"Stooge" Barr has always wanted an Imperial Presidency

Trump found himself an "excellent" errand boy with Bill Barr.....Going back to his days with daddy, Bush, good ol' ass kissing Barr has made sure that the part of the Constitution stating separation of powers, and co-equal branches of government would be overlooked by poorly educated American voters.

So, Barr is indeed perfect in his role as Trump's Lavrentiy Beria......Fuck the Constitution, Trump Cult members need and want an orange despot to help vent their hatred of Clinton, Obama ......and sanity.
Remember when Muller was going to end Trump?

Tick tock

Good times
Trump found himself an "excellent" errand boy with Nill Barr.....Going back to his days with daddy, Bush, good ol' ass kissing Barr has made sure that the part of the Constitution stating separation of powers, and co-equal branches of government would be overlooked by poorly educated American voters.

So, Barr is indeed perfect in his role as Trump's Lavrentiy Beria......Fuck the Constitution, Trump Cult members need and want an orange despot to help vent their hatred of Clinton, Obama ......and sanity.

excuse me, but, your tin foil hat is coming loose...

It was never really screwed on all the way in the first place.
I see Barr has been busy triggering the left again.

Trump found himself an "excellent" errand boy with Nill Barr.....Going back to his days with daddy, Bush, good ol' ass kissing Barr has made sure that the part of the Constitution stating separation of powers, and co-equal branches of government would be overlooked by poorly educated American voters.

So, Barr is indeed perfect in his role as Trump's Lavrentiy Beria......Fuck the Constitution, Trump Cult members need and want an orange despot to help vent their hatred of Clinton, Obama ......and sanity.

excuse me, but, your tin foil hat is coming loose...

Just what this forum needed....yet ANOTHER Trump ass kissing, ignorant cult member,,,

Address the fucking topic, moron........lol

Come on...isn't the "topic" your never ending hatred of Trump? Another day...another Nat string. Like you're winning hearts and minds with more of this? (eye roll)
The Constitution says exactly what they say it says, and no one else.
And exactly where in the Constitution is written the INHERENT POWERS of the Executive branch to nullify the INHERENT POWERS of the Legislative? Don't dance around a fucking tree with deflections and obfuscations you asswipe... state exactly where those INHERENT POWERS of the Executive are written in Article II.

Does the word "EQUAL" have any meaning to you?
I know you guys always like to think that some people are "more equal" than others.

[I also said that the USSC interprets the Constitution, not me and not you. So if you have any technical questions, please ask them. I'd like to ask them about how the House is currently misinterpreting the meaning of "congressional oversight"]
Here was what I put to you hoping you would reply to regarding the content of your supercilious post;
And exactly where in the Constitution is written the INHERENT POWERS of the Executive branch to nullify the INHERENT POWERS of the Legislative? Don't dance around a fucking tree with deflections and obfuscations you asswipe... state exactly where those INHERENT POWERS of the Executive are written in Article II.
Here in two parts is my response to your deflection and obfuscation I fucking knew you'd employ owing to your base ignorance and misplaced allegiances;
Does the word "EQUAL" have any meaning to you?
I know you guys always like to think that some people are "more equal" than others.
What the FUCK does that have to do with either the Constitution or INHERENT POWERS? It's just an obvious ploy to dodge a response to my response to you directly above you bloody fraud!
[I also said that the USSC interprets the Constitution, not me and not you. So if you have any technical questions, please ask them. I'd like to ask them about how the House is currently misinterpreting the meaning of "congressional oversight"]
Another dance away from any response to my point of INHERENT POWERS, you fucking witless cur! Your response displays your base ignorance about the subjects YOU opened and had the gaul to write, "So if you have any technical questions, please ask them." I did just that in my last post to you which I'll supply for a third fucking time, FOOL;
And exactly where in the Constitution is written the INHERENT POWERS of the Executive branch to nullify the INHERENT POWERS of the Legislative? Don't dance around a fucking tree with deflections and obfuscations you asswipe... state exactly where those INHERENT POWERS of the Executive are written in Article II.
If you were more knowledgeable than a wooden fence post, you would have KNOWN that INHERENT POWERS were NOT Enumerated powers but Implied powers within the Constitution There is not even a hint of that notion in your post, which undeniable given the two unrelated statements you proffered! Further, you're a fraud Kaz, so before you get back on your high-horse acting the know-it-all, get thy dumb ass informed!

