Studies confirm: Trump voters were motivated by racial prejudice — not ‘economic anxiety’

Yes it was shocking. I really believed this kind of mindset (centered around racism) was extinct in this country. I mean I know people that are educated, normally well mannered that I would have never believed to be racist. Only to watch them come out and support this shit. They were just very good at hiding it, until Trump showed up, and that lit a fire with them.

Here's one of them in Kentucky

Trumps win has emboldened the scum of our society to speak up. To attack our values, to attack our neighbors. Disgusting.

The people you call "scum" are far better people than you.

if you're a racist you're the scum of our society, anti american. I'd take an immigrant neighbor over a racist scumbag any day.

Except I am not a racist, nor are the vast majority of people, you lefties like to call names.

YOu are the scum here.

If you're not a racist but you're sticking up for them you still suck :ahole-1:

I'm sticking up for the people that lefties like you call racists. Which has nothing to do with actual racists.

You are the scum here.
What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.

I am from NY. I am equally astonished at the blatant racism. I understood that racism still existed in a very big way, but some of the things I have read on this forum- or just heard in general since trumps win, are heartbreaking.

Yes it was shocking. I really believed this kind of mindset (centered around racism) was extinct in this country. I mean I know people that are educated, normally well mannered that I would have never believed to be racist. Only to watch them come out and support this shit. They were just very good at hiding it, until Trump showed up, and that lit a fire with them.

Here's one of them in Kentucky

Two assholes cut line and she tells them to go back where they came from? That's the best you've got?


No one cut in line in front of her. The first gal was in front of the fat ass and her friend added two more shirts to the ticket The fat ass--went on a rant after that, and another shopper video taped it all.

I know this is true because I posted the original thread on this site--with the fat ass woman opening and closing mouth--but that video was deleted and is no longer accessible. What the above video is stating is the truth.


So, you claim. And on that ONE example of one person you want to smear tens of millions.

AND it is still a weak example.

One example? Do you get out much? Watch the news? Read?
Trumps win has emboldened the scum of our society to speak up. To attack our values, to attack our neighbors. Disgusting.

The people you call "scum" are far better people than you.
if you're a racist you're the scum of our society, anti american. I'd take an immigrant neighbor over a racist scumbag any day.

Except I am not a racist, nor are the vast majority of people, you lefties like to call names.

YOu are the scum here.
If you're not a racist but you're sticking up for them you still suck :ahole-1:

I'm sticking up for the people that lefties like you call racists. Which has nothing to do with actual racists.

You are the scum here.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:
i don't know why anyone wants more imported people of any type in the USA . Regarding economy as a reason for more immigration . My parents had excellent money making conditions after ww2 when my Dad and Uncles all left the USA military and went to work at various jobs when the USA population was maybe 150 million Americans . Same for me who started working a Railroad job that was good enough to keep in 1969 when USA population was about 210 million Americans . Now the USA population is about 310 million in 2010 with millions of uncounted illegal aliens and young milenials are seen riding skateboards , getting tattoos , living in their parents basement and if they have jobs as a married couple both work at places like -wal mart- or 'mcdonalds' while paying off huge student loans [chuckle] and buying disposable diapers at -wal mart- . And in closing , think that it was about the 1980 - 1990 when living in America required a married couple to both have jobs to simply pay bills , pay student loans , pay car insurance , health insurance and already mentioned disposable diapers . -------------------- yeah , immigration is making every American Wealthy [chuckle] .

I think the problem here is that you really think "immigrants" are the cause of these problems.

The thing is when your dad and mine left the military after WWII, there were plenty of jobs because we had the only industrial infrastructure left after the war.

The problem was of course, is that the people who ran our industries didn't modernize or keep up... not that bad old immigrants took those jobs.

Now, the thing was, yes, in the 1980's, two parent income became the norm. This was partly due to hyper-inflation in the 1970's followed by severe deunionization in the early 1980s driving down wages. Another factor, less talked about was feminism making it more normal for a woman to work outside the home.

When you can hire a woman for 70% of what you pay a man, and she does a better job, why wouldn't you?

Again, none of this had anything to do with bad old immigrants, doing immigrant stuff.

Nor millennials living in their parents basements. Do you really think they wouldn't be living in Mom's basement if they could get those great floor-sweeping jobs the Mexicans are taking? Don't be daft. They didn't go to college for 4 years to do that.

You forgot to include illegal in front of immigrants, we have no problem with legal ones

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
------------------------------------------ its YOU dosen't have a problem , a flood of legal or illegal third world immigrants is the same thing Shangles .
Last edited:
I am from NY. I am equally astonished at the blatant racism. I understood that racism still existed in a very big way, but some of the things I have read on this forum- or just heard in general since trumps win, are heartbreaking.

