Students Fight Back Against Woke Agenda With Brilliant Trolling - LOL

unsurprising to see racism coming out of California....that's why people are fleeing that Demaklan hot bed
Upland. You don't know California very well, do you? :heehee: It's like Bakersfield, where Kevin McCarthy came from.
In fact if not for the will of whites to grant civil rights to blacks you would still be strumming on a banjo along the Swami River
That HAS to be better than what so many of them are doing today!!!!!!!
Plenty of white people marched for black civil rights

And some of them died

In fact if not for the will of whites to grant civil rights to blacks you would still be strumming on a banjo along the Swami River
I am going to ask this again because you folks purposely ignore the question...

What PROMINENT CONSERVATIVE risked his or her life marching next to MLK for Civil Rights

It is quite telling you equated "Conservative" with White -- especially on a question I asked a Black about saying the quiet part loud....anywhoo..

Why can't you name any?

I can definitely name quite a few "liberals" -- like Viola Luizzo......she was white by the

That HAS to be better than what so many of them are doing today!!!!!!!
Yes, thinking of a house in the hood where 5 women shared along with many children

The moms were drug addicts and the kids were starving

That does not make slavery ok, but it does remind us that along with freedom must come personal responsibility
That does not make slavery ok, but it does remind us that along with freedom must come personal responsibility
Well, THAT sure didn't happen!! My guess is they were a lot better off as slaves. At least they got to live in the countryside.
Yes, thinking of a house in the hood where 5 women shared along with many children

The moms were drug addicts and the kids were starving

That does not make slavery ok, but it does remind us that along with freedom must come personal responsibility
Back to you thinking "white" is the same as "Conservative" -- why do you think that?

Or did you just say that because you still can't name me a single conservative who risked their life fighting along side of MLK for Civil Rights?

They do exist...the reason you can't name any is because those folks were not "revered" by their fellow Conservatives at the time.....nor by you, obviously...or you could name me one....
I can name a lot of non-conservatives who were in the fight......

Like....this guy...

I am going to ask this again because you folks purposely ignore the question...

What PROMINENT CONSERVATIVE risked his or her life marching next to MLK for Civil Rights

It is quite telling you equated "Conservative" with White -- especially on a question I asked a Black about saying the quiet part loud....anywhoo..

Why can't you name any?

I can definitely name quite a few "liberals" -- like Viola Luizzo......she was white by the

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I dont know the answer to that specific question

Maybe you have found an acorn

But dismissing all republicans is incorrect

The republican party was a leader in the civil rights movement

"Parents of students at Pepper Tree Elementary School in Upland are taking public and legal action over racist attacks against their children, including verbal taunting and racist illustrations handed to one student at the beginning of Black History Month. "That 'my favorite cotton picker' card was one of the two cards that Chloe received," said Marlene Reynoso, adding that another classmate gave her daughter a different card that read "To Chloe: You're my favorite monkey." "That made me feel like, I didn't actually know that they thought of me that way," said Chloe.

According to lawyers who are now representing four families with similar experiences, the racist attacks against students have gone on for months, and in some cases, years. Kabene Gabremariam's son received a "golden N-word pass" in September. Gabremariam's son asked her what the "N-word" meant. An immigrant from Ethiopia, Gabremariam, had to search for its meaning online. She encouraged her son to channel his experience into change. He included it in a campaign video for student council in which he focused on anti-bullying awareness. "I was told by the school that he cannot put his experience in the speech," said Gabremariam."

Lol, these little kids are so what, they called you a cotton picker and a were....if you don't like it, stop shoving your black history down our little Chloe is sad because she didn't know her friends think this way about her? Boo-hoo..... are they really trying to call this bullying? Really....This isn't bullying this is fighting back against the racist woke agenda with some good old fashioned patriotic trolling. This is God's chosen fighting back against the woke-left racist agenda...what did they expect was going to happen? The darkies, Jews and the gays are the ones bullying other kids by forcing them to entertain this woke non-sense...Hopefully more kids will start fighting back and putting these uppity thug brats in their place.