Now back to my original post to you and let's see if your ignorant ass has learned anything and are able to now find the glaring error of which you were so profoundly ignorant;
And exactly where in the Constitution is written the INHERENT POWERS of the Executive branch to nullify the INHERENT POWERS of the Legislative? Don't dance around a fucking tree with deflections and obfuscations you asswipe... state exactly where those INHERENT POWERS of the Executive are written in Article II.

Yes, this is a retest because I feel sorry for someone such as yourself so lacking in knowledge and so very full of haughty self satisfied bullshit!

Does the phrase "blow it out your ass" mean anything to you? Bluster doesn't get you any points. Neither does using British insults, or repeating bullshit. My post stated that your interpretation of the Constitution is worthless. Your bullshit about inherent and enumerated powers, if Congress thinks they are one thing, and Trump thinks that they are another, the ONLY FUCKING ARBITER IS THE US SUPREME COURT. Because the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch are co-equal branches of the US government. DUH.

Trump keeps ignoring Congress, OMG what's poor Nancy to do? Oh my oh my!! Its a Constitutional Crisis!!
Look fuckwad, blow your interpretations of the US Constitution out your ass. It will take the Supremes to explicitly define the "powers" to the Executive Branch. If you don't like it? Try more colorful British epithets.
The Constitution Means What the Supreme Court Says It Means

"...following the Constitution does not mean adhering to its text but instead respecting Supreme Court interpretations of that text."
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Trump found himself an "excellent" errand boy with Bill Barr.....Going back to his days with daddy, Bush, good ol' ass kissing Barr has made sure that the part of the Constitution stating separation of powers, and co-equal branches of government would be overlooked by poorly educated American voters.

So, Barr is indeed perfect in his role as Trump's Lavrentiy Beria......Fuck the Constitution, Trump Cult members need and want an orange despot to help vent their hatred of Clinton, Obama ......and sanity.

If he would shave his head...he would be the perfect Curly for trump Moe....

Seriously....the AG is a power hungry trump humper....He has lied to Congress and.....NOTHING.

When the top cop is a Crook....who do you go to?
Ummm, that would be your boy, Obysmal. And we can see how, YOUR BOY, OBYSMAL, treated the Oval Office by what he and his minions did, with spygate, along with JAILING REPORTERS, and spying on journalists.

If Trump and Barr told you about Obama "spying"......it "MUST" be irrefutable proof for fucked up Trump ass lickers.....like you.........................LOL

Have you ever heard a DOJ official or a FBI agent testify to Congress and use the term "spying?" Nope....

Barr wanted to use a trump approved word....DOJ and FBI officials were aghast.....Barr showed his true colors.....ORANGE.
Mr Pete, if you read history, you know that our Presidents in modern times, were not good guys. JFK, LBJ, Nixon, and even FDR were really kinda baaaaaaaaad people, and I won't even touch on Clinton.

And yet, they got rid of Nixon, didn't they?

Trump has managed, when you actually think about it, to get rid of a bunch of these deep state clowns. Strozk, Paige, the number 2 in the FBI, Comey, Yates, etc. Honestly, and I mean this------>they fu**ed with the wrong person this time, I really believe that. When this crap comes out, he is going to get cart blanche to remove a whole lot of people, and he is GOING TO! If he gets re-elected; and he well should, he is going to remake much of these agencies.

As far as your assertion about big business and banks------------->even if it were accurate...…..do you think they want Trump policies, or do you think they want the American people taxed at 70 to 90%, where they can't support the products from some of these sh**hole countries?

Nah, these people are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They either push Socialism, or get rich as Trump improves the economy. Money talks, Socialism walks!

