Studies confirm: Trump voters were motivated by racial prejudice — not ‘economic anxiety’

If you're not a racist but you're sticking up for them you still suck :ahole-1:

I'm sticking up for the people that lefties like you call racists. Which has nothing to do with actual racists.

You are the scum here.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:

THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.
yet, we can afford a drug war?

Trump and Russia started the Drug War? Who knew?
Your guy is in office now; are we, "getting Commercial" or not.

Are you a time traveler from the Dark Ages? The U.S. has been commercial for ages.
Nothing but diversion? Is Mr. Trump going to be legal to our Commerce Clause, or not, regarding our alleged, War on Drugs?

"Is Mr. Trump going to be legal to our Commerce Clause"? WTFrell is that supposed to mean?

It means that Daniel is against Trump, but doesn't want to admit his real reasons.
I'm sticking up for the people that lefties like you call racists. Which has nothing to do with actual racists.

You are the scum here.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:

THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.
He categorizes himself as american, but when white people look at his skin they characterize him as "different, foreign, illegal" or whatever it is you people think.
Trump and Russia started the Drug War? Who knew?
Your guy is in office now; are we, "getting Commercial" or not.

Are you a time traveler from the Dark Ages? The U.S. has been commercial for ages.
Nothing but diversion? Is Mr. Trump going to be legal to our Commerce Clause, or not, regarding our alleged, War on Drugs?

"Is Mr. Trump going to be legal to our Commerce Clause"? WTFrell is that supposed to mean?

It means that Daniel is against Trump, but doesn't want to admit his real reasons.

It also means he doesn't have a very good command of proper grammar and the meaning of words.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:

THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.
He categorizes himself as american, but when white people look at his skin they characterize him as "different, foreign, illegal" or whatever it is you people think.
-------------------------------------------------- BIG DEAL , he is different , same as i am different from him . If he is American he may have some value but he has no value if he sees himself as anything other than American Aries !!
Yes, I do. And time and time again, I see you p.o.s. lefties smearing good people based on nothing but your self serving bullshit.
Only person I have smeared are racists. People who feel their race is superior to others. That they are inherently better, smarter, more important because of the color they were born. F*** them. You want to defend that? Have at it.

Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
this thread show that there is no getting along with lefties and their diverse special interest groups based on race . Best thing to do is to stop importing third world people as all they do is stick with their racial groups .
Only person I have smeared are racists. People who feel their race is superior to others. That they are inherently better, smarter, more important because of the color they were born. F*** them. You want to defend that? Have at it.

Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.
What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.

I am from NY. I am equally astonished at the blatant racism. I understood that racism still existed in a very big way, but some of the things I have read on this forum- or just heard in general since trumps win, are heartbreaking.

Yes it was shocking. I really believed this kind of mindset (centered around racism) was extinct in this country. I mean I know people that are educated, normally well mannered that I would have never believed to be racist. Only to watch them come out and support this shit. They were just very good at hiding it, until Trump showed up, and that lit a fire with them.

Here's one of them in Kentucky

Trumps win has emboldened the scum of our society to speak up. To attack our values, to attack our neighbors. Disgusting.

Funny I don't remember the Ferguson riots happening on Bush Jr or Trumps watch


well.... 9/11 happened on bush's watch, idiot. lmao. As well as the collapse of our economy..
but do tell how Obama is responsible for everything some more...

How dows 9/11 when everyone came together fit in your narrative of Americans hating each other and being torn apart like t=hey did under obama and you still don't want to give credit where credit is do when bush Jr. Warned Barney Frank about Freddie an Frannie?
this thread show that there is no getting along with lefties and their diverse special interest groups based on race . Best thing to do is to stop importing third world people as all they do is stick with their racial groups .
-------------------------------------------------- and these special interest groups take over all thinking of their spouses .
I am from NY. I am equally astonished at the blatant racism. I understood that racism still existed in a very big way, but some of the things I have read on this forum- or just heard in general since trumps win, are heartbreaking.

