Stormfront Vs. World Star Hip Hop

Which site agitates its fanbase into committing violent acts the most?

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True story...
Some idiot posted a story about a Black Man that was sentenced to prison for practicing bestiality, the next five pages of responses were how "noble" white people have never and will never sink so low.

They claimed that genetically and intellectually their whiteness wouldn't allow them to indulge in such conduct, however they claimed it was "normal" for sub-human *******.

This is the type of factually absent type of b.s. that they indulge in.
First, they blame the wave of Muslims in Europe on the Jews. That would be like the Jews inviting a wave of NAZIs into America in the 30s. It makes no sense. The Muslims are driving the Jews out of Europe and pretty soon there won't be any Jews in Europe.

It makes sense when you understand Jewish insecurities. They're always a minority in European societies, including America. They can never grow to become the majority, so rather than being isolated as a minority in an overwhelmingly majority nation they actively seek to weaken the majority by advancing the proposition that more minority groups should be present. Jews as the only minority group is worse for Jews (so they think) than Jews as one of many minority groups with a weakened majority group.

In regards to Europe, geography really constrained their options - it was not feasible to import Australian Aborigines into Europe as another minority group. North Arabs, Turks, blacks, and South Asians, and most of them were Muslim.
True story...
Some idiot posted a story about a Black Man that was sentenced to prison for practicing bestiality, the next five pages of responses were how "noble" white people have never and will never sink so low.

They claimed that genetically and intellectually their whiteness wouldn't allow them to indulge in such conduct, however they claimed it was "normal" for sub-human *******.

This is the type of factually absent type of b.s. that they indulge in.

Thats a bunch of BS. White people are the ones that have sex with animals more so than any group. There are videos of white people online confessing to having sex with dolphins. This fool even wrote a book about it. :lol:

How to take back a nice woman from a non-white.
This has happened twice within my family. Both are disowned and consisered dead by the entire family. They are not welcome (much less their groids or their niglets) in our homes or around us. There is no place for negro's or any other race other than white in our family and no exceptions for anyone. Interracial marriges is nothing more than a sign of the decay of morals within society. To accept such into a family is like injecting gangrene into it. It will rot from the inside out.

Miscegenation spreading to the American South
I've always taking comfort in looking to the South, where I've always perceived it to be alive and well. I guess I was wrong.

This fall, a girl from rural Georgia moved to my hometown and we instantly became friends. I incorrectly assumed her to share some of my views. We've never really discussed the topic of race until last night when she announced that she was now going out with a colored boy.

I was infuriated but also kind of fearful. If even the Deep South, the last bastion of white nationalism in our country is starting to be destroyed by miscegenation, then the white race in America is truly screwed.

My questions is: Is there any hope for reversing this trend of interracial marriage and reviving the white race in America or are we just totally screwed?
orionleo14 is offline Reply With Quote

Proof of The Jewish-Zionist Takeover of the BBC!

The site a whining feminine males, not men; and masculine females...
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Both are undeniably ethnocentric websites, yet Stormfront attracts unparalleled scorn and stigmatisation from the media, whilst World Star Hip Hop avoids negative coverage. When a White Nationalist attacked a sikh temple in 2012, the media went out of its way to claim that Stormfront, its content and users encouraged the murderer to carry out the attack. But in spite of World Star Hip Hop being mentioned in a growing number of "knockout game" videos of White people being assaulted by Black youths and men, how often does World Star Hip Hop come under attack? Never.

On Stormfront there are aggressive and offensive content and users, but I've never seen anyone on there post material featuring them attacking minorities in the name of Stormfront, whereas users of World Star Hip Hop often post violent, real life material, sometimes with fatal consequences.

So, I put it to you: which sites agitates its fanbase into committing violence the most?

Full of shit as usual Swagger. PussyFront is for punks and pussies like you that talk about killing off the "mud races". WSHH is a video site that shows all kind of irrelevant stuff. If you want to compare apples to apples find a New Black Panther forum you illiterate retard.

assata shakur forum is an example
I swear to god theres a pussification of men going on in this world - starting with these old men who become bitter little bitches who failed to suck it up in life so all they do is whine and bitch about change. Its their boogy man.

If youre one of those bitter old sacks of skin, chances are youre a failure. You dont just lose your pragmatism magically, it takes YEARS of epic fail.


"Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking your own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people."
I swear to god theres a pussification of men going on in this world - starting with these old men who become bitter little bitches who failed to suck it up in life so all they do is whine and bitch about change. Its their boogy man.

If youre one of those bitter old sacks of skin, chances are youre a failure. You dont just lose your pragmatism magically, it takes YEARS of epic fail.


"Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking your own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people."


I'm a young man.

I swear to god theres a pussification of men going on in this world - starting with these old men who become bitter little bitches who failed to suck it up in life so all they do is whine and bitch about change. Its their boogy man.

If youre one of those bitter old sacks of skin, chances are youre a failure. You dont just lose your pragmatism magically, it takes YEARS of epic fail.


"Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking your own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people."


I'm a young man.


LMAO..."young men" are the most likely to be a "pussified" male who is a "bitter little bitch" and "failed to suck it up in life".

Mature adults don't give a damn about immature children calling them names, scooter.

"Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking your own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people."


I'm a young man.


LMAO..."young men" are the most likely to be a "pussified" male who is a "bitter little bitch" and "failed to suck it up in life".

Mature adults don't give a damn about immature children calling them names, scooter.

I'm not worried about your perception, especially if you're one of those bitter old racist fruits.
I swear to god theres a pussification of men going on in this world - starting with these old men who become bitter little bitches who failed to suck it up in life so all they do is whine and bitch about change. Its their boogy man.

If youre one of those bitter old sacks of skin, chances are youre a failure. You dont just lose your pragmatism magically, it takes YEARS of epic fail.

Every government needs a boogeyman. US did it with the indians, then blacks, hispanics, irish, commnuists, feminists, gays, muslims, etc. Without being able to portray the majority as 'us' and some despicable minority as 'them' why would we give the government authority over us but to keep us safe. Government power isn't taken, it's given. "Keep us safe from [insert latest badguys here]!"

Whatever their motives, hate groups are untittingly helping government by feeding into this method of crowd control. KGB refered to people helping them without knowing it 'useful idiots.'
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I'm a young man.


LMAO..."young men" are the most likely to be a "pussified" male who is a "bitter little bitch" and "failed to suck it up in life".

Mature adults don't give a damn about immature children calling them names, scooter.

I'm not worried about your perception, especially if you're one of those bitter old racist fruits.

Sure, scooter...whatever you say. :lol:
I swear to god theres a pussification of men going on in this world - starting with these old men who become bitter little bitches who failed to suck it up in life so all they do is whine and bitch about change. Its their boogy man.

If youre one of those bitter old sacks of skin, chances are youre a failure. You dont just lose your pragmatism magically, it takes YEARS of epic fail.

Every government needs a boogeyman. US did it with the indians, then blacks, hispanics, irish, commnuists, feminists, gays, muslims, etc. Without being able to portray the majority as 'us' and some despicable minority as 'them' why would we give the government authority over us but to keep us safe. Government power isn't taken, it's given. "Keep us safe from [insert latest badguys here]!"

Whatever their motives, hate groups are untittingly helping government by feeding into this method of crowd control. KGB refered to people helping them without knowing it 'useful idiots.'

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