Yes it was shocking. I really believed this kind of mindset (centered around racism) was extinct in this country. I mean I know people that are educated, normally well mannered that I would have never believed to be racist. Only to watch them come out and support this shit. They were just very good at hiding it, until Trump showed up, and that lit a fire with them.

Here's one of them in Kentucky

Two assholes cut line and she tells them to go back where they came from? That's the best you've got?


No one cut in line in front of her. The first gal was in front of the fat ass and her friend added two more shirts to the ticket The fat ass--went on a rant after that, and another shopper video taped it all.

I know this is true because I posted the original thread on this site--with the fat ass woman opening and closing mouth--but that video was deleted and is no longer accessible. What the above video is stating is the truth.


So, you claim. And on that ONE example of one person you want to smear tens of millions.

AND it is still a weak example.

One example? Do you get out much? Watch the news? Read?

Yes, I do. And time and time again, I see you p.o.s. lefties smearing good people based on nothing but your self serving bullshit.
The people you call "scum" are far better people than you.
if you're a racist you're the scum of our society, anti american. I'd take an immigrant neighbor over a racist scumbag any day.

Except I am not a racist, nor are the vast majority of people, you lefties like to call names.

YOu are the scum here.
If you're not a racist but you're sticking up for them you still suck :ahole-1:

I'm sticking up for the people that lefties like you call racists. Which has nothing to do with actual racists.

You are the scum here.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:

THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
Yes it was shocking. I really believed this kind of mindset (centered around racism) was extinct in this country. I mean I know people that are educated, normally well mannered that I would have never believed to be racist. Only to watch them come out and support this shit. They were just very good at hiding it, until Trump showed up, and that lit a fire with them.

Here's one of them in Kentucky

Two assholes cut line and she tells them to go back where they came from? That's the best you've got?


No one cut in line in front of her. The first gal was in front of the fat ass and her friend added two more shirts to the ticket The fat ass--went on a rant after that, and another shopper video taped it all.

I know this is true because I posted the original thread on this site--with the fat ass woman opening and closing mouth--but that video was deleted and is no longer accessible. What the above video is stating is the truth.


So, you claim. And on that ONE example of one person you want to smear tens of millions.

AND it is still a weak example.

One example? Do you get out much? Watch the news? Read?

Yes, I do. And time and time again, I see you p.o.s. lefties smearing good people based on nothing but your self serving bullshit.

Only person I have smeared are racists. People who feel their race is superior to others. That they are inherently better, smarter, more important because of the color they were born. F*** them. You want to defend that? Have at it.
i don't know why anyone wants more imported people of any type in the USA . Regarding economy as a reason for more immigration . My parents had excellent money making conditions after ww2 when my Dad and Uncles all left the USA military and went to work at various jobs when the USA population was maybe 150 million Americans . Same for me who started working a Railroad job that was good enough to keep in 1969 when USA population was about 210 million Americans . Now the USA population is about 310 million in 2010 with millions of uncounted illegal aliens and young milenials are seen riding skateboards , getting tattoos , living in their parents basement and if they have jobs as a married couple both work at places like -wal mart- or 'mcdonalds' while paying off huge student loans [chuckle] and buying disposable diapers at -wal mart- . And in closing , think that it was about the 1980 - 1990 when living in America required a married couple to both have jobs to simply pay bills , pay student loans , pay car insurance , health insurance and already mentioned disposable diapers . -------------------- yeah , immigration is making every American Wealthy [chuckle] .

I think the problem here is that you really think "immigrants" are the cause of these problems.

The thing is when your dad and mine left the military after WWII, there were plenty of jobs because we had the only industrial infrastructure left after the war.

The problem was of course, is that the people who ran our industries didn't modernize or keep up... not that bad old immigrants took those jobs.

Now, the thing was, yes, in the 1980's, two parent income became the norm. This was partly due to hyper-inflation in the 1970's followed by severe deunionization in the early 1980s driving down wages. Another factor, less talked about was feminism making it more normal for a woman to work outside the home.

When you can hire a woman for 70% of what you pay a man, and she does a better job, why wouldn't you?

Again, none of this had anything to do with bad old immigrants, doing immigrant stuff.

Nor millennials living in their parents basements. Do you really think they wouldn't be living in Mom's basement if they could get those great floor-sweeping jobs the Mexicans are taking? Don't be daft. They didn't go to college for 4 years to do that.

You forgot to include illegal in front of immigrants, we have no problem with legal ones

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
don't cluster yourself in the deplorable basket quite yet, most of these racists have problems with the legal ones too.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- legal or illegal , its government of both parties that allow the imports to come in . And much of the time its against the wishes of already existing American Aries !!
if you're a racist you're the scum of our society, anti american. I'd take an immigrant neighbor over a racist scumbag any day.

Except I am not a racist, nor are the vast majority of people, you lefties like to call names.