Yes it was shocking. I really believed this kind of mindset (centered around racism) was extinct in this country. I mean I know people that are educated, normally well mannered that I would have never believed to be racist. Only to watch them come out and support this shit. They were just very good at hiding it, until Trump showed up, and that lit a fire with them.

Here's one of them in Kentucky

Trumps win has emboldened the scum of our society to speak up. To attack our values, to attack our neighbors. Disgusting.

Funny I don't remember the Ferguson riots happening on Bush Jr or Trumps watch


well.... 9/11 happened on bush's watch, idiot. lmao. As well as the collapse of our economy..
but do tell how Obama is responsible for everything some more...

How dows 9/11 when everyone came together fit in your narrative of Americans hating each other and being torn apart like t=hey did under obama and you still don't want to give credit where credit is do when bush Jr. Warned Barney Frank about Freddie an Frannie?

you're trying to imply things that happen in the country "under someones watch" is directly their fault. Like they chose not to stop it from happening.
Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.
-------------------------------------------------- bad race relation aren't really a bad thing . Bad race relation just bring out the immigrant racists into the sun so that they can be seen and deported . GO Trump !!
Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.

That's why Obama had more race riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years, correct? :cuckoo:

By the way, I can back that up with proof, and have posted before upon that subject.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.

That's why Obama had more race riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years, correct? :cuckoo:

I'm from the land of reality.
Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.

Where? A bunch of snowflake throwing a hissy fit over losing an election where no college professor ever explained to them the electoral college?
Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.

That's why Obama had more race riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years, correct? :cuckoo:

I'm from the land of reality.
Our black brothers and sisters were hanging from trees only several decades ago. Cut your shit, it is getting offensive, bitch.
I'm sticking up for the people that lefties like you call racists. Which has nothing to do with actual racists.

You are the scum here.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:

THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
My husband is Puerto Rican meaning he was born an American. He was born here, his father is from the Island. He associates with being an American over anything else, America is all he's known, and loves his country. But faces discrimination because of his heritage and it sickens me.

You live in New York, yes you are correct blue states are way more racist and segregated in the year 2017 then the red sates today.

remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.

That's why Obama had more race riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years, correct? :cuckoo:

I'm from the land of reality.
Our black brothers and sisters were hanging from trees only several decades ago. Cut your shit, it is getting offensive, bitch.

Yes you are correct when democrats controlled the red states those things were happening,but it changed so much when the republicans took over the south.


remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.

That's why Obama had more race riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years, correct? :cuckoo:

I'm from the land of reality.
Our black brothers and sisters were hanging from trees only several decades ago. Cut your shit, it is getting offensive, bitch.
Yeah, you make zero sense. STFU.

You have no idea what the fuck goes on in America.

What race are you, even?

I kinda like whites and blacks and latins and Asians.
Bitch, when I spent my life in the US, race relations were nowhere as bad during/post Obama.

And that motherfucker has the gall to call himself the great uniter.

You need a reality check. I will start a thread on this very subject soon.

Obama is a turd. Obama had more riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined. 'Splain that one! My explanation: He condoned riots.
You're the one in need of a reality check, bitch. Race relations have been much worse here, a lot more recently than you're implying, bitch.

That's why Obama had more race riots during his 2nd term than the previous 40 years, correct? :cuckoo:

I'm from the land of reality.
Our black brothers and sisters were hanging from trees only several decades ago. Cut your shit, it is getting offensive, bitch.
Yeah, you make zero sense. STFU.

You have no idea what the fuck goes on in America.

What race are you, even?

I kinda like whites and blacks and latins and Asians.
what doesn't make sense? Racial tensions have been much worse, and very recently in history. Emmitt Till- 14 year old boy accused of speaking to a white woman. Kidnapped from his family's home by a group of white men. Beaten until unrecognizable and dumped in a river. -1955
Sounds like racial tensions were much higher in those days! As a white lady, black kids talk to me all the time and no one has murdered them over it.


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