Here, you play the odds in your own head!

Who is the ONLY Democratic candidate who would be even marginally acceptable to big business, big finance, and big energy? Probably Joe Biden.

And what are the odds with as radical as the Left is, he can even get the nomination, and if he did and won, survive his 1st term in office at his age? Would you be willing to bet all your wealth on such a scenario?

Didn't think so, lol.

The rest of the Democratic field, is far to radical. Even moderate Democrats admit this, and yes there are more than a few of them.

Well... I suppose I agree in large part.

I'd say it goes back to Wilson, and I'd call him a malevolent mother fucker. Reagan was probably the exception when it comes to scumbags and even Carter probably isn't as big an asshole, just an incompetent fool. Even Bushes were borderline traitors at best being the globalists they are. Obozo was exactly what Khrushchev would have wanted.

I don't believe the Banking Elite Donor Class* want 70% taxes on themselves, that's why they buy democrooks who claim they do. It keeps bed wetters like Natturd complacent that there are political whores "working in their interest". I don't think the BEDC care if we pay the 70% like the euroweenies do, they still made fuck tons of money during the meat puppet faggot's 8 years of stagnation and managed decline. I don't think they much like imbeciles like Occasional Cortex or Bernie Sanders, who really want the BEDC paying 70%. Most democrooks are just there to read marxist bed time stories to moonbats though.

Their problem is that the monster is getting too big. when you have true believers like AOC and Bernie getting real political influence, your bought and paid for democrook bulwark is going to have to go full retard at some point.

I hope you're right about Trump running some of these sociopaths out of office, and I'm confident he wins in 2020, but I doubt he can run enough of them out to make a real difference without finding himself in danger. The globalists have an awful lot invested in their one world government dreams.

Now if everyone on earth gets the full bill of rights, ESPECIALLY the 2nd Amendment and every country becomes a Constitutional republic with a free market economy I'd be good with that, but the push is for a collectivist planet and I don't want humanity reduced to an ant colony.

* I'm not going to claim I know who all these assholes are, like some NWO conspiracy, I'm sure some of them are decent people who give away a shit ton of money to worth charities and otherwise do good things, but some of them clearly are sinister mother fuckers with nefarious goals to manage humanity in monstrously unacceptable ways, like George Soros.

Mr Pete, if you read history, you know that our Presidents in modern times, were not good guys. JFK, LBJ, Nixon, and even FDR were really kinda baaaaaaaaad people, and I won't even touch on Clinton.

And yet, they got rid of Nixon, didn't they?

Trump has managed, when you actually think about it, to get rid of a bunch of these deep state clowns. Strozk, Paige, the number 2 in the FBI, Comey, Yates, etc. Honestly, and I mean this------>they fu**ed with the wrong person this time, I really believe that. When this crap comes out, he is going to get cart blanche to remove a whole lot of people, and he is GOING TO! If he gets re-elected; and he well should, he is going to remake much of these agencies.

As far as your assertion about big business and banks------------->even if it were accurate...…..do you think they want Trump policies, or do you think they want the American people taxed at 70 to 90%, where they can't support the products from some of these sh**hole countries?

Nah, these people are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They either push Socialism, or get rich as Trump improves the economy. Money talks, Socialism walks!

Here, you play the odds in your own head!

Who is the ONLY Democratic candidate who would be even marginally acceptable to big business, big finance, and big energy? Probably Joe Biden.

And what are the odds with as radical as the Left is, he can even get the nomination, and if he did and won, survive his 1st term in office at his age? Would you be willing to bet all your wealth on such a scenario?

Didn't think so, lol.

The rest of the Democratic field, is far to radical. Even moderate Democrats admit this, and yes there are more than a few of them.

Well... I suppose I agree in large part.

I'd say it goes back to Wilson, and I'd call him a malevolent mother fucker. Reagan was probably the exception when it comes to scumbags and even Carter probably isn't as big an asshole, just an incompetent fool. Even Bushes were borderline traitors at best being the globalists they are. Obozo was exactly what Khrushchev would have wanted.

