Stopping President Trump's Emergency Doesn't Need His Signature!

You made the comment that the other emergencies weren’t scams. If you know so much about them, then show us what you know and why they were legitimate vs Trump’s. You made the comment, back it up.
Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not.

Because the previous emergencies weren't just a scam to deliver a stupid campaign promise that congress already said no to.

Why did Obama declare emergencies? What were they?

If you have a point, then make it. If you really don't know what his emergencies were, then look it up.

Not how it works sweet lips. If you have a point, make it. I'm not going to look up your background material.
Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not.

Do we have to pretend this is the same as all other emergency declarations?
What, each emergency isn’t unique?

You just answered this question: "Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not."
Nice try, no cigar.
You made the comment that the other emergencies weren’t scams. If you know so much about them, then show us what you know and why they were legitimate vs Trump’s. You made the comment, back it up.
Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not.

Because the previous emergencies weren't just a scam to deliver a stupid campaign promise that congress already said no to.

Why did Obama declare emergencies? What were they?

If you have a point, then make it. If you really don't know what his emergencies were, then look it up.

Not how it works sweet lips. If you have a point, make it. I'm not going to look up your background material.
In on other words, it IS simply more partisan bulls#it from you. Thank you for your indirect honesty.
Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not.

Do we have to pretend this is the same as all other emergency declarations?
What, each emergency isn’t unique?

You just answered this question: "Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not."
Nice try, no cigar.

Then are you saying all emergencies are the same?
Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not.

Do we have to pretend this is the same as all other emergency declarations?
What, each emergency isn’t unique?

You just answered this question: "Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not."
Nice try, no cigar.

Then are you saying all emergencies are the same?
Reread what I wrote.
You made the comment that the other emergencies weren’t scams. If you know so much about them, then show us what you know and why they were legitimate vs Trump’s. You made the comment, back it up.
Because the previous emergencies weren't just a scam to deliver a stupid campaign promise that congress already said no to.

Why did Obama declare emergencies? What were they?

If you have a point, then make it. If you really don't know what his emergencies were, then look it up.

Not how it works sweet lips. If you have a point, make it. I'm not going to look up your background material.
In on other words, it IS simply more partisan bulls#it from you. Thank you for your indirect honesty.

No dumb ass. Make your point or not. I have no more time for you.
Of course you don’t. And thank you for proving my point.
You made the comment that the other emergencies weren’t scams. If you know so much about them, then show us what you know and why they were legitimate vs Trump’s. You made the comment, back it up.
Why did Obama declare emergencies? What were they?

If you have a point, then make it. If you really don't know what his emergencies were, then look it up.

Not how it works sweet lips. If you have a point, make it. I'm not going to look up your background material.
In on other words, it IS simply more partisan bulls#it from you. Thank you for your indirect honesty.

No dumb ass. Make your point or not. I have no more time for you.
Do we have to pretend this is the same as all other emergency declarations?
What, each emergency isn’t unique?

You just answered this question: "Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not."
Nice try, no cigar.

Then are you saying all emergencies are the same?
Reread what I wrote.

You re-read what you wrote. You don't have a clue what you're saying.
Actually, I do. I am asking what makes other President’s emergencies ok, but not Trumps, in your mind. They are all unique, but have similarities as well.
What made Obama’s and others legitimate vs Trump’s?
What, each emergency isn’t unique?

You just answered this question: "Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not."
Nice try, no cigar.

Then are you saying all emergencies are the same?
Reread what I wrote.

You re-read what you wrote. You don't have a clue what you're saying.
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Actually, the OP is incorrect.

The NEA contains a proviso that was all the rage in the post-Watergate era, the legislative veto. Congress prescribed (in what’s codified as Section 1622) that the president’s declaration of a national emergency could be terminated by a joint resolution of Congress — i.e., a conclusion that no emergency existed, expressed by majorities of both the Senate and the House.

Congress did not need to do this. Lawmakers could have denied the president the power to declare emergencies. They could have made such declarations the subject of court challenge by any party who’d been damaged and thus had standing — i.e., they could have prescribed judicial review. Instead, they decided to keep their own check on the president. The presumption was that if the president exceeded his authority by bogusly declaring a national emergency, Congress could stop him by voting it down — without needing the president’s signature. Congress’s veto power would make it less likely that a president would spuriously declare a national emergency. No president wants to be slapped down by Congress.

I’d observe that if this procedure still existed, there would be little concern that President Trump would declare a national emergency. Congress would probably be able to muster a joint resolution to terminate the emergency: House Democrats, now a majority, would stick together; and, with Republicans nervous about the partial shutdown of the government, Democrats would probably be able to peel off enough GOP moderates to prevail in the Senate. Knowing this, Trump would be leery of declaring an emergency.

