The Democrats' Marxist Agenda - The Ultimate Answer to All These Threads

Are we? Democrats are devolving.

Must read:

The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

And the first post stands as absolute FACT
The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

None of that crap is Marxism. It's the tools and useful idiots real Marxist use to cause the collapse of society. When the real Marxist take over these people will be sent to be reeducated or killed.
How do you comment on something that you have never read?

Read the book first:

View attachment 847197
I don't give a shit what Levin says. The real Marxist are using all these morons as a way to collapse society. It's Marxism 101 take advantage of stupidity to gain control.

Useful idiot​

A useful idiot is a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause—particularly a bad cause originating from a devious, ruthless source—without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically being used by the cause's leaders.
I don't give a shit what Levin says . . . . .

. . . and we do not give a shit what you say. You are obviously a half-witted imbecile who is clueless on this topic.

The first post stands as unrefuted fact:
The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

. . . and we do not give a shit what you say. You are obviously a half-witted imbecile who is clueless on this topic.

The first post stands as unrefuted fact:
The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

You don't know a fucking thing about history and you call me an imbecile. No worries I blame the shitty US education system. In a completely Marxist controlled society the mouth breathing idiots on the left would be murdered. Right now these morons are needed to destabilize society so that the Marxist can take total control. It's that simple or maybe to complicated for people like you. Fucking education system.
The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

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