stop comparing C19 with Vietnam deaths's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
I can's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID's disrespectful to our Vets
Oh Horse Shit...Nam Vets haven't been disrespected since at least Sept. 11, 2001, you pompous ass! The comparison points out two separate travesties that killed both civilians and service members that didn't necessarily need to die because an idiot for a President of the period got too deep into the shit pile owing to their incompetence and didn't know how to get their dumb asses out in a timely manner and never paid any attention to the details! The Orange Clown is just as dumb and incompetent, if not even more so, as that idiot Texan, LBJ.
why are you so hateful/angry and a jackass?
AND 2 million died--not 58,000...2 million died in Vietnam
..yes, it is disrespectful also prove to have TDS, since the POTUS has nothing to do with this thread

There were over 58,000 American Deaths in Vietnam during the War, not 2 million. And you can't change the fact that Rump waited 3 months to pretend to take the Covid 19 Epidemic seriously. He still isn't taking it seriously. The Presidents before had many Epidemics and had contained them fine. Rump treated it like a hoax for 3 months and he still treats it like that. So you dream up the 2 million figure.

Yes, there were over 2 million but it was every death during those 10 years inside of North and South Viietnam for many reasons not just war casualties. You are eaten up with RDS, "Rump Dexlecic Systrom".

Why do you continue to lie?

BTW, it is "dyslexic'.

Why do you lie about me lying? And you missed the joke. I suggest just as soon as the Sense of Humor Store is allowed to reopen you go rent a sense of humor. I did that one and all they had was two half senses of humor. One Mexican and one Chinese. All day long I had a hankering for Egg Foo Tacos and really, really scary humor.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

You forgot to make not of MIA's and those who spent years in the Hanoi Hilton, or do you not like those who were captured because dumb donald told you so.
I don't need anything but I'm all done being pissed on over Vietnam.

Then why bring it up? I don't. Anyone that compares deaths to one thing to another is just plain stupid and expects everyone else to be just as dumb.
I didn't. He did.

it doesn't matter whom brought it up. It shouldn't have been brought up in the first place. And you shouldn't have tried to use the Military Service as an angle either.

And the Eagle Shits in 3 days.
I lost friends there. so no one gets to rank the two together. just don't. go kiss some more leftist dong and leave us alone.
The 58,000 deaths was another farce. let's do the math over the following 20 years and have a re-count. Like Korona ....Reverse. 1975-1980-1985-1990-2000-2010.....yesterday. No proof Agents RBGYOCT were an addition to those cancers coincidentally affecting nam vets. Monsanto/Dow.KBR and XE services are GREAT American companies who employ tens of thousands and add GREATly to the GDP.
No one is comparing COVID-19 deaths to deaths of U.S. servicemen in Vietnam.

They are using the numbers to give some perspective.

Perspective... something that is sorely lacking on this board... as well as many others...

It's meaningless perspective, with political undertones. People equate Vietnam with losing, or fuckups by those in power, or both.

I don't know about you but we militarily won vietnam and had the hearts and the minds of the people. In the last 3 years, the North was completely defeated with only Minor (but deadly) situations. General Abrams made the brag that he could fly anywhere in South Vietnam in a Chopper and not draw one single angry round. Now, what the Politicos did was the failure.

Dodge. how many Vietnams die from flu every year?

No dodge, just not applicable. I am one of the last Vietnam Era Vets alive at age 69 (I turn 70 this year) and we just don't sorry about the flue nearly as much about other things. Like not dying of cancer. I get shots every year for the Flu because a bad case of the Flu CAN be deadly due to severe lung problems. But there are things I do that keeps me from getting a full fledged Flu. With that in mind, if I get infected with Corvid 19 there is almost a 100% chance I am a dead man. I can't speak for others, only myself. You want to know the answer, I doubt there is one available. But, in my case, I will probably die of the Flu one day but not in the near future. But if I am infected with Corvid 19 I will be gone in about a week. I am sure there are a few hundred thousand of others in the same boat of all ages.

You aren't "one of the last"

There are still WWII and Korea vets around. My grandfather is one of them, he is 100.

