Student Suspended for Requesting Instruction in English, Sues College


Actually she was in a designated group and no one in the group spoke English. You try being in a study group where no one is willing to speak English, in an English speaking school. .

Wait a minute, which was it: no one in the group spoke English, or no one was willing to speak English?
"Thus, Bennett indicated on her evaluation she would prefer "there were no Spanish in the classroom."

"During another class, Bennett stated shortly after turning in her evaluation, Spanish was used so heavily in the classroom that she said she could not "concentrate.""

The OP wants us to believe she was suspended for asking for English instruction, when this bigot really asked for NO SPANISH instruction.

so the girl in the story is a bigot and the OP is a liar.
This thread is starting to remind me of another recent incident where folks on both sides of the issue insisted they knew precise details of what transpired during an event to which they were not witness.
i would like to politely know why th author of the OP lied about what this girl actually said and asked for.

there should be a violation if the title lies about the actual ebvemt.
i would like to politely know why th author of the OP lied about what this girl actually said and asked for.

there should be a violation if the title lies about the actual ebvemt.

I don't know what an "ebvemt" is, but you'd better start posting in English or get the fuck out.
The OP wants us to believe she was suspended for asking for English instruction, when this bigot really asked for NO SPANISH instruction.

And if the professor used exactly as much Russian as she - supposedly - did Spanish, what would all of the 'anonymous' course evaluation cards have said? And if the one plaintiff in question eagerly joined the study groups and spoke only Thai, how would all of the other members of her study group have responded?

And if 75% of the class were native Spanish speakers, but 25% were not?

And if 50% of the class were native Spanish speakers, 25% native English speakers, and 25% native Tagalog speakers? what then?
i would like to politely know why th author of the OP lied about what this girl actually said and asked for.

there should be a violation if the title lies about the actual ebvemt.

If that were the case and suspension were handed out for telling falsehoods in the titles of threads, this place would be a liberal love-fest.

Right wingers feel the need to lie, exaggerate, and mis-characterize.

Next time you are flipping dials on the radio and hear one of these jerks on Talk Radio, look at the second hand of your watch during one of their monolouges; you'll wait about 15-30 seconds before they change their voice to emmulate some liberal they're talking about. The reason they do it is because the liberals their emmulating didn't say what they hoped/thought/believed/wished they said.
I don't blame Bennett for feeling irritated that the class room instructor did not discourage people from speaking in their native language. She was there to learn a specific course in nursing in English. The ones speaking and needing translation should have been required to learn English before registering for this class. Those people have to if they want a job in the real world when they graduate.

The course is hard enough without further complicated it by having to be taught in two different languages.
i would like to politely know why th author of the OP lied about what this girl actually said and asked for.

there should be a violation if the title lies about the actual ebvemt.

If that were the case and suspension were handed out for telling falsehoods in the titles of threads, this place would be a liberal love-fest.

Right wingers feel the need to lie, exaggerate, and mis-characterize.

And left wingers don't? Answer carefully, for you are about to make a rather categorical statement on your own character.
the incident is being characterized as "The school refused to teach the class in English" which is a lie. .

We have conflicting accounts on that point, so you are merely making assumption.

Actually no...

Follow the link in the original post in this thread. You'll find beirbart which is the first clue that the entire episode is going to be a big steaming pile of shit.

Beirbart quotes the complaint filed by the student. It say, in part:

Upon information and belief, this student was unable to understand the lectures,
which were conducted in English
, and a friend of hers translated the lectures from English into
Spanish during class

The OP is lying...plain and simple. His own source proves it.
Now your ego has committed yourself to a 'side' of something about which you DO NOT have all the facts and HAVE NOT been witness to the relevant actions. At least have the self respect to be honest with yourself. Partisanship or devotion to a particular issue are not worth sacrificing your character.
Now your ego has committed yourself to a 'side' of something about which you DO NOT have all the facts and HAVE NOT been witness to the relevant actions. At least have the self respect to be honest with yourself. Partisanship or devotion to a particular issue are not worth sacrificing your character.

The title of the thread says that the class wasn't being conducted in English. It was being conducted in English. No ego involved, only facts.
Wanting the class to be taught in English is "Discrimmatory and Bigotry"?

In America?

Student Suspended for Requesting Instruction in English, Sues College

Fifty-year-old student Terri Bennett is suing Pima Community College (PCC) in Pima County, Arizona for allegedly labeling her a "bigot" and suspending her from school for asking if her nursing studies curriculum could be taught in English to make it easier to learn.
According Bennett's legal complaint, she started nursing classes at PCC in January 2013. During classroom hours, she and her fellow students were divided up into smaller groups, and she was "the only first-language English speaker" in her group. The other students in her group "spoke primarily in Spanish."

The students were asked to fill out class evaluations in March and were told their answers would remain anonymous. Thus, Bennett indicated on her evaluation she would prefer "there were no Spanish in the classroom."