And the best part is, although there is this whole anti-bullying campaign that has been going on for a few years, stuff like this doesn't count as bullying because you don't have to empathize with the kids getting bullied if you can demonize them beforehand.......That way, it's easier to claim you were just "kidding" or engaging in innocent "locker room banter" -- it's fun....

In the very, very unlikely event this isn't a hoax, it's exactly what I would expect from a place run by people like you.
I dont know the answer to that specific question

Maybe you have found an acorn

But dismissing all republicans is incorrect

The republican party was a leader in the civil rights movement
Liberals were the leaders of the Civil Rights movement.....Conservatives were the leading force against the Civil Rights movement....which is why you still can't name a single one....why is that?

By the you know what they called those Republicans who helped LBJ pass the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act? Not Conservative.....and there was a backlash because of it...

I will let MLK sum it up for you.....


Why would he say that? Didn't he know the GOP are the leaders of the Civil Rights movement? Or was he talking about "CONSERVATIVES" within the GOP? You know, the folks whom you still can't name...
In the very, very unlikely event this isn't a hoax, it's exactly what I would expect from a place run by people like you.
It's almost always a hoax, perpetrated by blacks looking for attention and victim status.
Being complacent with systemic oppression and white supremacy because you think it will make them pat you on the head and call you one of the "good ones" tells me you are more racist against yourself than I could ever be.....

And for someone to whine over "name calling" while also being a Trump sycophant is just adorable...
haha i’m it the one that supports the party of the klan and jim crow…i didn’t just vote for a president that gave the eulogy to a Grand Dragon of the kkk cause he was a mentor.

I’m not the one calling african american racist slurs…you are
Liberals were the leaders of the Civil Rights movement.....Conservatives were the leading force against the Civil Rights movement....which is why you still can't name a single one....why is that?

By the you know what they called those Republicans who helped LBJ pass the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act? Not Conservative.....and there was a backlash because of it...

I will let MLK sum it up for you.....

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Why would he say that? Didn't he know the GOP are the leaders of the Civil Rights movement? Or was he talking about "CONSERVATIVES" within the GOP? You know, the folks whom you still can't name...
If black civil rights leaders were anything like the Black LIES Matter crowd today many reasonable whites would have kept them at arms length

The fact remains that blacks mounted a Ghandi-style peacefull movement and a majority of white Americans granted blacks their freedom
If black civil rights leaders were anything like the Black LIES Matter crowd today many reasonable whites would have kept them at arms length

The fact remains that blacks mounted a Ghandi-style peacefull movement and a majority of white Americans granted blacks their freedom
MLK said he wanted blacks treated equally if they ACTED equally. Wow, were we cheated on that! We're now supposed to give them all kinds of special privileges even though they are predominantly criminal and the violent crime rates increase daily.
If black civil rights leaders were anything like the Black LIES Matter crowd today many reasonable whites would have kept them at arms length

The fact remains that blacks mounted a Ghandi-style peacefull movement and a majority of white Americans granted blacks their freedom
Why do you keep dodging questions?

Why did you equate white people with Conservatives -- as if there are no black Conservatives??

Anyhoo, since you will continue to keep running from that because you know you fucked up...I will break down the rest of the bullshit you said....
The fact remains that blacks mounted a Ghandi-style peacefull movement and a majority of white Americans granted blacks their freedom
Here is what "reasonable whites" said about MLK's "Ghandi-style" Civil Rights movement...


They claimed MLK was violent...they hated his movement....very much like how you folks today claim the same shit about any movement towards civil rights and in opposition to the status quo conservatives want to maintain.....why do you folks do that? Why do you oppose something, then once defeated....pretend you were in favor of it all along?

Nope, you don't get to take credit for a fight you were on the wrong side of ....not without acknowledging the fact that it was a majority of CONSERVATIVES WHO VOTED AGAINST granting blacks their freedom....same as it was then, same as it is now....
haha i’m it the one that supports the party of the klan and jim crow…i didn’t just vote for a president that gave the eulogy to a Grand Dragon of the kkk cause he was a mentor.