YOu are the scum here.
If you're not a racist but you're sticking up for them you still suck :ahole-1:

I'm sticking up for the people that lefties like you call racists. Which has nothing to do with actual racists.

You are the scum here.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:

THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
Two assholes cut line and she tells them to go back where they came from? That's the best you've got?


No one cut in line in front of her. The first gal was in front of the fat ass and her friend added two more shirts to the ticket The fat ass--went on a rant after that, and another shopper video taped it all.

I know this is true because I posted the original thread on this site--with the fat ass woman opening and closing mouth--but that video was deleted and is no longer accessible. What the above video is stating is the truth.


So, you claim. And on that ONE example of one person you want to smear tens of millions.

AND it is still a weak example.
One example? Do you get out much? Watch the news? Read?

Yes, I do. And time and time again, I see you p.o.s. lefties smearing good people based on nothing but your self serving bullshit.
Only person I have smeared are racists. People who feel their race is superior to others. That they are inherently better, smarter, more important because of the color they were born. F*** them. You want to defend that? Have at it.

Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
i don't know why anyone wants more imported people of any type in the USA . Regarding economy as a reason for more immigration . My parents had excellent money making conditions after ww2 when my Dad and Uncles all left the USA military and went to work at various jobs when the USA population was maybe 150 million Americans . Same for me who started working a Railroad job that was good enough to keep in 1969 when USA population was about 210 million Americans . Now the USA population is about 310 million in 2010 with millions of uncounted illegal aliens and young milenials are seen riding skateboards , getting tattoos , living in their parents basement and if they have jobs as a married couple both work at places like -wal mart- or 'mcdonalds' while paying off huge student loans [chuckle] and buying disposable diapers at -wal mart- . And in closing , think that it was about the 1980 - 1990 when living in America required a married couple to both have jobs to simply pay bills , pay student loans , pay car insurance , health insurance and already mentioned disposable diapers . -------------------- yeah , immigration is making every American Wealthy [chuckle] .

I think the problem here is that you really think "immigrants" are the cause of these problems.

The thing is when your dad and mine left the military after WWII, there were plenty of jobs because we had the only industrial infrastructure left after the war.

The problem was of course, is that the people who ran our industries didn't modernize or keep up... not that bad old immigrants took those jobs.

Now, the thing was, yes, in the 1980's, two parent income became the norm. This was partly due to hyper-inflation in the 1970's followed by severe deunionization in the early 1980s driving down wages. Another factor, less talked about was feminism making it more normal for a woman to work outside the home.

When you can hire a woman for 70% of what you pay a man, and she does a better job, why wouldn't you?

Again, none of this had anything to do with bad old immigrants, doing immigrant stuff.

Nor millennials living in their parents basements. Do you really think they wouldn't be living in Mom's basement if they could get those great floor-sweeping jobs the Mexicans are taking? Don't be daft. They didn't go to college for 4 years to do that.

You forgot to include illegal in front of immigrants, we have no problem with legal ones

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
don't cluster yourself in the deplorable basket quite yet, most of these racists have problems with the legal ones too.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- legal or illegal , its government of both parties that allow the imports to come in . And much of the time its against the wishes of already existing American Aries !!
In the past, taking in immigrants and refugees was not a partisan issue. Everyone understood it was part of our value system and part of what set us apart from other countries. Land of the free home of the brave.
"Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries." - The holy Ronald Reagan, 1981
Except I am not a racist, nor are the vast majority of people, you lefties like to call names.

YOu are the scum here.
If you're not a racist but you're sticking up for them you still suck :ahole-1:

I'm sticking up for the people that lefties like you call racists. Which has nothing to do with actual racists.

You are the scum here.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:

THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.

I've had real racists, lefties racist, on this site gloat that whites are "dying off" and gleeful about it (we aren't).

The difference is that the racism on the left, such as that, is believed and supported by the movement right up to the leadership, and they enact policy to reach their racist goals.

While on the right, the racists are a completely irrelevant fringe with zero impact on policy.
No one cut in line in front of her. The first gal was in front of the fat ass and her friend added two more shirts to the ticket The fat ass--went on a rant after that, and another shopper video taped it all.

I know this is true because I posted the original thread on this site--with the fat ass woman opening and closing mouth--but that video was deleted and is no longer accessible. What the above video is stating is the truth.


So, you claim. And on that ONE example of one person you want to smear tens of millions.

AND it is still a weak example.
One example? Do you get out much? Watch the news? Read?

Yes, I do. And time and time again, I see you p.o.s. lefties smearing good people based on nothing but your self serving bullshit.
Only person I have smeared are racists. People who feel their race is superior to others. That they are inherently better, smarter, more important because of the color they were born. F*** them. You want to defend that? Have at it.

Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.

I am from NY. I am equally astonished at the blatant racism. I understood that racism still existed in a very big way, but some of the things I have read on this forum- or just heard in general since trumps win, are heartbreaking.

