Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

Lee was on the wrong side of American history, just like every other Confederate fighting to retain their slaves.

A simpletons simplistic statement. Try a little harder. Actually, try a lot harder or don't even bother.
Lee was on the wrong side of American history, just like every other Confederate fighting to retain their slaves.
It's too bad you failed to notice that the Confederates were being slammed in Congress who taxed exports on products from the south so they could stifle their profits with bargain prices for their own constituents to the demise of the south. The South thought it was fighting economic slavery imposed on them by the North. The North was told it was fighting for human right in order to gain cheap cotton prices for the mills in the North.

Each was not hearing the other, and winner-takes-all attitudes are poor healing grounds for an embattled nation.

That said, Lee sided with his family, his state, and his fellow southerners. He really did not want to go to war, but he felt the unfairness to businesses in the south was a little over the top, and his constituents twisted his arm.

Can you blame a man for being loyal?

If so, can you blame a thief in Congress screwing the Treasury packed with dollars from Middle Class taxpayers for being loyal to a few supporters who do not fall into the Middle Class ranks?

It's a game of Tiddlywinks. The chips fall hard when government is used like a game of chance, regardless of whose side.


As for General Lee, why not just beat any old dead horse to gain rapport with people who might not notice you if you ran on a platform that actually spoke to today's issues. That would be the badly misnamed "Affordable" Health Care Act, using political influence to impose traffic inconveniences on masses of people who annoy you, and tolerance of truly deleterious politics of the extremes in a nation of people who have overcome generations of unrest to deliver fairness in the world to people who don't have any.
Can you blame a man for being loyal?

I don't know - can you blame Bin Laden for being loyal to Al Qaida?
How many Americans died because of Bin Laden?
How many died because of Robert E. Lee?
If he committed treason, then why wasn't he tried and executed?
For the same reason George W. Bush wasn't tried for war crimes.

If he was guilty of nothing, why did they take his home from him and turn it into a military cemetery for Union soldiers?

They did it because fascists are vindictive. They violated his Constitutional rights when they did it. You can't take a mans property without a trial and a conviction.
You want to remain ignorant, that's your call. I don't teach for free.

You're just a lazy ass who can't prove his point.

You haven't read one of the most important documents in American political history, refuse to do so now, and I'm lazy? As I said, if you want to remain ignorant that's your choice.

The reason you decline to quote the pertinent material is that fact that nothing in the document supports your point. You're just a weasel who's thinks he's fooling everyone.
If he committed treason, then why wasn't he tried and executed?
For the same reason George W. Bush wasn't tried for war crimes.

If he was guilty of nothing, why did they take his home from him and turn it into a military cemetery for Union soldiers?

The Arlington mansion and estate was owned by Lee's wife, who happened to be the daughter of George Washington's adopted son. The cemetery wasn't due to Lee's guilt or innocence, but out of spite. Montgomery Meigs was the Quartermaster of the Union army. His son was killed in battle and Meigs buried him in the flower garden at the mansion to ensure the Lee's would not move back in. The land was confiscated and made into Arlington National Cemetery. I believe it was in the 1990's it was determined that the Lee family were the rightful owners and were compensated for their loss.
Lee was on the wrong side of American history, just like every other Confederate fighting to retain their slaves.
It's too bad you failed to notice that the Confederates were being slammed in Congress who taxed exports on products from the south so they could stifle their profits with bargain prices for their own constituents to the demise of the south. The South thought it was fighting economic slavery imposed on them by the North. The North was told it was fighting for human right in order to gain cheap cotton prices for the mills in the North.

Each was not hearing the other, and winner-takes-all attitudes are poor healing grounds for an embattled nation.

That said, Lee sided with his family, his state, and his fellow southerners. He really did not want to go to war, but he felt the unfairness to businesses in the south was a little over the top, and his constituents twisted his arm.

Can you blame a man for being loyal?

If so, can you blame a thief in Congress screwing the Treasury packed with dollars from Middle Class taxpayers for being loyal to a few supporters who do not fall into the Middle Class ranks?

It's a game of Tiddlywinks. The chips fall hard when government is used like a game of chance, regardless of whose side.


As for General Lee, why not just beat any old dead horse to gain rapport with people who might not notice you if you ran on a platform that actually spoke to today's issues. That would be the badly misnamed "Affordable" Health Care Act, using political influence to impose traffic inconveniences on masses of people who annoy you, and tolerance of truly deleterious politics of the extremes in a nation of people who have overcome generations of unrest to deliver fairness in the world to people who don't have any.
Please spare me the white trash sympathy. No real human would ever fight to defend slavers, so yes, I can blame every Confederate for being "loyal" to slavery. They lacked the vision to see the world any other way and that is why they bore arms against their fellow humans. I say the same thing about anyone involved in human trafficking in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well. Slavery is wrong, no matter what.

If you want fairness, here it is:

This was what most slaves were owned for, not cotton. It was a job called "breaking". Long considered "one of the hardest jobs known to mankind", so obviously fat lazy stupid racist inbred Southern white trash weren't going to do it. Breaking involved threshing handfuls of hemp stalks across a grate while simultaneously slamming a heavy bar down on the hard outer stalks, to break the stalks and remove the fibers which were essential to the military on both sides. You can see this job in the 1942 USDA film, Hemp For Victory.

What this will do today is rearrange every single aspect of the global market in favor of the working poor because the task of breaking has been automated since 1917, making the need for cheap human labor obsolete. But since 1937, minus the three years during WWII when Cannabis once again saved America for freedom and democracy, this resource has been illegal and our society has been dependent on monopolized natural resources. Cannabis cannot be monopolized because anyone can grow it, from massive farms to homeless veterans living under bridges. Everyone's hemp is the same when grown for biomass.

Do you want energy independence? Here it is. Do you want affordable natural medicine? Here it is. Do you want inexpensive healthy food? Here it is. Do you want lower unemployment in every state? Here it is. Do you want to replace foreign imports? Here it is. Do you want to support our military? This has always been it.

Producer of Marihuana.
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For the same reason George W. Bush wasn't tried for war crimes.

If he was guilty of nothing, why did they take his home from him and turn it into a military cemetery for Union soldiers?

The Arlington mansion and estate was owned by Lee's wife, who happened to be the daughter of George Washington's adopted son. The cemetery wasn't due to Lee's guilt or innocence, but out of spite. Montgomery Meigs was the Quartermaster of the Union army. His son was killed in battle and Meigs buried him in the flower garden at the mansion to ensure the Lee's would not move back in. The land was confiscated and made into Arlington National Cemetery. I believe it was in the 1990's it was determined that the Lee family were the rightful owners and were compensated for their loss.

It's useless to point out facts to these morons. They aren't interested in the facts.

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