I don't believe the Banking Elite Donor Class* want 70% taxes on themselves, that's why they buy democrooks who claim they do. It keeps bed wetters like Natturd complacent that there are political whores "working in their interest". I don't think the BEDC care if we pay the 70% like the euroweenies do, they still made fuck tons of money during the meat puppet faggot's 8 years of stagnation and managed decline. I don't think they much like imbeciles like Occasional Cortex or Bernie Sanders, who really want the BEDC paying 70%. Most democrooks are just there to read marxist bed time stories to moonbats though.

Their problem is that the monster is getting too big. when you have true believers like AOC and Bernie getting real political influence, your bought and paid for democrook bulwark is going to have to go full retard at some point.

I hope you're right about Trump running some of these sociopaths out of office, and I'm confident he wins in 2020, but I doubt he can run enough of them out to make a real difference without finding himself in danger. The globalists have an awful lot invested in their one world government dreams.

Now if everyone on earth gets the full bill of rights, ESPECIALLY the 2nd Amendment and every country becomes a Constitutional republic with a free market economy I'd be good with that, but the push is for a collectivist planet and I don't want humanity reduced to an ant colony.

* I'm not going to claim I know who all these assholes are, like some NWO conspiracy, I'm sure some of them are decent people who give away a shit ton of money to worth charities and otherwise do good things, but some of them clearly are sinister mother fuckers with nefarious goals to manage humanity in monstrously unacceptable ways, like George Soros.


You know, your assertion that the monster is getting to big for them to handle, has some truth. Back in the 30s, the industrialists thought they could control Hitler and Stalin too, and both of them, ate them alive, and look at what happened in both regions. Truth be told, if Hitler would not have hated Communists, and vice-versa, we would have either lost WWII, or had to drop more than 2 atomic bombs to win.

History teaches all things, eventhough Leftists do NOT pay attention to it. Upon a very few decisions made correctly, or incorrectly, has Western civilization survived.

It is exactly why, when Leftists call for the UN running things, or the European Union having great sway, we should all shudder. They gave away the farm, each and every time, to avoid conflict, only to discover, their actions caused a much LARGER conflict. The only thing that stopped Soviet world domination, was the United States. And while this "cold war" was going on, the Left wanted to acquiesce to avoid ANY confrontation. Even Ted Kennedy tried to cut a secret deal with the Soviets during Reagans run for a 2nd term, to stop us from bringing them down, to insure no conflict would happen.

I don't think Trumps foreign policy is very good. I think he is wet behind the ears, and that is something a REAL politician would probably be better at.

But, one thing I DO know, and if I know it, so do our adversaries------------->If war was to come, Trump would take the gloves off of our troops, and everything, and anything would be allowed, except for a nuclear exchange. No pussyfooting around with Trump. There would be no------>you can't shoot without authorization, or......you can't have bullets in your guns. That under Trump, WILL NOT HAPPEN!

Now, I am sure that every Leftist bedwetter reading what I just wrote, is hiding under their beds, cringing. But the fact is--------->if we are ever forced to war, putting restrictions on our kids is ridiculous. The faster you roll the enemy, the faster our kids are safe, or come home.

No 1st term President would EVER make this call, because every bedwetter would certainly march down to the polls, and vote against that President, and our kids! If Trump wins in 2020, we should expect world tension to calm down.


Because the rest of the world understands----------> just like Reagan, Trump won't fu** around. The Left can scream and cry all they want, but he will bury anyone who dares to try and attack us; clandestinely, or otherwise.

The world is a dangerous place. What makes it even MORE dangerous is---------->the bedwetters can NOT grasp the concept, that none of our adversaries think like they do. If they did, we wouldn't need a military.

Have a great remainder to your Memorial Day weekend. Always remember and understand-------> YOU are one of the people/voters, standing between strength through projected power, and total capitulation to avoid even the scent of possible conflict, by the bedwetters!

