceived notions.
Of course blacks are racist as hell, have been for a very long time. But stupid white people made themselves feel so guilty for shit that they never did they won't admit it and tricked themselves into thinking whites are the only racist people around.

But yeah whites don't like blacks, neither do Mexicans or Asians. I have the solution, get rid of the blacks because no one likes them and you remove the source of racism.
Not all blacks are racist, neither are all whites.
Fuck names. Just try being honest. Have you never heard the claim that black people (perhaps referencing black Americans?) “can’t be racist” (by some weird definition)?

For example:

Bonus: at least one name included!

Racism is not something that comes out of the blue sky. It is, for the most part, transmitted by parents to their children. Kids can also pick it up from their peers.
The same pattern applies to antisemitism.
Of course blacks are racist as hell, have been for a very long time. But stupid white people made themselves feel so guilty for shit that they never did they won't admit it and tricked themselves into thinking whites are the only racist people around.

But yeah whites don't like blacks, neither do Mexicans or Asians. I have the solution, get rid of the blacks because no one likes them and you remove the source of racism.

Show the legislation made by blacks that denied whites of any opportunity based on them being white.
Oh. And to be clear, that’s one shitty “definition.” It’s also just plain wrong. Racism is emphatically NOT about power. It is however about race and bigotry and preconceived notions.
There are preconcieved notions, such as blacks complain about racism to have an excuse for failure, and there are fact based conclusions based on past and current white behavior. Seems like the racists who are using the rant of a mentally unstable man to create a thread full of false equivalences don't seem to understand this.
Oh. And to be clear, that’s one shitty “definition.” It’s also just plain wrong. Racism is emphatically NOT about power. It is however about race and bigotry and preconceived notions.
Racism is about power. You haven't experienced racism. You probably experienced being called names. Whites have had a consistent pattern of behavior. And for our own protection we can't just blindly assume nobody white is racist. Too many blacks have ended up dead because they trusted someone white not to be racist. And that's what we're called racists for. Not that we made up a lie that we passed down through generations and enforced that belief by rule of law like whites have done.
Racism is not something that comes out of the blue sky. It is, for the most part, transmitted by parents to their children. Kids can also pick it up from their peers.
The same pattern applies to antisemitism.
Like many whites have done for generations. This is what we see here at USMB.
Of course blacks are racist as hell, have been for a very long time. But stupid white people made themselves feel so guilty for shit that they never did they won't admit it and tricked themselves into thinking whites are the only racist people around.

But yeah whites don't like blacks, neither do Mexicans or Asians. I have the solution, get rid of the blacks because no one likes them and you remove the source of racism.
Most of the Mexicans and Asians I know aren't particularly fond of whites. And most sane whites don't like you racists.
Internalized racism is defined by Dr. Karen Pike as, the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated." Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of black people. They will adopt white racist beliefs and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college.

“The dominant group [whites] control the construction of reality through the production of ideologies or “knowledge” (Foucault 1977 [1975]) that circulate throughout society where they inform social norms, organizational practices, bureaucratic procedures, and common-sense knowledge. In this way, the interests of the oppressors are presented as reflecting everyone’s best interests, thereby getting oppressed groups to accept the dominant group’s interests as their own and minimize conflict (see also Pyke 1996:529).”6

What the OP has provided is a fine example of a person suffering with internalized racism. He's mentally unstable but the racist right will pay this nut any amount of money hoping that his being black will draw in just enough blacks for republicans to control the country.
There are preconcieved notions, such as blacks complain about racism to have an excuse for failure, and there are fact based conclusions based on past and current white behavior. Seems like the racists who are using the rant of a mentally unstable man to create a thread full of false equivalences don't seem to understand this.
You make no sense. You try so hard to deny that you’re a racist but almost everything you say probes that all you are is a racist.

You have your preconceived notions about white behavior and try to pawn them off as “facts.” You truly are an idiot.

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