Strange how baby muder became a "health issue"


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
tonight i saw Obama on the Leno show, he said women shouldn't let men get involved with their "health issues" (thunderous applause)

men are telling women not to take vitamin C ...oh wait no ... the topic is ABORTION.
aborting babies is a big heath issue? ...what about the health of the kid?
"well we don't consider a human a human at that stage"
oh i'm sorry, i forgot.

i how you people realize that the guy who made that statement 'pregnancy from rape was a plan from God' took some kind of bribe in an effort to make conservatives look bad.

"well i support abortion in cases of rape" - Romney

the problem with that is, now everyone who goes to the clinic will claim they are raped.

Roe never had an abortion.
Roe claimed she was raped when she wasn't
Roe no longer supports her position in the case.

the fact is, these baby massacre clinics are something created by the government and heavy propaganda is used to sway the public.
nothing in the Constitution supports it.

we should scrap Roe v Wade and start over using real facts and figures.
For such an awful issue - there is a funny (funny peculiar - not funny haha) side to it.

The leftist media is working day and night to convince Americans that this is a major issue in the election. They are propping up the head of the NAGs (or N.O.W. for you lefty wack-jobs) on MSNBC with all this distorted data trying to recreate the "war" on women stupidity. ...The Madcow spent practically her (his?) entire show on the topic as if anyone but radical leftists would ever vote on this issue.

In a week where the only legitimate story is how the President spent two weeks lying to America about Benghazi, before deciding to ignore it all together (after all it's only 4 dead Americans, it's not like we deserve any answers), the loons are still trying to sell America some crazy notion that the two biggest issues in this election are birth control and murdering babies.

So after a total failure on the economy and lying to America to cover up their foreign policy disaster - the left is so desperate that they are trying to sell this moronic fantasy.

Talk about pathetic!
Like it or not, abortion is a health issue, and men need to back off.

No it's not and you don't represent real women who protect unborn children, so you need to BACK OFF.

Free birth control is available EVERYwhere.. THERE'S NO EXCUSE, ZERO.. NONE.. It's lazyass women like the one here who can't keep their legs closed but won't get off of their jelly asses to protect themselves from getting pregnant.. Instead, they use SLAUGHTERING children as their form of birth control then try to call it a health issue.. IT'S A MURDER ISSUE.. You earned it.. WEAR IT PROUDLY.
Like it or not, abortion is a health issue, and men need to back off.

No it's not and you don't represent real women who protect unborn children, so you need to BACK OFF.

Free birth control is available EVERYwhere.. THERE'S NO EXCUSE, ZERO.. NONE.. It's lazyass women like the one here who can't keep their legs closed but won't get off of their jelly asses to protect themselves from getting pregnant.. Instead, they use SLAUGHTERING children as their form of birth control then try to call it a health issue.. IT'S A MURDER ISSUE.. You earned it.. WEAR IT PROUDLY.

Please show me where it states that abortion is murder.
Like it or not, abortion is a health issue, and men need to back off.

No it's not and you don't represent real women who protect unborn children, so you need to BACK OFF.

Free birth control is available EVERYwhere.. THERE'S NO EXCUSE, ZERO.. NONE.. It's lazyass women like the one here who can't keep their legs closed but won't get off of their jelly asses to protect themselves from getting pregnant.. Instead, they use SLAUGHTERING children as their form of birth control then try to call it a health issue.. IT'S A MURDER ISSUE.. You earned it.. WEAR IT PROUDLY.

Please show me where it states that abortion is murder.

Go pick up a bible.. I guess you're so backasswards that you've never bothered to look at babies invetro, no??? Don't want to know the truth, do ya?


Check it out.. Even at 8 wks pregnant, a baby who kicks! WHO KNEW??
No it's not and you don't represent real women who protect unborn children, so you need to BACK OFF.