You have no idea if you are a 100% fatality from COVID, and wouldn't be from the flu or even a cold if you are that sick.

And you know how many of us are left? Are you aware I was in on the last draft? Yes, there were others with draft numbers but most states stopped calling them up astaring in 1971. MOST Vietnam Vets are well into their 70s. And with the various physical and mental problems we received, we are dying at a much higher rate than the civilian counterpart.

I would like to give your Grandfather a salute. But I look at the time line for WWII. My Father was a WWII Vet. He died at age 82 in 2003. He was drafted in 1942 and served in North Africa, The invasion of Sicily, Italy and the Invasion of Southern France. If he were alive today, he would be right around 100 years old as well. These were the Greatest Americans that EVER lived and will probably ever live. And you bringing him up in your BS post, he should slap you across the head.

You claimed you are "one of the last", you are not.

He would call you out on that.

Depends on what you are using for the numbers. He can call me on it all he wants. But all he is doing is trying to use it to win an argument using those of us that served during that time period. There used to be about a hundred million of us and there are one hell of a lot less of us today. You "The Party of the Rump" have no dignity.

100 million US servicemen/women served in Vietnam?

Take you medication. If you don't have any, go see a Doctor and get some. You really are not making any sense.

You said there were 100 million veterans of Vietnam. is that true or not?

Yes, I said it. It may have been a slight exaggeration but not by much. There were over 610,000 that were actually stationed there. But there were a hell of a lot more that served OVER Vietnam that it doesn't count. People like me. And I was only over Vietnam 3 times. The rest of the time I was serving either in Laos or over Laos which wasn't any less dangerous than serving right on the DMZ line. Then there are the guys from Guam, the F-111s and F-105s from Thailand and more. And let's not forget the Wet Service operating from the Carriers flying all sorts of Down Town Missions. You would think that the Hanoi Hilton had mostly US Servicemen in it that were stationed in Vietnam. You would be wrong. Over half of the people were Nickel Pilots and there were a lot of Navy A-7 and A-6 pilots there as well. There were very few Hanoi Hilton Residence that were actually stationed in South Vietnam. So I stand by my 1 million number.

You said 100 million. I bolded the section for your review.
No one is comparing COVID-19 deaths to deaths of U.S. servicemen in Vietnam.

They are using the numbers to give some perspective.

Perspective... something that is sorely lacking on this board... as well as many others...

It's meaningless perspective, with political undertones. People equate Vietnam with losing, or fuckups by those in power, or both.

I don't know about you but we militarily won vietnam and had the hearts and the minds of the people. In the last 3 years, the North was completely defeated with only Minor (but deadly) situations. General Abrams made the brag that he could fly anywhere in South Vietnam in a Chopper and not draw one single angry round. Now, what the Politicos did was the failure.

Dodge. how many Vietnams die from flu every year?

No dodge, just not applicable. I am one of the last Vietnam Era Vets alive at age 69 (I turn 70 this year) and we just don't sorry about the flue nearly as much about other things. Like not dying of cancer. I get shots every year for the Flu because a bad case of the Flu CAN be deadly due to severe lung problems. But there are things I do that keeps me from getting a full fledged Flu. With that in mind, if I get infected with Corvid 19 there is almost a 100% chance I am a dead man. I can't speak for others, only myself. You want to know the answer, I doubt there is one available. But, in my case, I will probably die of the Flu one day but not in the near future. But if I am infected with Corvid 19 I will be gone in about a week. I am sure there are a few hundred thousand of others in the same boat of all ages.

You aren't "one of the last"

There are still WWII and Korea vets around. My grandfather is one of them, he is 100.

You have no idea if you are a 100% fatality from COVID, and wouldn't be from the flu or even a cold if you are that sick.

And you know how many of us are left? Are you aware I was in on the last draft? Yes, there were others with draft numbers but most states stopped calling them up astaring in 1971. MOST Vietnam Vets are well into their 70s. And with the various physical and mental problems we received, we are dying at a much higher rate than the civilian counterpart.

