Stock Market responding VERY favorably to Biden and the Dems.

Just wait till they hike taxes and $15.00 minimum wage
If by hike taxes you mean repeal the Trump welfare for the rich..yeah..i think you can count on it.

$15 min. wage? nah...not at first..some incremental rise over 4 $15..yeah...i imagine that is going to happen also.

Sounds like a good plan to recreate the working middle-class..and trim the fat off of some cats.
Letting people keep their money isnt "welfare" We have plenty of corporate welfare but tax cuts arent it.
I cant wait to lose my tax cut that Biden promised he wouldnt do! lol
Bye bye stimulus money
Just wait till they hike taxes and $15.00 minimum wage
If by hike taxes you mean repeal the Trump welfare for the rich..yeah..i think you can count on it.

$15 min. wage? nah...not at first..some incremental rise over 4 $15..yeah...i imagine that is going to happen also.

Sounds like a good plan to recreate the working middle-class..and trim the fat off of some cats.
That tax cut repeal will take that 2000.00 stimulus check back that they really don’t want you to have.

As one of the quote 'wealthy' Biden and the Dems have promised to cut my taxes by getting rid of the SALT cap so I'm going to get a nice windfall while the naive poor and middle class get screwed over again by the Dems.
That tax cut repeal will take that 2000.00 stimulus check back that they really don’t want you to have.

Seems to me there are alternatives. Give everyone $2,000, then $4,000, then $8,000, all the time printing money and destroying the value of the dollar, and watching the inflation rise from 2% to 4% to 8% to 16%. . . . . to 1024% and on up to rival Zimbabwe ---------

They could set the people free to make a living as they saw fit, not bossing everyone around in stores, forbidding every commercial and social activity, requiring everyone to wear a burka --- and then we could go back to normal.

Naaaaaaaaah, they'll never set people free. Too much fun to be totalitarian dictators.
Us losing the reserve currency status is going to be a punch in the gut.

Yes, it is. I've been reading that too, that this is China's chance to move up big time and substitute their currency for ours as world reserve currency. I don't say China did this pandemic on purpose, but wow, they sure know the rule about never letting a crisis go to waste!!

I figure they'll take back Taiwan at this time, too. They will never get a better time for it, IMO. Wait till inauguration of the Biden appease-everyone admin and move on Taiwan. At least.
Like I said:
AI, 5G, Cloud, Cybersecurity, E commerce, Digital Advertising, Green energy, EVs, Telehealth, Augmented reality, Social Media, Blockchain, Cannabis, Gene editing, Gene sequencing, and so much more is going to power the economy to new highs. The market is going up a lot more.

We are in 1995/6

Disagree. It's a bad bubble, an obvious bubble, and it will pop with a loud noise.

Please tell me you aren't saying, "This time is different!"
You aren't looking at the individual stocks and what they do. There is a lot of growth in this economy and market.

Look at NET, CRWD, APPS, GTBIF, TDOC, STNE, NVDA, AMD, TER. According to you they are overvalued bubbles, but if you actually look at what they do you'd know they are going to continue growing rapidly which means they will continue to beat ER, which means more upside.

You're just bitter because you are under performing, and I'm sure you don't want Biden to do well.
Like I said:
AI, 5G, Cloud, Cybersecurity, E commerce, Digital Advertising, Green energy, EVs, Telehealth, Augmented reality, Social Media, Blockchain, Cannabis, Gene editing, Gene sequencing, and so much more is going to power the economy to new highs. The market is going up a lot more.

We are in 1995/6

Disagree. It's a bad bubble, an obvious bubble, and it will pop with a loud noise.

Please tell me you aren't saying, "This time is different!"
You aren't looking at the individual stocks and what they do. There is a lot of growth in this economy and market.

Look at NET, CRWD, APPS, GTBIF, TDOC, STNE, NVDA, AMD, TER. According to you they are overvalued bubbles, but if you actually look at what they do you'd know they are going to continue growing rapidly which means they will continue to beat ER, which means more upside.

You're just bitter because you are under performing, and I'm sure you don't want Biden to do well.
Hahahahaha Biden has never done anything in his life he certainly won't start now.
You're just bitter because you are under performing, and I'm sure you don't want Biden to do well.

We're doing great, thanx, but this is a bubble and Himself is substantially in cash. I think you are going to lose everything when it pops.

I wish Biden would "do well," in my terms if not in Dem-communist terms, but I very much doubt that will happen. I suppose he'll have to start a war to distract everyone; that's often not too good for stocks.
Wall Street and the world is ready for the adults to run the country.

IMO Wall Street wants a president that will control Covid and give proper $2k stimulus to Americans in desperate need.

AI, 5G, Cloud, Cybersecurity, E commerce, Digital Advertising, Green energy, EVs, Telehealth, Augmented reality, Social Media, Blockchain, Cannabis, Gene editing, Gene sequencing, and so much more is going to power the economy to new highs. The market is going up a lot more.

Wait for the asshole Biden tax increases and government regulations and jobs killing EO's then you can run your mouth about Biden and the stock market. :talk2hand:
It is still a Trump stock market--wait and see what happens Jan 21.

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