Stimulus fAiL = 2 Million per Green Job!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Obama Visits Corporation Where His Stimulus Created 'Green' Jobs at $2 Million Per Job |

Can it get any more laughable?

2.4 Billion in Federal grants - 150 jobs building batteries for electric cars!!!


More liberal keeps getting better and better every day!!!:funnyface::funnyface::boobies:
Sounds about right.

The socialist fucks goal is not "global warming" because every intelligent individual knows that GW is a myth - its to destroy capitalist wealth.

How do you create a global socialist economy? well first you have to collapse the capitalist model, and how do you do that? you tell a bunch of fucked up collectivists they will die if the government doesn't rob the capitalist people of their wealth so they can stop this global warming emergency.

The AGW bullshit is nothing more than a tool for the socialist movement to collapse the model.

Why do you think they keep changing the name of the idea? one day its "global warming" the next its "climate change." That's because they rely on idiots to buy the same brand of cereal under a different name. Just like retards buy the exact same product when they go to the stores but pay more for the different "name brand box." It's the same shit but the retards apparently believe there is a difference.

I suppose for one to realize any of my assertions they'd have to take their fucking goggles off and read between the lines and care about truth instead of what they want to believe.

There idea's are failing...You'll think that some of the solar and wind power would work on some scales, but at a larger scale the only choice is nuclear if you don't went to have co2.

Wait'll the Varsity takes over in 2013 in January = no more having to take BS from these environmental k00ks and their radical fcukked up agenda's. Out with the fringe..........miserable fcukks wont know what hit them when the government is moved the fcukk out of the way to allow the market to dictate affordable energy.

Hmmmm.........wonder what that'll be??:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:
We would be a much wealthier country if we would just drill for our resources and didn't have all this stupid red tape. Now I do agree with reducing ash and other crap that has done wonders in the past 50 years to clean our air and has reduced pollution within rivers, ect, but this is going a step to far. We need common sense.
Want I want to know is why "We can't just all get along?" Obviously this impasse is getting us downhill.. The greatest nation in the earth is casting a very poor showing.
Want I want to know is why "We can't just all get along?" Obviously this impasse is getting us downhill.. The greatest nation in the earth is casting a very poor showing.

Not going to happen s0n. This talk on the left of "compromise", which are popular these days, is nothing more than a scam. When we compromise with the idea's of the left on how to address problems in the world, we are left with catastrophic results because they dont care about results.........what is important to the left is that the intentions are good. These people either do not have the ability to think on the margin ( a majority) or refuse to think on the margin ( a minority ). The liberal mind never, and I mean NEVER factors into their thought process the answer to the question, "At what price?". Indeed..........its is not at all important to them, thus, when it comes right down to it, the whole global warming debate is a gigantic joke, because even if 100% of us concurred on the cause, addressing it with liberal idea's would place the entire world in abject poverty. Imagine following the idea of somebody who told you they could easily wrap their minds around the concept of infinity.:2up::2up::2up:

Watch this video and then think about the questions posed and apply it to the global warming debate.........and then think about the recent announcement by the UN that for the world to go green would cost the civilized world 76 trillion dollars. Then go back and watch the video again...............

I was a full bore lefty in college about 80 years ago.......hypnotized by "The German Ideology" written by Marx in the late 1800's. Read some of the works of the guy in this video, Thomas Sowell, and realized how foolish I had become embracing the idealism of the philosophy of the left.
[ame=]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
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More k00k liberal ideas.......the EPA is about to sock it to utilities across the contry for a cost of over 800 million.

64K question of the day is............for the radical environmental nuts who love this stuff, whats the tradeoff?
All this jabber, and no one even bothers to see how many jobs are out there in this sector.

Green Jobs Network

In just Portland alone, we have had about 2000 jobs created in just the solar sector.

SoloPower to announce plans for $340 million North Portland solar panel plant |

In a surprise move, SoloPower officials will announce plans Friday to bring a $340 million solar plant to North Portland, abandoning an $11 million incentive package tied to Wilsonville.

SoloPower has outlined plans to initially employ 170 people, possibly increasing to 500 employees within five years, making thin-film solar panels.

Solar World already employes over 1000 here, and there are several other smaller specialty companies that employ people in this sector.

Then we also have the wind industry, which employes many more in very good paying jobs, and has many jobs going begging for lack of trained people.

turbine jobs in Oregon |
All this jabber, and no one even bothers to see how many jobs are out there in this sector.

Green Jobs Network

In just Portland alone, we have had about 2000 jobs created in just the solar sector.

SoloPower to announce plans for $340 million North Portland solar panel plant |

In a surprise move, SoloPower officials will announce plans Friday to bring a $340 million solar plant to North Portland, abandoning an $11 million incentive package tied to Wilsonville.

SoloPower has outlined plans to initially employ 170 people, possibly increasing to 500 employees within five years, making thin-film solar panels.

Solar World already employes over 1000 here, and there are several other smaller specialty companies that employ people in this sector.

Then we also have the wind industry, which employes many more in very good paying jobs, and has many jobs going begging for lack of trained people.

turbine jobs in Oregon |


less than 2% green related nationwide.

Meanwhile, the EPA and the green k00ks are robbing people of jobs all over the country in the coming months with these new regulations, AND, of course, sticking taxpayers with higher energy costs!!

Well intentioned hyper-idealists are contributing to the demise of our great country....and agenda driven greedy profiteeers are taking full advantage of it too. Funniest of all? The hyper-idealists think the greedy profiteers are motivated by saviing the environment!!:boobies::boobies::coffee:

Who was it that said, "There is a sucker born every day!!!"??????????
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And the polluters are getting their way here, and our economy is booming, correct?

Europe & Japan are screwed up, so who knows what took Germany down. We know Germany went to green energy extremes after the Japan nuclear meltdown. There are practical limits to green energy. There are ways to do green jobs that don't cost millions per job. The US needs more wind turbines ASAP to get us to 20% wind energy. That is not a costly venture & will create many jobs. We also need to drill more domestic oil.
Didn't something click in people's heads when Obama appointed a former leader of an arson and looting rampage who became a communist to his green jobs board. Van Jones had no background in green jobs. He was an old fashioned revolutionary and that's what the radical green movement is all about.
more laughable failed green energy fraud...........this only cost the taxpayers 1/2 a billion

Solyndra to Declare Bankruptcy | NBC Bay Area

And next week, out dopey president is going to come out and call for more green stimulus:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

And to think how many millions of Americans took him at his word about "Hope and Change". He wasnt kidding too...........a new era in America. Burning money publically!!!
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more laughable failed green energy fraud...........this only cost the taxpayers 1/2 a billion

Solyndra to Declare Bankruptcy | NBC Bay Area

And next week, out dopey president is going to come out and call for more green stimulus:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

And to think how many millions of Americans took him at his word about "Hope and Change". He wasnt kidding too...........a new era in America. Burning money publically!!!

You'll have to go back to at least Carter to find worst. :lol::lol::lol: Carter looks good next to this guy. :eek:

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