I would like to give your Grandfather a salute. But I look at the time line for WWII. My Father was a WWII Vet. He died at age 82 in 2003. He was drafted in 1942 and served in North Africa, The invasion of Sicily, Italy and the Invasion of Southern France. If he were alive today, he would be right around 100 years old as well. These were the Greatest Americans that EVER lived and will probably ever live. And you bringing him up in your BS post, he should slap you across the head.

You claimed you are "one of the last", you are not.

He would call you out on that.

Depends on what you are using for the numbers. He can call me on it all he wants. But all he is doing is trying to use it to win an argument using those of us that served during that time period. There used to be about a hundred million of us and there are one hell of a lot less of us today. You "The Party of the Rump" have no dignity.

100 million US servicemen/women served in Vietnam?

Take you medication. If you don't have any, go see a Doctor and get some. You really are not making any sense.

You said there were 100 million veterans of Vietnam. is that true or not?

Yes, I said it. It may have been a slight exaggeration but not by much. There were over 610,000 that were actually stationed there. But there were a hell of a lot more that served OVER Vietnam that it doesn't count. People like me. And I was only over Vietnam 3 times. The rest of the time I was serving either in Laos or over Laos which wasn't any less dangerous than serving right on the DMZ line. Then there are the guys from Guam, the F-111s and F-105s from Thailand and more. And let's not forget the Wet Service operating from the Carriers flying all sorts of Down Town Missions. You would think that the Hanoi Hilton had mostly US Servicemen in it that were stationed in Vietnam. You would be wrong. Over half of the people were Nickel Pilots and there were a lot of Navy A-7 and A-6 pilots there as well. There were very few Hanoi Hilton Residence that were actually stationed in South Vietnam. So I stand by my 1 million number.

You said 100 million. I bolded the section for your review.

And I backed it up, creampuff.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
I can

You're old enough to know that what you think doesn't matter. Deaths are deaths. They'll keep happening and who is to say one's life is worth more over another? It's meaningless sentiment. Who is to say that someone who protested the war vs the ones who went are worth more? That said, harmonica compared the vets to young people. For one, that doesn't make any sense as it's the vets who are old today. They'll be ones most likely to die if they get it, some without ther limbs.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

Deaths are deaths. You are putting Vietnam vets on a pedestal. Who's to say one's life is worth more over another? Certainly, not a low down scumbag crumb like you. COVID-19 hits the young, too.
I can

You're old enough to know that what you think doesn't matter. Deaths are deaths. They'll keep happening and who is to say one's life is worth more over another? It's meaningless sentiment. Who is to say that someone who protested the war vs the ones who went are worth more? That said, harmonica compared the vets to young people. For one, that doesn't make any sense as it's the vets who are old today. They'll be ones most likely to die if they get it, some without ther limbs.
no, some deaths are meaner than others. and what the nam vets went through isn't humane. just know that.
no, some deaths are meaner than others. and what the nam vets went through isn't humane. just know that.

Okay, I can get that. What I took exception was harmonica as he said it was disrespectful to think or say different. He is such a hypocrite because he's always making fun of others and their beliefs and opinions.
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap

no refudiation needed, let alone given.

what was given was a factual quote.

can't help it if the man whore of NYC is now the king of covid!
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap

no refudiation needed, let alone given.

what was given was a factual quote.

can't help it if the man whore of NYC is now the king of covid!
please tell your side to stop comparing covid deaths to the soldiers they spit on and called baby killers.


my side.... uh-huh. it's a valid comparison. how many years were 'we' in vietnam & racked up the dead? we have surpassed that in mere weeks.

know what was disrespectful?

cadet bone spur - - - who was deferred & boffed anything with a pulse said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'

your communist comrades are directly responsible for the covid deaths in the US and around the world traitor ...keep spouting your chicom backed enemy propaganda it ill not help the filthy left in Nov ....
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap

no refudiation needed, let alone given.

what was given was a factual quote.

can't help it if the man whore of NYC is now the king of covid!
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap

no refudiation needed, let alone given.

what was given was a factual quote.

