Story from my wife, do you see this often in your hospital waiting rooms?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
Never seen it. Been to the emergency room a few times. SERIOUS emergencies are seen IMMEDIATELY. Those who bring their kids to the ER with sniffles may have to wait a bit behind the victim of a chainsaw accident.
It happens down here in for profit healthcare get real...

Do you have an example?
Yes but I have no pictures.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not claiming this has never happened. The statistical odds are it has somewhere, but I would be curious as to how often it happens here compared to countries like Canada and others that have a government monopolized system.
Not sure but I can get much faster service in any er by claiming to have chest pains..When I was younger and had to take someone or had to go to the er myself I have had to wait for hours, just depends how busy they are. The bigger the city usually the longer the wait.
It happens down here in for profit healthcare get real...

Do you have an example?
Yes but I have no pictures.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not claiming this has never happened. The statistical odds are it has somewhere, but I would be curious as to how often it happens here compared to countries like Canada and others that have a government monopolized system.
Not sure but I can get much faster service in any er by claiming to have chest pains..When I was younger and had to take someone or had to go to the er myself I have had to wait for hours, just depends how busy they are. The bigger the city usually the longer the wait.

How about waiting 7 hours with a loud, crying, child who seemed to have difficulties breathing? The kid was 6 month old. I heard this story from a guy in the crowded ER room as I waited for my wife a few months ago, I saw the proof first hand and he had his child over his shoulder and trying to comfort him as he told me how long he had been waiting.

I told him "you need to go demand attention, there are people here who don't need to be here and you have a vulnerable child". What made it worse was he told me his wife had a miscarriage twice in the past, this was their only child. I nearly went myself and was going to make a bit of a scene on his behalf, but I'd be thrown out.

I don't make these stories up, they are all quite real. I'm not saying it is always like this, but I can tell you it is often like this, and it is getting worse, very quickly.
It happens down here in for profit healthcare get real...

Do you have an example?
Yes but I have no pictures.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not claiming this has never happened. The statistical odds are it has somewhere, but I would be curious as to how often it happens here compared to countries like Canada and others that have a government monopolized system.
Not sure but I can get much faster service in any er by claiming to have chest pains..When I was younger and had to take someone or had to go to the er myself I have had to wait for hours, just depends how busy they are. The bigger the city usually the longer the wait.

How about waiting 7 hours with a loud, crying, child who seemed to have difficulties breathing? The kid was 6 month old. I heard this story from a guy in the crowded ER room as I waited for my wife a few months ago, I saw the proof first hand and he had his child over his shoulder and trying to comfort him as he told me how long he had been waiting.

I told him "you need to go demand attention, there are people here who don't need to be here and you have a vulnerable child". What made it worse was he told me his wife had a miscarriage twice in the past, this was their only child. I nearly went myself and was going to make a bit of a scene on his behalf, but I'd be thrown out.

I don't make these stories up, they are all quite real. I'm not saying it is always like this, but I can tell you it is often like this, and it is getting worse, very quickly.
I can agree with you yet it all depends on how many are waiting in the Er. If the people doing the triage make you wait it's not just because it is national healthcare.
It happens down here in for profit healthcare get real...
I call BS, there is NO WAY a man bleeding with a compound fracture would be left bleeding in an ER waiting room in America even for a few minutes let alone hours.
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
My dad had was in the ER for 7 hours and then taken to a hospital 3 hours away.

That's in the States. So, let's cut the shit on the scare stories on "socialized" health care. The speed in which you can obtain certain types of surgeries in Canada depends on where you live. Canada is a mixture.

The ER in most hospitals here is usually overcrowded. There is no alternative after 6. Urgent Care places close about 8.
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...

My son has a severe food allergy. On his first reaction, we made the mistake of driving him to the ER, thinking it would be faster. We arrived and he was in anaphylatic shock--and it was bad and scary, just like in the movies or something. He was quickly surrounded and so were we and rushed back and attended.

In other instances I have waited for a long time in American ERs. I have never seen blood. I think you'd at least be back in triage for that.
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
My dad had was in the ER for 7 hours and then taken to a hospital 3 hours away.

That's in the States. So, let's cut the shit on the scare stories on "socialized" health care. The speed in which you can obtain certain types of surgeries in Canada depends on where you live. Canada is a mixture.

The ER in most hospitals here is usually overcrowded. There is no alternative after 6. Urgent Care places close about 8.

The truth is there are good and bad points in each case. Neither is perfect, that's for sure. But for me I surely don't want the government in charge of my health care. No way.
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
My dad had was in the ER for 7 hours and then taken to a hospital 3 hours away.

That's in the States. So, let's cut the shit on the scare stories on "socialized" health care. The speed in which you can obtain certain types of surgeries in Canada depends on where you live. Canada is a mixture.

The ER in most hospitals here is usually overcrowded. There is no alternative after 6. Urgent Care places close about 8.

Healthcare is only one component of socialism you should be concerned about. Maybe not even the most worrisome, depending on your station in life.
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...

I have used a chain saw more times than I care to remember and never cut my leg off. I have used an axe more times than I care to remember but never cut my foot off. Watch out for the sledge hammer. edit: I worked at a major hospital for 4 years and have a lot of hospital stores to tell. One wino bet another wino a bottle of Ripple that he could not put a 3/4 inch inside diameter nut over his dick. The other wino took the bet and guess what happened?
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Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
My dad had was in the ER for 7 hours and then taken to a hospital 3 hours away.

