Strange how baby muder became a "health issue"

11 weeks


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An expectant MOTHER, not an expectant person of TISSUE @ 7 months..


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CaféAuLait;6226401 said:
How can you murder a non-person then? You can't.

And maybe that's a good defense for a person charged with such a murder (or maybe not). But again, this apparent inconsistency in the laws of certain regions does not do anything to establish personhood into a fetus. And without actually establishing personhood, we cannot reasonably prohibit abortions, as per a woman's rights to otherwise do with her body as she wishes.

There is another way to look at this dilemma, one that could reconcile this apparent dilemma. First, we need to recognize the constitutional protections for abortion for what they are. Abortion is not directly protected by the constitution. Instead, the constitution protects other rigths. For example, the right to privacy between a woman and her doctor, and the right to obtain medical treatment for any condition that may harm one's health. Next, we must look at the prosecutability of an abortion prohibition with these rights in place. It's impossible for prosecute. The state cannot question a woman's doctor in order to determine whether a risk to her health existed or not. Abortion, therefore, is protected de facto, even if not directly.

With that, we can then turn to the question of what happens when a pregnant woman is killed. Here, we can adopt a new concept that we could call "presumption to carry." In other words, we call it reasonable to assume that any given pregnant woman will carry her pregnancy to term and give birth to a baby, unless a serious threat to her health develops from the pregnancy. By accepting this new doctrine, we can now consider it justified to charge a person with murder not only for the woman, but also for the person who will never be born. We can do this without concern for whether the fetus has actually accertained personhood, because short of something unexpected we can reasonably presume that it would have if not for the murderer's actions.

So, in this way we now can reconcile the seeming paradox as to how abortion can be legal while the law also allows a person to be charged with fetal murder for killing a pregnant woman.
Full term- PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION that OBAMA demands:


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Sorry, you don't dictate to me what words mean.

And you don't get to pick and choose whatever meaning you like, just because it fits your agenda. There is a big difference between a 12 week fetus and a 2 hour old baby after a roughly normal term pregnancy. But please, don't take my word for it. Go ask some doctors.
7 months invetro

According to libruls, this is not a baby.. IT'S A BLOB that can be murdered because the librul said so.


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If a woman has the choice to terminate her parental responsibilities by terminating the child, where does the fathers choice come in to the equation? He has no choice in the termination and if she chooses not to terminate he has no choice but to pay. Shouldn't he have the choice to terminate his parental responsibilities just like the woman? Aren't we gurarnteed equal protection under the law?

Million to one odds that I would ever find anything you said reasonable. Maybe I should buy a lotto ticket today.
Sorry, you don't dictate to me what words mean.

And you don't get to pick and choose whatever meaning you like, just because it fits your agenda. There is a big difference between a 12 week fetus and a 2 hour old baby after a roughly normal term pregnancy. But please, don't take my word for it. Go ask some doctors.


*WARNING* Picture of a BABY at 12wks ABORTED.. Fully formed baby

Abortion: America's Genocide. . . A Baby At 12 Weeks Gestation720 x 676 | 36 KB


I can't get the picture to come up on the link.. go to yahoo, click on images and put that above in
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Sorry, you don't dictate to me what words mean.

And you don't get to pick and choose whatever meaning you like, just because it fits your agenda. There is a big difference between a 12 week fetus and a 2 hour old baby after a roughly normal term pregnancy. But please, don't take my word for it. Go ask some doctors.


*WARNING* Picture of a BABY at 12wks ABORTED.. Fully formed baby

Image Detail for - baby <b>in womb</b>

I bet this looks like a fully formed person, too. But I can assure you, there is no personhood left, nor has there been for nearly a century.

If a woman has the choice to terminate her parental responsibilities by terminating the child, where does the fathers choice come in to the equation? He has no choice in the termination and if she chooses not to terminate he has no choice but to pay. Shouldn't he have the choice to terminate his parental responsibilities just like the woman? Aren't we gurarnteed equal protection under the law?

Million to one odds that I would ever find anything you said reasonable. Maybe I should buy a lotto ticket today.

Not sure how to take that, is this a good thing?
If a woman has the choice to terminate her parental responsibilities by terminating the child, where does the fathers choice come in to the equation? He has no choice in the termination and if she chooses not to terminate he has no choice but to pay. Shouldn't he have the choice to terminate his parental responsibilities just like the woman? Aren't we gurarnteed equal protection under the law?

Million to one odds that I would ever find anything you said reasonable. Maybe I should buy a lotto ticket today.

Not sure how to take that, is this a good thing?

IOW, I agree with you, for for the first, and probably last time, ever.
And you don't get to pick and choose whatever meaning you like, just because it fits your agenda. There is a big difference between a 12 week fetus and a 2 hour old baby after a roughly normal term pregnancy. But please, don't take my word for it. Go ask some doctors.


*WARNING* Picture of a BABY at 12wks ABORTED.. Fully formed baby

Image Detail for - baby <b>in womb</b>

I bet this looks like a fully formed person, too. But I can assure you, there is no personhood left, nor has there been for nearly a century.


You're an IDIOT and look like a total fucking DOLT. Just because someone dies doesn't mean they were never a person.. WOW..

Lastly, everyone can see for themselves.. PICTURES OF FULLY FORMED BABIES, alive, sucking their thumb, kicking...

Technology is a bitch and so are those things called FACTS.
You're an IDIOT and look like a total fucking DOLT. Just because someone dies doesn't mean they were never a person.. WOW..

And just because a fetus will one day before does not mean it has always been a person. Nothing you are saying or posting does anything to establish the beginning of personhood.
Million to one odds that I would ever find anything you said reasonable. Maybe I should buy a lotto ticket today.

Not sure how to take that, is this a good thing?

IOW, I agree with you, for for the first, and probably last time, ever.

Thanks, I just don't think the father not having any choices is right. If he wants a kid, he has no right to compel the woman to carry to term and if he doesn't want a kid he can't compel her to terminate. So IMHO his responsibility to her, should she decide to have the kid against his wishes, would be half the cost of termination. Of course he would lose his parental rights and this would only apply outside of marriage.
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You're an IDIOT and look like a total fucking DOLT. Just because someone dies doesn't mean they were never a person.. WOW..

And just because a fetus will one day before does not mean it has always been a person. Nothing you are saying or posting does anything to establish the beginning of personhood.

I don't have to.. God did.. So do doctors when they tell an expectant mother,"Listen to your baby's heartbeat." Never heard a doctor tell an expectant mom, "Listen to your fetus's heartbeat." Or.. "THERE'S YOUR FETUS'S feet , kicking.. "

YOU IDIOT.. You're on such thin ice and you're too STOOPID to even know it!


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