can't help it if the man whore of NYC is now the king of covid!
please tell your side to stop comparing covid deaths to the soldiers they spit on and called baby killers.


my side.... uh-huh. it's a valid comparison. how many years were 'we' in vietnam & racked up the dead? we have surpassed that in mere weeks.

know what was disrespectful?

cadet bone spur - - - who was deferred & boffed anything with a pulse said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'

your communist comrades are directly responsible for the covid deaths in the US and around the world traitor ...keep spouting your chicom backed enemy propaganda it ill not help the filthy left in Nov ....

yyy.jpg's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

And by the time this is over they will be so overshadowed there will be no comparison.
2 million died in the Vietnam war---C19 is only up to 50,000

Where are you getting those figures? Did you pull them outta your ass?

United States armed forces

U.S. Vietnam War deaths

Casualties as of 26 July 2019:

  • 58,318 KIA or non-combat deaths (including the missing and deaths in captivity)[68]
  • 153,303 WIA (excluding 150,332 persons not requiring hospital care)[69]
  • 1,587 MIA (originally 2,646)[70]
  • 766–778 POW (652–662 freed/escaped*,[71][72] 114–116 died in captivity)[71][73]

Note: *One escapee died of wounds sustained during his rescue 15 days later.[74]

The total number of American personnel who were KIA or died non-hostile deaths, were enlisted personnel with a casualty number of 50,441. The total number of officer casualties,commissioned and warrant, are 7,877. The following is a chart of all casualties, listed by race, and in descending order. [75]

WhiteBlackHispanicHawaiian/Pacific IslanderAmerican Indian/
Alaska Native
(other race)

The total number of casualties, both KIA and non-hostile deaths, for drafted and volunteer service personnel (figures are approximated): [76]:


During the Vietnam War, 30% of wounded service members died of their wounds.[77] 30–35% of American deaths in the war were non-combat or friendly fire deaths; the largest causes of death in the U.S. armed forces were small arms fire (31.8%), booby traps including mines and frags (27.4%), and aircraft crashes (14.7%).[78]
No one is comparing COVID-19 deaths to deaths of U.S. servicemen in Vietnam.

They are using the numbers to give some perspective.

Perspective... something that is sorely lacking on this board... as well as many others...

It's meaningless perspective, with political undertones. People equate Vietnam with losing, or fuckups by those in power, or both.

I don't know about you but we militarily won vietnam and had the hearts and the minds of the people. In the last 3 years, the North was completely defeated with only Minor (but deadly) situations. General Abrams made the brag that he could fly anywhere in South Vietnam in a Chopper and not draw one single angry round. Now, what the Politicos did was the failure.

Dodge. how many Vietnams die from flu every year?

No dodge, just not applicable. I am one of the last Vietnam Era Vets alive at age 69 (I turn 70 this year) and we just don't sorry about the flue nearly as much about other things. Like not dying of cancer. I get shots every year for the Flu because a bad case of the Flu CAN be deadly due to severe lung problems. But there are things I do that keeps me from getting a full fledged Flu. With that in mind, if I get infected with Corvid 19 there is almost a 100% chance I am a dead man. I can't speak for others, only myself. You want to know the answer, I doubt there is one available. But, in my case, I will probably die of the Flu one day but not in the near future. But if I am infected with Corvid 19 I will be gone in about a week. I am sure there are a few hundred thousand of others in the same boat of all ages.

You aren't "one of the last"

There are still WWII and Korea vets around. My grandfather is one of them, he is 100.

You have no idea if you are a 100% fatality from COVID, and wouldn't be from the flu or even a cold if you are that sick.

And you know how many of us are left? Are you aware I was in on the last draft? Yes, there were others with draft numbers but most states stopped calling them up astaring in 1971. MOST Vietnam Vets are well into their 70s. And with the various physical and mental problems we received, we are dying at a much higher rate than the civilian counterpart.

