Stolen Elections

When Stacey Abraham loses an election bid, it was all about election fraud and voter suppression.

But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after crystal clear evidence suggesting massive voting fraud of various types, any claim of a stolen election is just kook “conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections.

Imagine the Dim clamor had Trump won! Imagine that the Dims and their handmaiden apparatchik media claimed that the GOP had constructed an elaborate set of election frauds in the swing states (as is now alleged against the Dims).

There would already have been a third impeachment circus. The media cacophony would be loud, endlessly looped and more screechy than Hillary’s cackles.

What were the details of Stacy Abram's loss?
From the very beginning, since before the election when Trump began laying the groundwork for his excuses, I've seen this as nothing more than mass denial. Partisanship has become so hysterical, so pumped up with fear and hatred, that neither side can accept the other side winning.

Democrats spent four years in denial, circle jerking to the Russian collision hoax. Trumpsters answered with their own stolen election fantasy. And after the next election, whoever loses will do the same fucking thing.

The partisan culture war is killing us. Both sides are losing.
only because activist judges will not allow the evidence in court. It was stolen and you're naive for believing your proven liar gutter media.


It's NEVER reality with you freaks. It's ALWAYS some Liberal|Activist|Biased|Cheating, whatever who prevented you from proving it.

Meanwhile, 2½ years later and you're no closer now to proving widespread fraud than you were the day after the election. In fact, you're even further away as virtually every claim of widespread fraud has been debunked.

With the exception of the dumbest of the rightards, it took 'em 8 years to get over Barack Obama's birth certificate. I estimate it will you Qult freak 30 years to get over the 2020 election.
The attorneys have it but activist judges put in place by leftists won't allow it.

Great, what evidence was filed with a court that a judge rejected on lack of merit or lack of evidence...

Specify which court case it was and what their evidence was...

I'll venture a guess right up front that you're incapable of even taking a stab at this.
bull. The left stole an election right in front of our noses...and because they have their people in the right places they are getting away with it. Says a lot about you too.

Don't just say it ... Prove it...

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