Studies confirm: Trump voters were motivated by racial prejudice — not ‘economic anxiety’

You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.

That's why Obama had more race riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years, correct? :cuckoo:

I'm from the land of reality.
Our black brothers and sisters were hanging from trees only several decades ago. Cut your shit, it is getting offensive, bitch.
Yeah, you make zero sense. STFU.

You have no idea what the fuck goes on in America.

What race are you, even?

I kinda like whites and blacks and latins and Asians.
what doesn't make sense? Racial tensions have been much worse, and very recently in history. Emmitt Till- 14 year old boy accused of speaking to a white woman. Kidnapped from his family's home by a group of white men. Beaten until unrecognizable and dumped in a river. -1955
Sounds like racial tensions were much higher in those days! As a white lady, black kids talk to me all the time and no one has murdered them over it.



You just dismissed the entire Civil Rights Era and the good work and intentions of hundreds of millions of good Americans.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:

THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today.

I don't believe that for a second. I have a friend who moved to North Carolina. She is racially mixed, her boyfriend is white. They have faced so much harassment and racism because their interracial relationship they are heavily considering coming back to NY. They don't feel safe.
history is nasty , the beaters of Emmett Till were likely democrats mrobam , err Aries !!
Trump wasn't even a serious contender until he promised to deport brown people. Then he shot up in the primary polls overnight.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.

That's why Obama had more race riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years, correct? :cuckoo:

I'm from the land of reality.
Our black brothers and sisters were hanging from trees only several decades ago. Cut your shit, it is getting offensive, bitch.
Yeah, you make zero sense. STFU.

You have no idea what the fuck goes on in America.

What race are you, even?

I kinda like whites and blacks and latins and Asians.
what doesn't make sense? Racial tensions have been much worse, and very recently in history. Emmitt Till- 14 year old boy accused of speaking to a white woman. Kidnapped from his family's home by a group of white men. Beaten until unrecognizable and dumped in a river. -1955
Sounds like racial tensions were much higher in those days! As a white lady, black kids talk to me all the time and no one has murdered them over it.


You're not an historian. You're a commie shill idiot. I give you all the respect you deserve.

2 "Fuck Yous" up! :fu::fu:
That's why Obama had more race riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years, correct? :cuckoo:

I'm from the land of reality.
Our black brothers and sisters were hanging from trees only several decades ago. Cut your shit, it is getting offensive, bitch.
Yeah, you make zero sense. STFU.

You have no idea what the fuck goes on in America.

What race are you, even?

I kinda like whites and blacks and latins and Asians.
what doesn't make sense? Racial tensions have been much worse, and very recently in history. Emmitt Till- 14 year old boy accused of speaking to a white woman. Kidnapped from his family's home by a group of white men. Beaten until unrecognizable and dumped in a river. -1955
Sounds like racial tensions were much higher in those days! As a white lady, black kids talk to me all the time and no one has murdered them over it.



You just dismissed the entire Civil Rights Era and the good work and intentions of hundreds of millions of good Americans.
I haven't dismissed anything you have but yes that was more recently.
THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today.

I don't believe that for a second. I have a friend who moved to North Carolina. She is racially mixed, her boyfriend is white. They have faced so much harassment and racism because their interracial relationship they are heavily considering coming back to NY. They don't feel safe.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- tough , they sound like a couple of snowflakes . Most likely they are disliked because they are from 'new york' Aries .
THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today.

I don't believe that for a second. I have a friend who moved to North Carolina. She is racially mixed, her boyfriend is white. They have faced so much harassment and racism because their interracial relationship they are heavily considering coming back to NY. They don't feel safe.

Don't believe me I don't give a shit, but it's true from my perspective born in Chicago raised in the burbs and moved to south Carolina in 2004 (I am 51) blacks and whites get along so much better here, everyone for the most part is polite to each other, we worked together, go to church together and live next to each other.

It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

given the content of his "stump speech" if you can call it that, did we really need a study to tell us that the trump loons were bigots?
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today.