I would like to give your Grandfather a salute. But I look at the time line for WWII. My Father was a WWII Vet. He died at age 82 in 2003. He was drafted in 1942 and served in North Africa, The invasion of Sicily, Italy and the Invasion of Southern France. If he were alive today, he would be right around 100 years old as well. These were the Greatest Americans that EVER lived and will probably ever live. And you bringing him up in your BS post, he should slap you across the head.

You claimed you are "one of the last", you are not.

He would call you out on that.

Depends on what you are using for the numbers. He can call me on it all he wants. But all he is doing is trying to use it to win an argument using those of us that served during that time period. There used to be about a hundred million of us and there are one hell of a lot less of us today. You "The Party of the Rump" have no dignity.

100 million US servicemen/women served in Vietnam?

Take you medication. If you don't have any, go see a Doctor and get some. You really are not making any sense.

You said there were 100 million veterans of Vietnam. is that true or not?

Yes, I said it. It may have been a slight exaggeration but not by much. There were over 610,000 that were actually stationed there. But there were a hell of a lot more that served OVER Vietnam that it doesn't count. People like me. And I was only over Vietnam 3 times. The rest of the time I was serving either in Laos or over Laos which wasn't any less dangerous than serving right on the DMZ line. Then there are the guys from Guam, the F-111s and F-105s from Thailand and more. And let's not forget the Wet Service operating from the Carriers flying all sorts of Down Town Missions. You would think that the Hanoi Hilton had mostly US Servicemen in it that were stationed in Vietnam. You would be wrong. Over half of the people were Nickel Pilots and there were a lot of Navy A-7 and A-6 pilots there as well. There were very few Hanoi Hilton Residence that were actually stationed in South Vietnam. So I stand by my 1 million number.

You said 100 million. I bolded the section for your review.

And I backed it up, creampuff.

you backed up 1 million.

You first said 100 million, and then you said you stand by your 1 million.

You are missing two orders of magnitude between the two.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

And by the time this is over they will be so overshadowed there will be no comparison.
2 million died in the Vietnam war---C19 is only up to 50,000

Where are you getting those figures? Did you pull them outta your ass?

United States armed forces

U.S. Vietnam War deaths

Casualties as of 26 July 2019:

  • 58,318 KIA or non-combat deaths (including the missing and deaths in captivity)[68]
  • 153,303 WIA (excluding 150,332 persons not requiring hospital care)[69]
  • 1,587 MIA (originally 2,646)[70]
  • 766–778 POW (652–662 freed/escaped*,[71][72] 114–116 died in captivity)[71][73]

Note: *One escapee died of wounds sustained during his rescue 15 days later.[74]

The total number of American personnel who were KIA or died non-hostile deaths, were enlisted personnel with a casualty number of 50,441. The total number of officer casualties,commissioned and warrant, are 7,877. The following is a chart of all casualties, listed by race, and in descending order. [75]

WhiteBlackHispanicHawaiian/Pacific IslanderAmerican Indian/
Alaska Native
(other race)

The total number of casualties, both KIA and non-hostile deaths, for drafted and volunteer service personnel (figures are approximated): [76]:


During the Vietnam War, 30% of wounded service members died of their wounds.[77] 30–35% of American deaths in the war were non-combat or friendly fire deaths; the largest causes of death in the U.S. armed forces were small arms fire (31.8%), booby traps including mines and frags (27.4%), and aircraft crashes (14.7%).[78]
you are MAJOR Dumb--thank you for proving it
  • As many as 2 million civilians on both sides and some 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters.

....the question/issue/subject is, what's more lethal- Vietnam War or C19--comparing Vietnam War vs C19 AIR TIGHT Op explained it
2. it's idiocy to even compare them
3. as others have pointed out, there are other things much more deadly than C19
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap

no refudiation needed, let alone given.

what was given was a factual quote.

can't help it if the man whore of NYC is now the king of covid!
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap

no refudiation needed, let alone given.

what was given was a factual quote.

can't help it if the man whore of NYC is now the king of covid!
please tell your side to stop comparing covid deaths to the soldiers they spit on and called baby killers.


my side.... uh-huh. it's a valid comparison. how many years were 'we' in vietnam & racked up the dead? we have surpassed that in mere weeks.

know what was disrespectful?

cadet bone spur - - - who was deferred & boffed anything with a pulse said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'

your communist comrades are directly responsible for the covid deaths in the US and around the world traitor ...keep spouting your chicom backed enemy propaganda it ill not help the filthy left in Nov ....

