Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

the ironic thing is that the little city of lexington, va. In the shenandoah valley thrives on tourism connected to the civil war but the administration in the city decided to cut their own throats and ban the display of the confederate flag. Reenactment groups were dumbfounded over the decision and tourism fell off. It isn't surprising that there would be a movement to change the name of washington & lee university back to washington university but sooner or later some radical would decide that washington might have been a bigot and name the university after a flower or a tree. It should be noted that the confederacy only existed for about four years and the flags that flew off slave ships for a hundred years were the union jack and the stars and stripes.

Better than your heroes who wanted to own them as farm property and rape their women and children.

Your "heroes" did the same. There were slave owners on both sides of the war.

Furthermore, this is just a cheap attempt to label me as approving of slavery. It's exactly the kind of low, despicable tactic one expects from the sleazy toadies of the welfare state.
A state is free to secede if they wish.

They just have to do it Constitutionally, the way they came in.

With the consent of the other states and the Congress.

How is that "Constitutional?" Where does it say that's how it has to be done?

Re-read my posts.

Better the Constitution.

I've read your posts. Nowhere have you quoted any language in the Constitution mentioning some process required for a state to secede.
Abe did end up by freeing the slaves. His signature rested not only on the Emancipation Proclamation, but on the 13th Amendment Resolution.
He was not even required to place his signature there, yet he did.

And the Northerners did care. During the period of that gag rule there were over 130,000 petitions sent to Congress asking for the abolition of slavery. Of course with the "constitution loving" southerners in the majority, they were not even addressed.

Their voices and right "to petition the government" were GAGGED.
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Abe did end up by freeing the slaves. His signature rested not only on the Emancipation Proclamation, but on the 13th Amendment Resolution.
He was not even required to place his signature there, yet he did.

And the Northerners did care. During the period of that gag rule there were over 130,000 petitions sent to Congress asking for the abolition of slavery. Of course with the "constitution loving" southerners in the majority, they were not even addressed.

Their voices and right "to petition the government" were GAGGED.

LoLo poster on parade.
Remind us why the war started. Yeah, the South had been shut out of the political process in the 1860 election.
Besides, wtf do you care?
Another angle for reparations. IGNORE. The Nations that started African slave trade still engage in African slave trade. Go to the root.
Here is an article on BS of the blacks fighting for the confederacy.

As to Lee and his view of slavery this is from the book: Reading the Man: A Portrait of Robert E. Lee Through His Private Letters

What were his views on slavery?

These papers are filled with information about slavery. This is not something you have to read between the lines; Lee really tells us how he feels. He saw slaves as property, that he owned them and their labor. Now you can say he wasn't worse than anyone; he was reflecting the values of the society that he lived in. I would say, he wasn't any better than anyone else, either.

It is shocking how he treated his father-in-law's slaves.

Lee's wife inherited 196 slaves upon her father's death in 1857. The will stated that the slaves were to be freed within five years, and at the same time large legacies—raised from selling property—should be given to the Lee children. But as the executor of the will, Lee decided that instead of freeing the slaves right away—as they expected—he could continue to own and work them for five years in an effort to make the estates profitable and not have to sell the property.

What happened after that?

Lee was considered a hard taskmaster. He also started hiring slaves to other families, sending them away, and breaking up families that had been together on the estate for generations. The slaves resented him, were terrified they would never be freed, and they lost all respect for him. There were many runaways, and at one point several slaves jumped him, claiming they were as free as he. Lee ordered these men to be severely whipped. He also petitioned the court to extend their servitude, but the court ruled against him and Lee did grant them their freedom on Jan. 1, 1863—ironically, the same day that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation went into effect.

Lee didn't fight for the Confederacy to protect his state he just simply could not fight against his state. Many of his relatives fought and died for the Union. Lee fed the best of the south into a meat grinder at Gettysburg losing the war for the south. It is just a shame it dragged on for two more years.

All one needs to know about Lincoln is that he signed the emancipation proclamation. From that point on he never again mentioned colonization of the black man.

It is simply amazing what people wish to believe and what they think they know about history. What is more incredible is how in this thread Lee, who did own slaves, is treated as a saint. Even though he lead a revolt against the USA. Yet Lincoln, who never owned a slave is treated like scum because at one time he felt that blacks and whites could not live together. Reading some of these posts I think he may have been correct.

The rich southern aristocrat was able to convince the poor white man to fight his war over slavery for him. Quite amazing that there are those who would defend such a war.
Lincoln was a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa.
Lincoln just wanted to free the blacks back into their natural habitat

Considering they were purchased in Africa, from other blacks, and bought here against their will, it's quite possible many wanted to go home. Of course, if things hadn't changed there, maybe they didn't. I wonder if anyone bothered to ask them how they felt. Not like they were living the American dream at that time.
I would agree to that if they first acknowledge Abraham Lincoln's "racist and dishonorable conduct." Lincoln was a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa. He was busy working on his scheme almost until the day he died. General Grant was an overseer on a plantation before he became a general in the Union Army. Let's also have the university acknowledge his "racist and dishonorable conduct."

Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

A group of seven multiracial Washington and Lee University (W&L) students are demanding the school remove all Confederate flags from campus and "acknowledge" General Robert E. Lee's "dishonorable side."