The people who have died in our name to preserve our country, would shudder in disbelief, at some of the conversations going on this board. It is a travesty that we; both Democrat and Republican Presidents, have asked our bravest to pay the ultimate price, only for some of us, to question if winning was worth it.

I say...……...NEVER, EVER, FORGET the price paid for ALL of our freedoms. If they would have run like the bedwetters, we would probably be praying to "Our Fuherer, Adolf Hitler," each and every night before we went to bed, along with having the deification, of the Emperor of Japan!
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Trump found himself an "excellent" errand boy with Bill Barr.....Going back to his days with daddy, Bush, good ol' ass kissing Barr has made sure that the part of the Constitution stating separation of powers, and co-equal branches of government would be overlooked by poorly educated American voters.

So, Barr is indeed perfect in his role as Trump's Lavrentiy Beria......Fuck the Constitution, Trump Cult members need and want an orange despot to help vent their hatred of Clinton, Obama ......and sanity.

Do you really think that any Trumpbots know who Beria was and what he did?
Trump found himself an "excellent" errand boy with Nill Barr.....Going back to his days with daddy, Bush, good ol' ass kissing Barr has made sure that the part of the Constitution stating separation of powers, and co-equal branches of government would be overlooked by poorly educated American voters.

So, Barr is indeed perfect in his role as Trump's Lavrentiy Beria......Fuck the Constitution, Trump Cult members need and want an orange despot to help vent their hatred of Clinton, Obama ......and sanity.

excuse me, but, your tin foil hat is coming loose...

Oh, wow! You're just soo funny for repeating the line that liberals used to use on wingnuts so many years ago....until it got used so much it became lame. I guess that explains why you're using it!
It will take the Supremes to explicitly define the "powers" to the Executive Branch.

WOW.....who knew??? (one learns so much from Trump ass kissers......LMAO)


The Supremes
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Do you really think that any Trumpbots know who Beria was and what he did?

We must ALL take a few minutes out of every day to attempt to educate the Trump cult membership......lol
Ummm, that would be your boy, Obysmal. And we can see how, YOUR BOY, OBYSMAL, treated the Oval Office by what he and his minions did, with spygate, along with JAILING REPORTERS, and spying on journalists.

If Trump and Barr told you about Obama "spying"......it "MUST" be irrefutable proof for fucked up Trump ass lickers.....like you.........................LOL

Have you ever heard a DOJ official or a FBI agent testify to Congress and use the term "spying?" Nope....

Barr wanted to use a trump approved word....DOJ and FBI officials were aghast.....Barr showed his true colors.....ORANGE.

When you deceive a FISA court to obtain wire taps to listen in to people connected to the opposition's campaign...you ARE spying on them! This is Watergate without the break in! Nixon did it with the "plumbers"! Obama did it with FISA court warrants!
Do you really think that any Trumpbots know who Beria was and what he did?

We must ALL take a few minutes out of every day to attempt to educate the Trump cult membership......lol

A few minutes? Dude, you're here for hours every day posting BULLSHIT! Get a life...

True....true......Trump ass kissers......like you......need MUCH MORE educating than just a few minutes.....LOL
When you deceive a FISA court to obtain wire taps to listen in to people connected to the opposition's campaign...you ARE spying on them! This is Watergate without the break in! Nixon did it with the "plumbers"! Obama did it with FISA court warrants!

Of course, assholes like you "choose' to believe what the orange moron and his stooge, Barr, tell you to believe about how those republican-appointed FISA judges were "fooled" into joining the plot to screw over the orange moron.....LOL
When you deceive a FISA court to obtain wire taps to listen in to people connected to the opposition's campaign...you ARE spying on them! This is Watergate without the break in! Nixon did it with the "plumbers"! Obama did it with FISA court warrants!

Of course, assholes like you "choose' to believe what the orange moron and his stooge, Barr, tell you to believe about how those republican-appointed FISA judges were "fooled" into joining the plot to screw over the orange moron.....LOL

Only someone with their head buried in the sand WOULDN'T believe that the FISA court judges were duped by FBI and DOJ officials that they believed were on the up and up!

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