Study: Climate change 'may have played a role' in the corona pandemic, and may make further pandemics more likely

Global warming is the reason your girlfriend cheated on you.

Global warming is the reason kids don't like brussel sprouts.

Global warming is the reason gasoline has gone up in price, but also is the reason when gasoline goes down in price.

Global warming makes raccoons more dangerous.

Global warming makes people hungover in the morning after they've drunk a lot the previous night.
let me help ya

Climate Change told Harry Truman to use nuclear weapons on Japan

Climate Change told Hanibal to use elephants over the Khyber Pass

Climate Change laughed at Jesus as he was being crucified
Democrats are desperate to keep the lockdowns as widespread as possible, keep the kiddies out of school, and now reach again for economic control by blaming a made-up climate-based pestilence "theory" you'd find in a cheap B-movie for what was an intentional, malevolent human act.
We now know how The Reichstag Fire started ...

Unidentified unverified "researchers" claim that bat habitat is changing and a CBS editor named Jeff Berardelli turns it into a global warming crusade. Get used to it folks, the liberal democrat administration and liberal media will bomb us with MMGW propaganda in the next four years and ignorant lefties will eat it up without question.
We wont need further pandemics since they seem to think they can milk this one another 7 yrs
It will take SEVEN YEARS to end the coronavirus pandemic, vaccination calculator suggests | Daily Mail Online

No government is going to give up their new-found powers to micro-manage people's lives. Just like every hot day is not the hottest day since the beginning of time, so too will every cold and flu season now going to be the worst threat humans have ever faced.

That genie is NOT going back into the bottle.
The bottom line is that there is no scientific connection between bat habitat and pandemics and global warming but this is the kind of hysteria that the liberal media supports.

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