According to the Roanoke Times, "seven multiracial students, calling themselves 'The Committee,'" have also demanded the school "acknowledge and apologize for participating in chattel slavery." They want recognition of "Martin Luther King Jr. Day on the undergraduate campus" and an end to "neo-Confederates" marching across campus "to the Lee Chapel on Lee-Jackson Day."

The students say they will "engage in civil disobedience" if their demands are not met by September 1st.

They added: "The time has come for us, as students, to ask that the university hold itself responsible for its past and present dishonorable conduct and for the racist and dishonorable conduct of Robert E. Lee."​

Republicans are so back and forth on Lincoln. First he's a great Republican hero who ended slavery and then he's a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa. It demonstrates why it's a mistake for right wingers to teach history.

Republicans who love America acknowledge Lincoln's greatness while admitting his flaws.

No good Pub approves the completely far right reactionary and libertarian and anarchist propaganda.

You can't equate Eisenhower Republicans with the Teanuts of today. Those Republicans started NASA. Today's want to teach the magical controversy. Those Republicans built the interstate highway system, today's apologize to BP because Americans had the nerve to get mad at what BP did to our Gulf. Those Republicans pushed for expanded education, today's don't want to teach critical thinking because they are afraid their children won't listen to them and follow their propaganda. It's a completely different group. Those Republicans loved the country, today's want to bring it down.
Lincoln was a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa.
Lincoln just wanted to free the blacks back into their natural habitat

Considering they were purchased in Africa, from other blacks, and bought here against their will, it's quite possible many wanted to go home. Of course, if things hadn't changed there, maybe they didn't. I wonder if anyone bothered to ask them how they felt. Not like they were living the American dream at that time.
Blacks had a way better life as a slave in America then being free in Africa
Nice. The dismantling of neo-confederate monuments has finally begun.

You can kiss Stone Mountain bye too. That monument to treason will have to go.
Abe did end up by freeing the slaves. His signature rested not only on the Emancipation Proclamation, but on the 13th Amendment Resolution.
He was not even required to place his signature there, yet he did.

And the Northerners did care. During the period of that gag rule there were over 130,000 petitions sent to Congress asking for the abolition of slavery. Of course with the "constitution loving" southerners in the majority, they were not even addressed.

Their voices and right "to petition the government" were GAGGED.

LoLo poster on parade.
Remind us why the war started. Yeah, the South had been shut out of the political process in the 1860 election.
Besides, wtf do you care?
^ Lying stupidman marches on.

Yeah, the South was "shut out of the political process" so much they didn't even allow Lincoln on the ballot in nearly all of the soon to be CSA.
Here is an article on BS of the blacks fighting for the confederacy.

As to Lee and his view of slavery this is from the book: Reading the Man: A Portrait of Robert E. Lee Through His Private Letters

What were his views on slavery?

These papers are filled with information about slavery. This is not something you have to read between the lines; Lee really tells us how he feels. He saw slaves as property, that he owned them and their labor. Now you can say he wasn't worse than anyone; he was reflecting the values of the society that he lived in. I would say, he wasn't any better than anyone else, either.

It is shocking how he treated his father-in-law's slaves.

Lee's wife inherited 196 slaves upon her father's death in 1857. The will stated that the slaves were to be freed within five years, and at the same time large legacies—raised from selling property—should be given to the Lee children. But as the executor of the will, Lee decided that instead of freeing the slaves right away—as they expected—he could continue to own and work them for five years in an effort to make the estates profitable and not have to sell the property.

What happened after that?

Lee was considered a hard taskmaster. He also started hiring slaves to other families, sending them away, and breaking up families that had been together on the estate for generations. The slaves resented him, were terrified they would never be freed, and they lost all respect for him. There were many runaways, and at one point several slaves jumped him, claiming they were as free as he. Lee ordered these men to be severely whipped. He also petitioned the court to extend their servitude, but the court ruled against him and Lee did grant them their freedom on Jan. 1, 1863—ironically, the same day that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation went into effect.

Lee didn't fight for the Confederacy to protect his state he just simply could not fight against his state. Many of his relatives fought and died for the Union. Lee fed the best of the south into a meat grinder at Gettysburg losing the war for the south. It is just a shame it dragged on for two more years.

All one needs to know about Lincoln is that he signed the emancipation proclamation. From that point on he never again mentioned colonization of the black man.

It is simply amazing what people wish to believe and what they think they know about history. What is more incredible is how in this thread Lee, who did own slaves, is treated as a saint. Even though he lead a revolt against the USA. Yet Lincoln, who never owned a slave is treated like scum because at one time he felt that blacks and whites could not live together. Reading some of these posts I think he may have been correct.

The rich southern aristocrat was able to convince the poor white man to fight his war over slavery for him. Quite amazing that there are those who would defend such a war.

Nicely done.

My opinion, if Longstreet or Jackson would have been commander of the Army of Northern Virginia the south would have had a better chance at winning. Lee's successes came early in the war against VERY inferior commanders. When he met a competent one at Gettysburg Lee could have won but because of stupid command mistakes the war was effectively lost. The south never smiled after Shiloh, they never had a chance after Gettysburg.

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