I don't believe that for a second. I have a friend who moved to North Carolina. She is racially mixed, her boyfriend is white. They have faced so much harassment and racism because their interracial relationship they are heavily considering coming back to NY. They don't feel safe.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- tough , they sound like a couple of snowflakes . Most likely they are disliked because they are from 'new york' Aries .
I'd believe that if they were calling her boyfriend a Yankee and not a ****** lover
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today.

I don't believe that for a second. I have a friend who moved to North Carolina. She is racially mixed, her boyfriend is white. They have faced so much harassment and racism because their interracial relationship they are heavily considering coming back to NY. They don't feel safe.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- tough , they sound like a couple of snowflakes . Most likely they are disliked because they are from 'new york' Aries .

so speaks trailer park trash
THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today.

I don't believe that for a second. I have a friend who moved to North Carolina. She is racially mixed, her boyfriend is white. They have faced so much harassment and racism because their interracial relationship they are heavily considering coming back to NY. They don't feel safe.

I didn't say everywhere BTW, I said for the most part I live in the upstate of South Carolina near Clemson university.. Some parts of North Carolina I don't like, the mountains around ashville suck to many dumb ass hillbillies... (yes there is a big difference between hillbillies and rednecks)

--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today. We're all in this together.

I don't believe that for a second. I have a friend who moved to North Carolina. She is racially mixed, her boyfriend is white. They have faced so much harassment and racism because their interracial relationship they are heavily considering coming back to NY. They don't feel safe.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- tough , they sound like a couple of snowflakes . Most likely they are disliked because they are from 'new york' Aries .
I'd believe that if they were calling her boyfriend a Yankee and not a ****** lover

I would love to pimpsmack you.

In other news, here's a video more from my viewpoint. I held the door for a man yesterday.

It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

given the content of his "stump speech" if you can call it that, did we really need a study to tell us that the trump loons were bigots?

NOthing bigoted about his stump speech. Try to be less of a race baiter.

You people are tearing this country apart.
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today. We're all in this together.

I don't believe that for a second. I have a friend who moved to North Carolina. She is racially mixed, her boyfriend is white. They have faced so much harassment and racism because their interracial relationship they are heavily considering coming back to NY. They don't feel safe.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- tough , they sound like a couple of snowflakes . Most likely they are disliked because they are from 'new york' Aries .
I'd believe that if they were calling her boyfriend a Yankee and not a ****** lover

I would love to pimpsmack you.

In other news, here's a video more from my viewpoint. I held the door fora man yesterday.

Ditto Kiddo. If your mom had done some more of that maybe you wouldn't be such a disrespectful little wit.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today.

I don't believe that for a second. I have a friend who moved to North Carolina. She is racially mixed, her boyfriend is white. They have faced so much harassment and racism because their interracial relationship they are heavily considering coming back to NY. They don't feel safe.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- tough , they sound like a couple of snowflakes . Most likely they are disliked because they are from 'new york' Aries .


so speaks trailer park trash

Says the stupid bitch match box lawyer from snowflake land Berkley

Trump wasn't even a serious contender until he promised to deport brown people. Then he shot up in the primary polls overnight.

Trade and Immigration, completely valid issues, no matter how you spin it.


not according to legitimate economists. but again, it's not like trump loons know anything.

That the same "legitimate economists" who told us that Free Trade would make our exports more competitive?

Been nearly 40 years. Still waiting for that.

Trade and immigration, completely valid issues, no matter how you demagogue them.
Trump wasn't even a serious contender until he promised to deport brown people. Then he shot up in the primary polls overnight.

Trade and Immigration, completely valid issues, no matter how you spin it.


not according to legitimate economists. but again, it's not like trump loons know anything.

That the same "legitimate economists" who told us that Free Trade would make our exports more competitive?

Been nearly 40 years. Still waiting for that.

Trade and immigration, completely valid issues, no matter how you demagogue them.
How is that immigration policy of Trumps working? About as good as trade policies.

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