Stop it Dems...Why pretend the lives of the people who take the most lives to be most valuable?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I think I have the it to get stupid Americans into a deep emotional state with Twitter and the Kardashian’s driving your propaganda bus all the way to November?
Because nothing else makes any sense at all.
I think I have the it to get stupid Americans into a deep emotional state with Twitter and the Kardashian’s driving your propaganda bus all the way to November?
Because nothing else makes any sense at all.

Exactly. The modern self-radicalizing democrats are masters of stirring up the emotions of their voters, for false reasons—meaning using lies, and then dropping a fake narrative cause in their laps before setting them on the path of rioting, looting and murdering in the streets or at least foaming at their mouths to lose their shit and attack all heretics and non-believers of their ideology.

Just consider it for a moment: what compassionate, kind, thoughtful American wouldn't want to stand up and fight for a group of fellow American citizens oppressed by the government? Most Americans would do just that: go on crusades to help out their neighbors and fellow countrymen. Problem is, millions of Americans have been misled—deceived into following the BLM cause and unwittingly becoming members of the cult of race worship which demands they prostrate themselves before all black Americans and self-flagellate for the color of skin they were born with. Like any cult, the cult of Floyd demands its members, white ones in particular, harm themselves and deprive themselves of their own freedom and rights as American citizens.

From the outside looking in it's a no-brainer to see the lies driving the Floyd and BLM movement. Myself? I have been the victim of a cult early in life. Fool me once, but never twice. I personally spotted the bullshit nature of the Floyd situation from the get-go, including the drummed up hatred for the cop who held him down. Which is why it is so damn difficult to understand how so many otherwise intelligent, rational and hard working fellow Americans can have their souls and courage ripped from them all in so short a period of time. It truly is among the most disgusting things I've ever witnessed and I have been around the global block more than once.
I think I have the it to get stupid Americans into a deep emotional state with Twitter and the Kardashian’s driving your propaganda bus all the way to November?
Because nothing else makes any sense at all.

Exactly. The modern self-radicalizing democrats are masters of stirring up the emotions of their voters, for false reasons—meaning using lies, and then dropping a fake narrative cause in their laps before setting them on the path of rioting, looting and murdering in the streets or at least foaming at their mouths to lose their shit and attack all heretics and non-believers of their ideology.

Just consider it for a moment: what compassionate, kind, thoughtful American wouldn't want to stand up and fight for a group of fellow American citizens oppressed by the government? Most Americans would do just that: go on crusades to help out their neighbors and fellow countrymen. Problem is, millions of Americans have been misled—deceived into following the BLM cause and unwittingly becoming members of the cult of race worship which demands they prostrate themselves before all black Americans and self-flagellate for the color of skin they were born with. Like any cult, the cult of Floyd demands its members, white ones in particular, harm themselves and deprive themselves of their own freedom and rights as American citizens.

From the outside looking in it's a no-brainer to see the lies driving the Floyd and BLM movement. Myself? I have been the victim of a cult early in life. Fool me once, but never twice. I personally spotted the bullshit nature of the Floyd situation from the get-go, including the drummed up hatred for the cop who held him down. Which is why it is so damn difficult to understand how so many otherwise intelligent, rational and hard working fellow Americans can have their souls and courage ripped from them all in so short a period of time. It truly is among the most disgusting things I've ever witnessed and I have been around the global block more than once.

WOW...Thank you for taking the time here...Your posts are always top-notch and perfectly on point. Bravo
If there is funding to be cut, how about defunding "projects" and the inhabitants. No more welfare. And no more free medical. They have to pay the cost of giving birth to their offspring. Then maybe they will get educated, become financial responsible, and then start an actual family instead of creating angry, seemingly, not very bright, criminals. With no ghetto areas, law abiding citizens can actually walk around anywhere without the fear of an attack by an angry, not very bright, criminal. Then the cops can be defunded to the extent crime drops to almost nothing.
Exactly. The modern self-radicalizing democrats are masters of stirring up the emotions of their voters, for false reasons—meaning using lies, and then dropping a fake narrative cause in their laps before setting them on the path of rioting, looting and murdering in the streets or at least foaming at their mouths to lose their shit and attack all heretics and non-believers of their ideology.

Just consider it for a moment: what compassionate, kind, thoughtful American wouldn't want to stand up and fight for a group of fellow American citizens oppressed by the government? Most Americans would do just that: go on crusades to help out their neighbors and fellow countrymen. Problem is, millions of Americans have been misled—deceived into following the BLM cause and unwittingly becoming members of the cult of race worship which demands they prostrate themselves before all black Americans and self-flagellate for the color of skin they were born with. Like any cult, the cult of Floyd demands its members, white ones in particular, harm themselves and deprive themselves of their own freedom and rights as American citizens.

From the outside looking in it's a no-brainer to see the lies driving the Floyd and BLM movement. Myself? I have been the victim of a cult early in life. Fool me once, but never twice. I personally spotted the bullshit nature of the Floyd situation from the get-go, including the drummed up hatred for the cop who held him down. Which is why it is so damn difficult to understand how so many otherwise intelligent, rational and hard working fellow Americans can have their souls and courage ripped from them all in so short a period of time. It truly is among the most disgusting things I've ever witnessed and I have been around the global block more than once.

Wow, guy. Nobody is worshipping George Floyd. We are just saying that he shouldn't have been murdered for unknowingly passing a $20.00 bill, because that would be a bit harsh.

The thing is, people are outraged because George Floyd is the longest in a line of victims of Police Misconduct. Tamir Rice. Sandra Bland. Laquan McDonald. Mike Brown. Freddie Grey. Eric Garner. Philandro Castille. Etc. Etc. Etc. Some of them did things that they shouldn't have been doing. The police reaction to them was over the top.

Now, all that said, this was a perfect storm. Not that this was the first incident of police brutality, but it was the first one on top of two months of self-isolation and the worst unemployment since the Great Depression.
I think I have the it to get stupid Americans into a deep emotional state with Twitter and the Kardashian’s driving your propaganda bus all the way to November?
Because nothing else makes any sense at all.

It's always "Opposites Day" among the Democrats.
Our politicians solution is always to form a commission and then come up with a law that they won't enforce. It makes it look like they care and dumb voters eat that shit right up. In the end, it's just another establishment ploy to remove the pro American people President from office. One week after the election, especially if Biden wins, Democrats will forget all about BLM just like they forgot about Blasey Ford after Kavanaugh was confirmed. Politically, this whole thing is about the elitist establishment wanting to take their self serving power back from Trump, who is the first peoples President in decades. If the elitist Democrat party really wanted change it would have been fairly easy to do under Obama. In reality, Democrats want to keep Blacks poor, pissed off and dependent on government so they can control them like they have for decades. Trump did more for Blacks in 3 1/2 years than Democrats ever did.
Politically, this whole thing is about the elitist establishment wanting to take their self serving power back from Trump, who is the first peoples President in decades.

The first people's president who the people voted against. Interesting.

If the elitist Democrat party really wanted change it would have been fairly easy to do under Obama.

Actually, Obama did a lot of things to try to improve policing... and Trump and Sessions immediately abandoned those efforts when the stole their offices.

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