Free birth control is available EVERYwhere.. THERE'S NO EXCUSE, ZERO.. NONE.. It's lazyass women like the one here who can't keep their legs closed but won't get off of their jelly asses to protect themselves from getting pregnant.. Instead, they use SLAUGHTERING children as their form of birth control then try to call it a health issue.. IT'S A MURDER ISSUE.. You earned it.. WEAR IT PROUDLY.

Please show me where it states that abortion is murder.

Go pick up a bible.. I guess you're so backasswards that you've never bothered to look at babies invetro, no??? Don't want to know the truth, do ya?


Check it out.. Even at 8 wks pregnant, a baby who kicks! WHO KNEW??

The Bible does not decide the laws of the US. Try again.
This is the face of a baby who didn't have to go through being chopped up alive by her own mother.. But people like Nooooooooooooomi deny her that protection, because women like Noooooooooomi state their right to slaughter that child TRUMPS that child's right to breathe, not be murdered..

Please show me where it states that abortion is murder.

Go pick up a bible.. I guess you're so backasswards that you've never bothered to look at babies invetro, no??? Don't want to know the truth, do ya?


Check it out.. Even at 8 wks pregnant, a baby who kicks! WHO KNEW??

The Bible does not decide the laws of the US. Try again.

This is America IDIOT and the 10 commandments most certainly played and play a role in our laws.. WOW.. You're a completely ignorant FOOL!
Like it or not, abortion is a health issue, and men need to back off.

Wrong, the Supreme Court ruled it a privacy issue, now when it is politically benefical it suddenly is morfed into a health issue. Like the issue or not, let's tell it like it is.
Every last woman who chooses to slaughter a child for CONVENIENCE should be FORCED to view these pictures before they do it.. IN a country where birth control IS FREEEEEEEEEEEE, FREEEEEEEEEEEE..MILLONS of babies SLAUGHTERED for no reason other than convenience. It's the most vile sin against this nation.. and all for the shameless selfish woman who is too damn lazy to take birth control and won't practice responsbility in being abstinent.
*GRAPHIC WARNING* abortion pictures of babies slaughtered.. tortured .. LOOK AT THEM.. or do you dare??? All for CONVENIENCE.. "IT'S A HEALTH ISSUE!" The disgusting blather of a selfish woman who cares NOTHING about slaughtering and torturing her own child. IT'S SICK.

Abortion pictures, partial birth abortion photos, aborted babies

This is what democrat women consider to be a right anytime they please. A life means nothing to them. I'd stay far away from these gulls as I'd never know when they'd stab me in the back. :eusa_hand: These same people then turn around demanding that a murderer not be executed.

The democrats are a stain on the civilized world.
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Those pictures will break your heart.. bring you to your knee's in shame.. and make you never claim again that ABORTION is a FUCKING right and health issue of women.. IT'S MURDER, period. Now condone that.
The socialist we're debating believe in a belief system that killed 120 million human beings in the same fashion. These fuckers really do want to destroy our free market system and once they're in full power, watch the fuck out.
Like it or not, abortion is a health issue, and men need to back off.

No it's not and you don't represent real women who protect unborn children, so you need to BACK OFF.

Free birth control is available EVERYwhere.. THERE'S NO EXCUSE, ZERO.. NONE.. It's lazyass women like the one here who can't keep their legs closed but won't get off of their jelly asses to protect themselves from getting pregnant.. Instead, they use SLAUGHTERING children as their form of birth control then try to call it a health issue.. IT'S A MURDER ISSUE.. You earned it.. WEAR IT PROUDLY.

Please show me where it states that abortion is murder.

Any state which charges a person with homicide of an unborn fetus/baby. How can there be a difference? Why is a 16 week fetus a 'thing' if Mom wants to abort it but suddenly attains personhood when a screwed up boyfriend hits Mom and kills her? Or the drunk driver charged with two deaths when killing one woman and her unborn child?

Makes no sense to me. How the hell can the definition of a 'life' change given the circumstances? Makes no sense to me. Was it her choice? No. But how can it be murder in one instance and just fine and dandy in the other?

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