During another class, Bennett stated shortly after turning in her evaluation, Spanish was used so heavily in the classroom that she said she could not "concentrate." By April 3, Bennett claimed her learning environment was so challenging that she "followed PCC procedures and requested an interview with the Director of the Nursing Program."

Bennett's complaint alleges that, after she told nursing director David Kutzler of her struggles, he accused her of "discriminating against Mexican-Americans" and of being a "bigot and a bitch."

The next day, April 4, Bennett was summoned to a broader meeting of PCC staff where she was allegedly told she was "discriminating" and that she would "not get a job" even if she finished her degree. Kutzler allegedly took part in this meeting as well, confronting Bennett with her "anonymous" class evaluation.

On April 15, Bennett was given a routine progress report in which she was accused of having "ineffective communication skills." On April 22, security personnel were waiting for her when she arrived at school; she was suspended and reportedly "instructed to leave campus immediately."

She was given a letter saying her suspension was based on charges that her "presence on College property [posed] a significant risk of disruption of educational activities" and that she "engaged in discriminatory conduct," among other charges.

Liberalism is getting out of hand here.

I hope she wins enough in her lawsuit that she doesn't have to work another day in her life.

$4 million after taxes would be a good sum to start with.

She was the only English language speaker in her group - the class couldn't be taught in English because she would be the only one to understand it, which disadvantages the other students. At the same time, teaching the class in Spanish hurts her, as she doesn't speak Spanish.

Next to English, the most popular language in the States would be Spanish, so the class should really be taught in both languages.
Wanting the class to be taught in English is "Discrimmatory and Bigotry"?

In America?

Student Suspended for Requesting Instruction in English, Sues College

Fifty-year-old student Terri Bennett is suing Pima Community College (PCC) in Pima County, Arizona for allegedly labeling her a "bigot" and suspending her from school for asking if her nursing studies curriculum could be taught in English to make it easier to learn.
According Bennett's legal complaint, she started nursing classes at PCC in January 2013. During classroom hours, she and her fellow students were divided up into smaller groups, and she was "the only first-language English speaker" in her group. The other students in her group "spoke primarily in Spanish."

The students were asked to fill out class evaluations in March and were told their answers would remain anonymous. Thus, Bennett indicated on her evaluation she would prefer "there were no Spanish in the classroom."

During another class, Bennett stated shortly after turning in her evaluation, Spanish was used so heavily in the classroom that she said she could not "concentrate." By April 3, Bennett claimed her learning environment was so challenging that she "followed PCC procedures and requested an interview with the Director of the Nursing Program."

Bennett's complaint alleges that, after she told nursing director David Kutzler of her struggles, he accused her of "discriminating against Mexican-Americans" and of being a "bigot and a bitch."

The next day, April 4, Bennett was summoned to a broader meeting of PCC staff where she was allegedly told she was "discriminating" and that she would "not get a job" even if she finished her degree. Kutzler allegedly took part in this meeting as well, confronting Bennett with her "anonymous" class evaluation.

On April 15, Bennett was given a routine progress report in which she was accused of having "ineffective communication skills." On April 22, security personnel were waiting for her when she arrived at school; she was suspended and reportedly "instructed to leave campus immediately."

She was given a letter saying her suspension was based on charges that her "presence on College property [posed] a significant risk of disruption of educational activities" and that she "engaged in discriminatory conduct," among other charges.

Liberalism is getting out of hand here.

I hope she wins enough in her lawsuit that she doesn't have to work another day in her life.

$4 million after taxes would be a good sum to start with.

She was the only English language speaker in her group - the class couldn't be taught in English because she would be the only one to understand it, which disadvantages the other students. At the same time, teaching the class in Spanish hurts her, as she doesn't speak Spanish.

Next to English, the most popular language in the States would be Spanish, so the class should really be taught in both languages.

The class was taught in English according to the plaintiff's filing.
The class was taught in English. The study group to which this student was assigned refused to speak English. Since they were all in a class being taught in English, everyone in the study group knew English. Speaking only spanish was a way of keeping the English speaking person out.

It will be interesting to see what happens to these students who can't communicate with doctors and other nurses.
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The study group to which this student was assigned refused to speak English. Since they were all in a class being taught in English, everyone in the study group knew English. Speaking only spanish was a way of keeping the English speaking person out..

They did not necessarily speak Spanish to deliberately keep the English-only speaker "out." We can't know that with the information available.
So why don't Mexican-Americans speak in English, just like all of the other immigrants who come here?
What make them so special that they must speak Spanish, while all others who come here speak English?
Can you imagine new immigrants speaking their own language in college classes while the Teacher speaks English?
Mexicans would be speaking Spanish.
Germans would be speaking German.
French would be speaking French.
Chinese would be speaking Mandarin.
How can anyone learn at all in any class that would have students speaking only to each other in their own languages?
Many would not know what they were asking each other.

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