Study simulates likelihood of Ebola spread (18% likely to appear in US by 9-22)

Does the OP read his own links?

Yes, so what is your fucking point, or are you sober enough to state what it is?

lol, these libtard tricks are so predictable. Dumbass here makes a vague statement suggesting that I didn't readmy own post, like libtards do all the time, and I am automatically supposed to go searching through my onw post, wondering what the fuck he is referring to, roflamo.

Now, there are a couple of important caveats to the researchers' findings. For one thing, an Ebola case reaching a developed country with an efficient healthcare system probably won't cause the mass epidemic levels we've seen in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.

"What's more, the numbers come with a pretty high probability range, so while the U.S. could have a 18 percent infection risk at the end of the month, that number could also be as low as 1 percent."

Lol, thank you!

Actually, that is PROBABLY true, though not necessarily.

Again, compare the USA hospitals efficiency at controlling MRSA and you would see that this isn't a strong assumption that our health care system will handle Ebola well.

Ebola *might* be easier to spread than MRSA.

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