But this procedure is no longer available to Congress. The Supreme Court invalidated the legislative veto in INS v. Chadha (1983), seven years after the NEA.

Donald Trump & National Emergency: Constitutional Twilight Zone | National Review
Lucky that there's no emergency because the orange squatter is on yet another vacation, golfing, twitting, eating

So where did you get that info? :laugh:

The nearest golf course from Hanoi is 146 miles.

Orange Judas is still in D.C. - possibly logging some simulator time.

Trump will leave for Vietnam on Monday for second meeting with Kim Jong un

Yep. Leaves in 18 minutes, according to the WH schedule.
It is readily achievable for the American people through their representatives in Congress to stop this Presidential power grab!



any powers or authorities exercised by reason of said emergency shall cease to be exercised after such specified date, except that such termination shall not affect—
(A) any action taken or proceeding pending not finally concluded or determined on such date;​

Which I take to mean, whatever project Trump has started (at the time of the concurrent resolution) by means of his power grab, including misappropriating funds, may well just continue, and in line with the Emergencies Act.

That is, I suspect, why there needs to be a law, with the president's signature on it, to stop even projects currently in the making.
It is readily achievable for the American people through their representatives in Congress to stop this Presidential power grab!



any powers or authorities exercised by reason of said emergency shall cease to be exercised after such specified date, except that such termination shall not affect—
(A) any action taken or proceeding pending not finally concluded or determined on such date;​

Which I take to mean, whatever project Trump has started (at the time of the concurrent resolution) by means of his power grab, including misappropriating funds, may well just continue, and in line with the Emergencies Act.

That is, I suspect, why there needs to be a law, with the president's signature on it, to stop even projects currently in the making.

At least the RWNJ's get to quit pretending they are Constitutional Original-ists for a while.
Did you demand the same of all previous Presidents that declared emergencies? If not, why not.

Because the previous emergencies weren't just a scam to deliver a stupid campaign promise that congress already said no to.

And this isn't even what he promised.

He promised Mexico would pay for his vanity wall.

It has been Repubs who refused to give him money for his wall and yet, RWNJs will say its what Nancy and Chuck say or do.

Fact is the idiot turned down $24BILLION and deal maker that he is, he has parlayed that to less than $2BILLION. What a business man, huh? He's failed at everything ever done but RWs will blame Nancy and Chuck.
It seems that a grave and shocking injustice is being perpetrated on the American by what is being proclaimed in the media that is needed to stop President Donald Trump's power grab in calling a national emergency and re-appropriating money for a southern border wall that Congress appropriated for other purposes. Media reports are setting the bar too high on what is needed to stop President Trump, the media is saying that what is needed is either a resolution passed by both chambers of Congress with the President signing the resolution or both chamber overriding a Presidential veto on the resolution. But if one actually reads the 1976 National emergencies act provisions they only say that each chamber of Congress must pass a concurrent resolution to terminate a Presidential emergency declaration; by definition a concurrent resolution does not need to be submitted to the President for his signature! It is readily achievable for the American people through their representatives in Congress to stop this Presidential power grab!

Oh so your petty ass has a problem with border security??

You don't mind shelling out billions every year to support illegal aliens??

You are all for American citizens being robbed, murdered and raped??

And of course you have no problem with drugs coming across the border??

And you are all for fake asylum seekers who are at our border in the thousands??

I assume you are for open borders.

Power grab?? LMAO How bout a national emergency that's been going on for decades.

If you don't see it as a national emergency it just shows what a shallow, stupid person you are.

What a moron.
Lucky that there's no emergency because the orange squatter is on yet another vacation, golfing, twitting, eating

So where did you get that info? :laugh:

The nearest golf course from Hanoi is 146 miles.

Orange Judas is still in D.C. - possibly logging some simulator time.

Trump will leave for Vietnam on Monday for second meeting with Kim Jong un

Yep. Leaves in 18 minutes, according to the WH schedule.
Lucky that there's no emergency because the orange squatter is on yet another vacation, golfing, twitting, eating

So where did you get that info? :laugh:

The nearest golf course from Hanoi is 146 miles.

Orange Judas is still in D.C. - possibly logging some simulator time.

Trump will leave for Vietnam on Monday for second meeting with Kim Jong un

Yep. Leaves in 18 minutes, according to the WH schedule.
Lucky that there's no emergency because the orange squatter is on yet another vacation, golfing, twitting, eating

So where did you get that info? :laugh:

The nearest golf course from Hanoi is 146 miles.

Orange Judas is still in D.C. - possibly logging some simulator time.

Trump will leave for Vietnam on Monday for second meeting with Kim Jong un

Yep. Leaves in 18 minutes, according to the WH schedule.

That still doesn't address Luddly's claim of him wanting to go golfing in Hanoi , with the nearest golf course 146 miles away. :)

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