Stop Overthinking It: An Indictment Would Be Bad For Trump

I can't speak for 'brain dead leftist' (I don't know any).....nor did myself, or anybody that I personally know, blame Trump for the worldwide epidemic.
the fk demofks didn't. Son, that's blatantly a lie.
Not getting involved in Trump jail stuff, BUT am against those who are rich or famous getting preferential treatment by our courts.
NO GOOD. All should be equal under the law.
We did? you never told me what you thought was circular about it.
We did. I asked if you even know what circular logic is and you made it clear that you don’t. And now you want to go around that line of discussion again. Very repetitive.
We did. I asked if you even know what circular logic is and you made it clear that you don’t. And now you want to go around that line of discussion again. Very repetitive.
no, asking me if I know isn't you telling me what was circular about it. Again, you remain confused. Stuck in that circle huh?
It's called describing the cheating that took place.

Well, OK? I guess, but....
...but describing an event imaginary or not ain't the same as proving this imagined event really took place. Duh!

So do this, good poster jc456, for the sake of your credibility and the gravitas of your avatar:
Show the forum credible vetted proof of your claims of a stolen election. That, in your words ---"Trump won".

Should be a simple thing to do. After all, you have had 29 months to investigate, and reveal,and assemble deadsolidperfect proof that you are right......and 90+ judges in more than 60 courts are wrong.
Not to mention all those many audits, hand-counts, second-counts, third-counts, signature checks, and multiple certified tallies.
Prove them wrong, my friend.

Show us you are a man or boy or girl to be taken seriously.
That your word can be relied upon as a credible serious-minded man...or woman ....or girl. Whatever the case may be.

So saddle up, Skippy. Show us your little pony.
Thanx, in advance.

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