Strange how baby muder became a "health issue"

You wonder why baby killers tell a lie that can so quickly be countered with a truth that paints them in a truthful, and heinous, light.

Dems are pro-child abuse, and pro-death. Their laws resulted in de-criminalization of crimes against children, and child abuse has increased since Abortion for All.

But retards gotta be retarded.
Sorry, you don't dictate to me what words mean.

And you don't get to pick and choose whatever meaning you like, just because it fits your agenda. There is a big difference between a 12 week fetus and a 2 hour old baby after a roughly normal term pregnancy. But please, don't take my word for it. Go ask some doctors.

Of course there is a difference between a zygot, embryo, fetus, born baby, the difference being that they are various developmental stages of a human being. A fetus is no more a born baby who is no more a toddler who is no more a teenager either. And? Just because a fetus reaches a certain stage of development does not make it any more, or less, of a human being. AT. ALL. It merely means that it is a human being at a certain stage of development. Why pro-"choice" people seem to think that a human being in the fetus stage of development somehow isn't a human being and is therefore ok to destroy it is beyond me.
ToTheFarLeft argues semantics and language..then attacks others for arguing semantics and language.

Does it get any more schizo than that?
It doesn't matter what you think, progressive. Abortion as birth control is a human rights violations. It violates women, it kills babies.

Just as slavery was a human rights violation, even when it was legal, and honor killings are a human rights violation, though perfectly legal in the countries where they are frequent.

Abortion does not kill babies. It terminates fetal development. You can play word games all you like, but a fetus is not a baby. It is a fetus. Until scientific study can identify the point where personhood begins in fetal development, this "it kills babies" argument has absolutely zero validity for the purposes of public policy in a free country. Just laws require objective cause.

The YOU answer this question that nobody else seems to want to answer......

Why is it when a woman has an abortion it's ok because it's not really a BABY yet.
But if someone murders a pregnant mom and her child, that person is accused of TWO murders instead of just the murder of the mother. What in hell is the difference???

The attacker killed the's murder
A mother kills her's only a fetus so it doesn't matter

In pro-"choice" land if the mother wants the unborn then it is a 'baby'; if she doesn't want the unborn then it isn't a 'baby'.

Twisted, eh?
No, there's not. It is the baby killing faction that has decided to change the meanings of words, not me. Regardless of what you want to call it, it's still a baby, a human at a point of development, just as an infant, child, adolescent, youth, adult, senior.

All just names for the same thing. A human being.

That being the case, there should be no exceptions for an abortion. Not rape, not incest, not safety of the mother. None, period.

Meh, whatever.

So in other words, sometimes you're OK with murdering babies?
Why are pro-death cultists so adamant about assigning stances to those who object to their own?

I'm never ok with killing innocents and exploiting women. I think I've made my stance on this issue pretty clear down through the years.
It doesn't matter what you think, progressive. Abortion as birth control is a human rights violations. It violates women, it kills babies.

Just as slavery was a human rights violation, even when it was legal, and honor killings are a human rights violation, though perfectly legal in the countries where they are frequent.

Abortion does not kill babies. It terminates fetal development. You can play word games all you like, but a fetus is not a baby. It is a fetus. Until scientific study can identify the point where personhood begins in fetal development, this "it kills babies" argument has absolutely zero validity for the purposes of public policy in a free country. Just laws require objective cause.

The YOU answer this question that nobody else seems to want to answer......

Why is it when a woman has an abortion it's ok because it's not really a BABY yet.
But if someone murders a pregnant mom and her child, that person is accused of TWO murders instead of just the murder of the mother. What in hell is the difference???

The attacker killed the's murder
A mother kills her's only a fetus so it doesn't matter

Actually, if you look back I DID answer that question.
Of course there is a difference between a zygot, embryo, fetus, born baby, the difference being that they are various developmental stages of a human being. A fetus is no more a born baby who is no more a toddler who is no more a teenager either. And? Just because a fetus reaches a certain stage of development does not make it any more, or less, of a human being. AT. ALL. It merely means that it is a human being at a certain stage of development. Why pro-"choice" people seem to think that a human being in the fetus stage of development somehow isn't a human being and is therefore ok to destroy it is beyond me.