I’m not the one calling african american racist slurs…you are
Still waiting for you to name me a prominent Conservative who risked their life fighting next to MLK?

Seems you keep dodging that...but since you are a coward...let's break down your "but but the KKK were democrats" deflection.......Yes, lots of KKK members voted Democrat, especially in the South....but WHAT POLICIES were they voting against?

I know they hated the list of actions detailed in the Civil Rights fact, they argued states rights in opposition to the Civil Rights Bill....they hated the idea of federal government forcing them to treat black folks as US citizens with full rights....

Guess who else makes that argument today? Conservatives....the same Conservatives who were voting Democrat 60 years ago....the same Conservatives who were glorifying that Confederate flag and yelling "my heritage!" -- just like they did 60 years ago when they were voting Democrat..

Seems to me Conservatives ain't changed much at all from 60 years ago.....but their voter registration....
Still waiting for you to name me a prominent Conservative who risked their life fighting next to MLK?

Seems you keep dodging that...but since you are a coward...let's break down your "but but the KKK were democrats" deflection.......Yes, lots of KKK members voted Democrat, especially in the South....but WHAT POLICIES were they voting against?

I know they hated the list of actions detailed in the Civil Rights fact, they argued states rights in opposition to the Civil Rights Bill....they hated the idea of federal government forcing them to treat black folks as US citizens with full rights....

Guess who else makes that argument today? Conservatives....the same Conservatives who were voting Democrat 60 years ago....the same Conservatives who were glorifying that Confederate flag and yelling "my heritage!" -- just like they did 60 years ago when they were voting Democrat..

Seems to me Conservatives ain't changed much at all from 60 years ago.....but their voter registration....
MLk was one…all he wanted was the demaklan to honor the promise of the Constitution like any Conservative would.

The demaklan party of Grand Dragons fought every civil rights bill for a century that Conservatives proposed…only one demklan president ever even signed one and that was because a Conservstive Dem JFK, supported it and was murdered in office by a leftist
MLk was one…all he wanted was the demaklan to honor the promise of the Constitution like any Conservative would.

The demaklan party of Grand Dragons fought every civil rights bill for a century that Conservatives proposed…only one demklan president ever even signed one and that was because a Conservstive Dem JFK, supported it and was murdered in office by a leftist
Lol, MLK was not a Conservative.....for someone who claims to be a black Conservative, you sure don't know any.....especially any from the most significant eras in American History.....

But let's go thru the long list of evidence that proves how full of shit you are....

Please tell me what is Conservative about this statement?
M_007mlk.1112 (10).jpg

Or this....
M_007mlk.1112 (13).jpg

No, MLK was not a Conservative....but I guess you have to believe that lie in order to get white folks to pat you on the head and tell you that you are one of the good ones..

By the way, when it came to time for Conservatives to honor MLK; someone you claim is a Conservative -- they were the mains ones voting against him, Why?

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Lol, MLK was not a Conservative.....for someone who claims to be a black Conservative, you sure don't know any.....especially any from the most significant eras in American History.....

But let's go thru the long list of evidence that proves how full of shit you are....

Please tell me what is Conservative about this statement?
View attachment 763746

Or this....
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No, MLK was not a Conservative....but I guess you have to believe that lie in order to get white folks to pat you on the head tell you that you are one of the good ones
Lol, MLK was not a Conservative.....for someone who claims to be a black Conservative, you sure don't know any.....especially any from the most significant eras in American History.....

But let's go thru the long list of evidence that proves how full of shit you are....

Please tell me what is Conservative about this statement?
View attachment 763746

Or this....
View attachment 763747

No, MLK was not a Conservative....but I guess you have to believe that lie in order to get white folks to pat you on the head tell you that you are one of the good ones
he was conservative because he believed in the us constitution promises

as far as your quotes i get he was wanting change…change from the demafasict control of the south that opposed Conservative principals. sadly the demaklan was not destroyed and frankly is more powerful then when King was alive

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