stupid ungrateful girl


Ball not needed
lol. The fact that she is that way, should not be a surprise to him, it is obviously his fault. Children are a result of parenting. He gets what he deserves.

I think his groveling and supplicating is worse than her behavior.

It wouldn't even occur to him to do any of the things that have been suggested in this thread, he will bow to her demands.
Personally, I don't blame the girl.
The father is the one who enabled her over the top rude brat behavior over the years.
Now he is stuck with a self absorbed piece of work for a daughter. .... :cool:
. . . and he will pull strings to get her into the best Universities, where she will no doubt be part of the corruption and rot of our system that oppresses the middle class and the poor with her entitled attitude. . . .

I'm sure the monthly insurance premium for a 16 year old Lambo driver costs a small fortune. ... :cool:
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Yeah... I call bullshit.
You can tell this isn't real for numerous reasons.
Someone who has 6 figure money laying around to buy a car for their kid isn't going to live in a house that isn't worth much more than the car, of at all. And they aren't going to live in an area that has a trailer across the street.
And then there is the girls facial expressions and what she says. As well as what he says.
Porn actors are better than these two.
Yeah... I call bullshit.
You can tell this isn't real for numerous reasons.
Someone who has 6 figure money laying around to buy a car for their kid isn't going to live in a house that isn't worth much more than the car, of at all. And they aren't going to live in an area that has a trailer across the street.
And then there is the girls facial expressions and what she says. As well as what he says.
Porn actors are better than these two.

Well, not entirely true; I've known some very wealthy people who live in 40 year old Airstreams and drive 25 year old plain cars, but yeah,this is probably a hoax vid, and it got attention.

Off topic. but the billionaire nutjob H.L. Hunt drove a cheap chevy 4 door and took a sack lunch to work,.
Looks like they live on a farm. I think he is the owner.
I think it belongs to a relative or friend, and they made the video for fun or to get hits.
That or it is a kit car. A real one is going to be worth more than the house they live in.
Looks like they live on a farm. I think he is the owner.
I think it belongs to a relative or friend, and they made the video for fun or to get hits.
That or it is a kit car. A real one is going to be worth more than the house they live in.

Unless it's somewhere in CAli; I remember a story about some guy who was on that show 'Who Wants To Marry a Millionaire', or something like that, and it turned out his 'million' was in two crappy houses in a ghetto hood, and one had a pile of broken toilets in the back yard, along with piles of other junk, and they looked run down to boot.
. . . that girl is a future lady guest or host on the VIEW, I would imagine. :heehee:

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