Storm brewing in Baltimore: Police union FOIA's all mayor/command comms; Will make them public


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Baltimore Union to Probe Officer Injuries After Riots

Ok. not a big union guy. But I know if you fuck with their members they go for revenge sometimes. And it seems the Baltimore Police union is going to create some hell for the mayor, prosecutor and anyone else who threw cops under the bus or into unnecessary danger.

They FOIA filed for all communications...written or electronic. ..from the entire command staff, mayor, prosecutor...everyone....for the entirety of the crisis.

Damn. Some shits gonna hit page 1. What communcation did the mayor and prosecutor have with Al.Sharpton when he showed up....the day before charges were filed. What type of "stand down" orders did the mayor issue?

This is just gonna be....AWESOME to watch haha! Get me some popcorn!

God Bless Baltimore PD. Hope each and every one of you find new cushy jobs at a safe suburban police department. Go hug some kids and rescue some puppies. You all deserve better than this.
Any major or Chief of Police that tells there folks to stand down and allow looting deserve whatever they get.

Hope the entire Baltimore PD quits. Lets see the Mayor, the racist prosecutor and the Chief defend the city.
I think you are all forgetting one important detail. Gray was not belted in a seat as protocol demands. Perhaps his death could have been avoided if he had been secured by the belt. There's nothing any of us can do about that.
Well from what I understand the idiot wasn't supposed to be out of bed let alone fleeing from police.
Well from what I understand the idiot wasn't supposed to be out of bed let alone fleeing from police.

OK I give up......why? If you want to repeat that previous lie about him supposedly recovering from recent surgery, it's too late, it's was proven to be another right wing lie long ago.

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