Yes it was shocking. I really believed this kind of mindset (centered around racism) was extinct in this country. I mean I know people that are educated, normally well mannered that I would have never believed to be racist. Only to watch them come out and support this shit. They were just very good at hiding it, until Trump showed up, and that lit a fire with them.

Here's one of them in Kentucky

Trumps win has emboldened the scum of our society to speak up. To attack our values, to attack our neighbors. Disgusting.

Funny I don't remember the Ferguson riots happening on Bush Jr or Trumps watch

It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.

I am from NY. I am equally astonished at the blatant racism. I understood that racism still existed in a very big way, but some of the things I have read on this forum- or just heard in general since trumps win, are heartbreaking.

Yes it was shocking. I really believed this kind of mindset (centered around racism) was extinct in this country. I mean I know people that are educated, normally well mannered that I would have never believed to be racist. Only to watch them come out and support this shit. They were just very good at hiding it, until Trump showed up, and that lit a fire with them.

Here's one of them in Kentucky

Trumps win has emboldened the scum of our society to speak up. To attack our values, to attack our neighbors. Disgusting.

Funny I don't remember the Ferguson riots happening on Bush Jr or Trumps watch


well.... 9/11 happened on bush's watch, idiot. lmao. As well as the collapse of our economy..
but do tell how Obama is responsible for everything some more...
So, you claim. And on that ONE example of one person you want to smear tens of millions.

AND it is still a weak example.
One example? Do you get out much? Watch the news? Read?

Yes, I do. And time and time again, I see you p.o.s. lefties smearing good people based on nothing but your self serving bullshit.
Only person I have smeared are racists. People who feel their race is superior to others. That they are inherently better, smarter, more important because of the color they were born. F*** them. You want to defend that? Have at it.

Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Except I am not a racist, nor are the vast majority of people, you lefties like to call names.

YOu are the scum here.
If you're not a racist but you're sticking up for them you still suck :ahole-1:

I'm sticking up for the people that lefties like you call racists. Which has nothing to do with actual racists.

You are the scum here.
Yada Yada Yada you're illogical ramblings deteriorate daily :blahblah:

THere was nothing illogical or confusing about my post.

My point stands. The people that you lefties call racists, are almost universally NOT racists, but just people that have the nerve to disagree with you.

Your pretense that that didn't make any sense is just you running away.
I had someone tell me on this forum yesterday that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and any country they ran I would be punished with the death penalty. So go to hell.
--------------------------------------------------------------- so thats the deal , you are the wife or spouse of a person that identifies as latino / hispanic rather than just being an American . i now understand your thinking . And a 'new yorker' to boot eh Aries .
One example? Do you get out much? Watch the news? Read?

Yes, I do. And time and time again, I see you p.o.s. lefties smearing good people based on nothing but your self serving bullshit.
Only person I have smeared are racists. People who feel their race is superior to others. That they are inherently better, smarter, more important because of the color they were born. F*** them. You want to defend that? Have at it.

Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?
That so called 'largest economy' isn't based on a solid's been falsely pumped up & over-inflated by continually raising the debt limit and printing excesses of past years.......under previous managers. Can't blame that one on Trump......or Russia
yet, we can afford a drug war?

Trump and Russia started the Drug War? Who knew?
Your guy is in office now; are we, "getting Commercial" or not.

Are you a time traveler from the Dark Ages? The U.S. has been commercial for ages.
Nothing but diversion? Is Mr. Trump going to be legal to our Commerce Clause, or not, regarding our alleged, War on Drugs?

"Is Mr. Trump going to be legal to our Commerce Clause"? WTFrell is that supposed to mean?
Yes, I do. And time and time again, I see you p.o.s. lefties smearing good people based on nothing but your self serving bullshit.
Only person I have smeared are racists. People who feel their race is superior to others. That they are inherently better, smarter, more important because of the color they were born. F*** them. You want to defend that? Have at it.

Bullshit. I see what you lefties consider "racism".

It has nothing to do with actual racism.

You smear Trump supporters with the slur of racism in an attempt to marginalize them, not because it has any truth to it.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.
Again, I had someone on this forum yesterday tell me that because my husband is hispanic I am a "race mixer" and that I would be punished by death in any country he ran. So you can drop the whole racism isn't real, we being falsely accused, bullshit .

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.
remember how you spent your how life ignorant to race relations in your own country?

I made a real point about recent lefty behavior relating to Trump/Trump supporters.

You failed to address it, thus my point stands.

Remember when lefties spent a solid year gloating that Hispanics hated Trump, and that that was why he could not win?

And then he said that one specific hispanic hated him, and suddenly saying that was "racist"?

That was a bullshit racist accusation.

YOu lefties need to drop the Race Card. YOu are tearing this nation apart.

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