You really haven't said anything here, other than to insinuate that personhood begins at conception. And THAT is an absurd position.

"well i support abortion in cases of rape" - Romney

the problem with that is, now everyone who goes to the clinic will claim they are raped.

According to the GOP, Rapists are like.... Santa Claus, shoving the "gift" of an unwanted pregnancy up a woman or girls vagina. And, I guess it must be even more special when a girl gets that special "gift" from her father or her uncle... Santa Claus with a bag of special toys - rope, lubricant, duct tape, GBH...


If this invisible man in she sky, God, has the power to create a fertilized egg during a rape, why the hell doesn't he... smite the rapist with his magic powers? Or at least call the police!

It's kind of fucked up to hover in the sky watching all these rapes and then say, I feel bad, so here's a kid that will serve as a daily reminder of the most horrible and painful event in your life.

However, re: gift-giving and Christmas.... When your mom gives you an ugly shirt, what do you do.... Take it back! So, in a sense, women have the choice to return this unwanted and totally inappropriate "gift".

Thanks, God, but no thanks.

the fact is, these baby massacre clinics are something created by the government and heavy propaganda is used to sway the public.

You mean the OBGYN office? The government created OBGYN's to masacare babies? The whole women's health and family planning, it's just a ruse?

IMO - you're proof that religious fanaticism is similar to paranoid psychosis.

we should scrap Roe v Wade and start over using real facts and figures.

Here's a fact. An abortion is cheap compared to a lifetime of welfare, food stamps, juvenile court, juvenile detention, criminal court costs, public defender costs, state incarceration costs.... The life of an unwanted lower-income child.

Abortion is a fucking bargin if you think about it. Why would we not pay for every fucking low-income abortion that we can?

Here's something for all you pro-lifers to chew on....

When an unfit mother, drug addict, or mentally unstable women walks into a Woman's Health Clinic.... God, the loving and compassionate God I believe in, is holding her hand, walking right beside her, and helping her have that one moment of clarity in her otherwise chaotic and sad life, when she decides to terminate the pregnancy.

Thank you God, for helping every women to make the right choice for her. The responsible choice. The moral choice.
No, because we don't put a price on human life. We don't believe that life is wonderful..unless you have to pay for it. That's the stance of the fascist left, and always has been.
Now I'm going to stir the pot a bit, since we are on the subject of choice, I have a question. If a woman has the choice to terminate her parental responsibilities by terminating the child, where does the fathers choice come in to the equation? He has no choice in the termination and if she chooses not to terminate he has no choice but to pay. Shouldn't he have the choice to terminate his parental responsibilities just like the woman? Aren't we gurarnteed equal protection under the law?

We agree. I believe that if the man doesn't want to become a father he should have the right to terminate his parental rights. Fair is fair, and it is unfair that the woman holds all the rights.

Believe it or not your the first woman to agree, most think the man just because he had sex sould become the slave. I thank you for being honest.
Men shouldn't get involved in women's lives unless they fuck them Obama. Then they become involved. Sometimes many times per encounter.
Our tax dollars go to PP, and PP's #1 service is abortion.

Which is not tracked or monitored.
No it's not and you don't represent real women who protect unborn children, so you need to BACK OFF.

Free birth control is available EVERYwhere.. THERE'S NO EXCUSE, ZERO.. NONE.. It's lazyass women like the one here who can't keep their legs closed but won't get off of their jelly asses to protect themselves from getting pregnant.. Instead, they use SLAUGHTERING children as their form of birth control then try to call it a health issue.. IT'S A MURDER ISSUE.. You earned it.. WEAR IT PROUDLY.

Please show me where it states that abortion is murder.

Go pick up a bible.. I guess you're so backasswards that you've never bothered to look at babies invetro, no??? Don't want to know the truth, do ya?


Check it out.. Even at 8 wks pregnant, a baby who kicks! WHO KNEW??

You do realize that in biblical times there was no safe, legal procedure for abortion, right?

Do you also realize that in biblical times they left babies born crippled to die from exposure?

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