View attachment 330152
I see you have nothing to refute my AIR TIGHT OP
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap

no refudiation needed, let alone given.

what was given was a factual quote.

can't help it if the man whore of NYC is now the king of covid!
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap

no refudiation needed, let alone given.

what was given was a factual quote.

can't help it if the man whore of NYC is now the king of covid!
please tell your side to stop comparing covid deaths to the soldiers they spit on and called baby killers.


my side.... uh-huh. it's a valid comparison. how many years were 'we' in vietnam & racked up the dead? we have surpassed that in mere weeks.

know what was disrespectful?

cadet bone spur - - - who was deferred & boffed anything with a pulse said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'

your communist comrades are directly responsible for the covid deaths in the US and around the world traitor ...keep spouting your chicom backed enemy propaganda it ill not help the filthy left in Nov ....

View attachment 330152
I see you have nothing to refute my AIR TIGHT OP

you can't argue donny's quote either.


no, some deaths are meaner than others. and what the nam vets went through isn't humane. just know that.

Okay, I can get that. What I took exception was harmonica as he said it was disrespectful to think or say different. He is such a hypocrite because he's always making fun of others and their beliefs and opinions.
1. it is disrespectful
2. no one makes of your beliefs, ---we ask you to prove what you claim--then when you can't you CRY and insult people --YOU are the hypocrite's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

And by the time this is over they will be so overshadowed there will be no comparison.
2 million died in the Vietnam war---C19 is only up to 50,000

Where are you getting those figures? Did you pull them outta your ass?

United States armed forces

U.S. Vietnam War deaths

Casualties as of 26 July 2019:

  • 58,318 KIA or non-combat deaths (including the missing and deaths in captivity)[68]
  • 153,303 WIA (excluding 150,332 persons not requiring hospital care)[69]
  • 1,587 MIA (originally 2,646)[70]
  • 766–778 POW (652–662 freed/escaped*,[71][72] 114–116 died in captivity)[71][73]

Note: *One escapee died of wounds sustained during his rescue 15 days later.[74]

The total number of American personnel who were KIA or died non-hostile deaths, were enlisted personnel with a casualty number of 50,441. The total number of officer casualties,commissioned and warrant, are 7,877. The following is a chart of all casualties, listed by race, and in descending order. [75]

WhiteBlackHispanicHawaiian/Pacific IslanderAmerican Indian/
Alaska Native
(other race)

The total number of casualties, both KIA and non-hostile deaths, for drafted and volunteer service personnel (figures are approximated): [76]:


During the Vietnam War, 30% of wounded service members died of their wounds.[77] 30–35% of American deaths in the war were non-combat or friendly fire deaths; the largest causes of death in the U.S. armed forces were small arms fire (31.8%), booby traps including mines and frags (27.4%), and aircraft crashes (14.7%).[78]
you are MAJOR Dumb--thank you for proving it
  • As many as 2 million civilians on both sides and some 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters.

....the question/issue/subject is, what's more lethal- Vietnam War or C19--comparing Vietnam War vs C19 AIR TIGHT Op explained it
2. it's idiocy to even compare them
3. as others have pointed out, there are other things much more deadly than C19

My Grandpappy taught me an important lesson.................figures never lie, but watch how liars figure. When comparing COVID 19 deaths to Viet Nam, they were counting only the Americans who were military that were killed over there. They weren't including the civilian count like you are trying to.
I agree Syriusly. Trump isn't responsible for the start of the virus, but he IS responsible for the actions taken in this country to keep the people safe. And, he's been failing miserably.
sure he is
and it's 2 MILLION dead in Viernam--not 58,000
here is the answer:
The US involvement in the Vietnamn War was created by people. And then mismanaged.
COVID-19 was not created by people but also mismanaged.
thank you--ANOTHER difference

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