That's in the States. So, let's cut the shit on the scare stories on "socialized" health care. The speed in which you can obtain certain types of surgeries in Canada depends on where you live. Canada is a mixture.

The ER in most hospitals here is usually overcrowded. There is no alternative after 6. Urgent Care places close about 8.

The truth is there are good and bad points in each case. Neither is perfect, that's for sure. But for me I surely don't want the government in charge of my health care. No way.

Canada has a private/public health care. So, if you are living in the boondocks and you need a specific surgery and there is one surgeon that can preform the surgery in a 350 mile're going to see a wait list.

Yep, I hear you. The most trustworthy people in charge of health care are those that are exploiting for profit.
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
My dad had was in the ER for 7 hours and then taken to a hospital 3 hours away.

That's in the States. So, let's cut the shit on the scare stories on "socialized" health care. The speed in which you can obtain certain types of surgeries in Canada depends on where you live. Canada is a mixture.

The ER in most hospitals here is usually overcrowded. There is no alternative after 6. Urgent Care places close about 8.

Healthcare is only one component of socialism you should be concerned about. Maybe not even the most worrisome, depending on your station in life.

Depending on my station? Fuck off with that shit. Socialism isn't coming to the US. There must be an election around the corner--it's time for another Red Scare.
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
My dad had was in the ER for 7 hours and then taken to a hospital 3 hours away.

That's in the States. So, let's cut the shit on the scare stories on "socialized" health care. The speed in which you can obtain certain types of surgeries in Canada depends on where you live. Canada is a mixture.

The ER in most hospitals here is usually overcrowded. There is no alternative after 6. Urgent Care places close about 8.

The truth is there are good and bad points in each case. Neither is perfect, that's for sure. But for me I surely don't want the government in charge of my health care. No way.

Canada has a private/public health care. So, if you are living in the boondocks and you need a specific surgery and there is one surgeon that can preform the surgery in a 350 mile're going to see a wait list.

Yep, I hear you. The most trustworthy people in charge of health care are those that are exploiting for profit.

Sure. Human nature is what it is. You might get, say, half of drs. who are truly in it to help humanity--out of the "goodness of their hearts". Half are not, or get jaded. So if you are on a gov't system and they are all paid the same, how are you going to motivate them to continue to do good work without a profit motive?

The problem with all forms of socialism is that it imagines that humanity is not what it is. It imagines we are something better.
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
My dad had was in the ER for 7 hours and then taken to a hospital 3 hours away.

That's in the States. So, let's cut the shit on the scare stories on "socialized" health care. The speed in which you can obtain certain types of surgeries in Canada depends on where you live. Canada is a mixture.

The ER in most hospitals here is usually overcrowded. There is no alternative after 6. Urgent Care places close about 8.

The truth is there are good and bad points in each case. Neither is perfect, that's for sure. But for me I surely don't want the government in charge of my health care. No way.

Canada has a private/public health care. So, if you are living in the boondocks and you need a specific surgery and there is one surgeon that can preform the surgery in a 350 mile're going to see a wait list.

Yep, I hear you. The most trustworthy people in charge of health care are those that are exploiting for profit.

Sure. Human nature is what it is. You might get, say, half of drs. who are truly in it to help humanity--out of the "goodness of their hearts". Half are not, or get jaded. So if you are on a gov't system and they are all paid the same, how are you going to motivate them to continue to do good work without a profit motive?

The problem with all forms of socialism is that it imagines that humanity is not what it is. It imagines we are something better.
As does the free market philosophy. It all looks good on paper. Hospitals don't pay property taxes. We the people pay that for them.
Story told from my wife when she was at the hospital for her physio. Guy in the waiting room of the hospital, been there several hours, blood all over his shirt, soaked, still bleeding on the floor, bone on his arm exposed as he cut himself accidentally with a chainsaw.

This is socialized medicine. Or maybe he just isn't popular with the Powers that Be, let him sit awhile and learn a lesson...
My dad had was in the ER for 7 hours and then taken to a hospital 3 hours away.

That's in the States. So, let's cut the shit on the scare stories on "socialized" health care. The speed in which you can obtain certain types of surgeries in Canada depends on where you live. Canada is a mixture.

The ER in most hospitals here is usually overcrowded. There is no alternative after 6. Urgent Care places close about 8.

The truth is there are good and bad points in each case. Neither is perfect, that's for sure. But for me I surely don't want the government in charge of my health care. No way.

Canada has a private/public health care. So, if you are living in the boondocks and you need a specific surgery and there is one surgeon that can preform the surgery in a 350 mile're going to see a wait list.

Yep, I hear you. The most trustworthy people in charge of health care are those that are exploiting for profit.

Sure. Human nature is what it is. You might get, say, half of drs. who are truly in it to help humanity--out of the "goodness of their hearts". Half are not, or get jaded. So if you are on a gov't system and they are all paid the same, how are you going to motivate them to continue to do good work without a profit motive?

The problem with all forms of socialism is that it imagines that humanity is not what it is. It imagines we are something

Breaking News: Mount Carmel West Hospital in Grove City and near Columbus, Ohio. The Doctor has been charged with killing seven patients using Fentanyl and just after other patients caught Legionnaires Disease at the same hospital which killed four patients at the same hospital. Mount Carmel is a Catholic Hospital.

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