Students want LSU to Dump Mascot- Mike the Tiger

They did the same thing to Ole Miss forcing them to eliminate the General as their mascot. I find it Ironic that in America we are expected to accept things we may not agree with like gay marriage, ACA etc, but we can't expect the same, So what, you don't like the mascot, fine. But to say it represents white privileged students, then just how is tuition being paid by the black students? Money is green, it does not care what color spends it

I feel sorry for liberals, they seemingly are continuously searching for things to be pissed about. It all goes back to the thread I started on evil not being the problem, good is.
I'd be interested in Serpent Head's opinion on these lefty clowns' proposal.
They did the same thing to Ole Miss forcing them to eliminate the General as their mascot. I find it Ironic that in America we are expected to accept things we may not agree with like gay marriage, ACA etc, but we can't expect the same, So what, you don't like the mascot, fine. But to say it represents white privileged students, then just how is tuition being paid by the black students? Money is green, it does not care what color spends it

I second this.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder what they suggest that the mascot be instead? These people don't like what is already here. What do they wish was there instead?
Someone please connect the dots for me... what does a tiger mascot have to do with white privilege or the left?
They did the same thing to Ole Miss forcing them to eliminate the General as their mascot. I find it Ironic that in America we are expected to accept things we may not agree with like gay marriage, ACA etc, but we can't expect the same, So what, you don't like the mascot, fine. But to say it represents white privileged students, then just how is tuition being paid by the black students? Money is green, it does not care what color spends it

I second this.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder what they suggest that the mascot be instead? These people don't like what is already here. What do they wish was there instead?

if LSU caves on this, their mascot needs to be the Bleeding Vaginas

* and was the Colonel, not the General that was forced out at Ole Miss

Vestavia Hills HS here in metro Bham also shit canned Colonel Reb

serious question - why aren't these social justice asswipes going after UNC?

Is it because North Kakalaka is a swing state :dunno:
Someone please connect the dots for me... what does a tiger mascot have to do with white privilege or the left?

Army regiment from LA had the nickname "the fighting tigers" during the War Between the States - Louisiana State University adapted the name for their sports teams mascot

same story in NC - Tarheels were a regiment in the Army of No Virginia

Someone please connect the dots for me... what does a tiger mascot have to do with white privilege or the left?

Army regiment from LA had the nickname "the fighting tigers" during the War Between the States - Louisiana State University adapted the name for their sports teams mascot

same story in NC - Tarheels were a regiment in the Army of No Virginia


I guess the John Wayne move "Flying Tigers" will never be shown again.
English is the language spoken by white supremacists during the civil war. It was spoken by England as a colonial power. It is obviously the language of white supremacy. It should be banned.

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