Student proposes white student union at GSU

This is the thing you conservative white people don't get. Black/Hispanic/Asian organizations were traditional created because white america wasn't ( and to a lesser degree today) so accepting of minorities.

There is no need for all white clubs because society already gives you all benefits and you are never excluded.

How long are whites going to be castigated for the sins of their ancestors?


Racism is racism.. PERIOD! :hmpf:

AMEN! I didn't own slaves and neither did any of my family. A very good chunk of whites in America today's ancestors weren't even in the damn country at the time of slavery. Blacks take it out on them but their families had absolutely nothing to do with it. How is that fair? Nieither is anyone living today been an actual African American slave unless they are 150 years old. Sorry not possible.

I didn't participate in any colonial crap, I was a little kid during The Civil Rights Movement. Hell I'm part Native American,do you hear me screaming GTFO to the rest of you? Get over it, shit happenes,everybody's ancestors have had shit happen to them at one time or another, nobody's immune. I'm not responsible for your short comings in life. Like Infidel said quit your bitchin and GET OVER IT!
This is the thing you conservative white people don't get. Black/Hispanic/Asian organizations were traditional created because white america wasn't ( and to a lesser degree today) so accepting of minorities.

There is no need for all white clubs because society already gives you all benefits and you are never excluded.

Those problems don't persist today so it's an irrelevant point that you make.

Secondly, whites are increasingly becoming a minority and are just as vulnerable to discrimination as anyone else. Evidence for discrimination against whites is in YOUR opposition to the white student union. You are, perhaps, unintentionally being discriminatory toward caucasians and this fact is the reason why a white student union is needed.

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