Subway founder: Obama has created oppresive regulatory environment

Same can be said of you,not one conservative minded person has ever suggested we roll back ALL regulations just some of the dumb ones that drag commerce down.

The buggy man from the right exists only in your head.

Eliminate the EPA. Like I said, "Willfully Blind". To right wingers such as yourself, ALL regulations are "dumb". If you don't name which ones are "dumb", it's because you can't.

How about the regulation that says an employer has to provide healthcare to any employee who works 30 hours a week or more? My wife has been looking for work, and she keeps getting offers for jobs that are are only 3 days a week. Why do you suppose that is, eh doofus?

She can take 2 3 day a week jobs and be working fulltime plus one day.
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Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

lol, we have a local convenience store chain here that has put in fake subways in some of their stores, all the trappings of a subway, but without the name and of course without the overhead of being a franchise. And they give you a better sandwich for the price.
yes there should be no regulations. Take a look at china. The middle class there is purely and overtly oppressed and the air is toxic. Yes lets look at their model.

OMG the drama queens are running in pairs now. How did we ever survive the first 150 years, or over the centuries for that matter without regulations?

Well, Texas was a slave state. Texas seceded from Mexico after Mexico abolished slavery, and then Texas seceded from the Union when its precious slavery was threatened again.

I guess that's how Texas managed to muddle through the first 150 years.

Eliminate the EPA. Like I said, "Willfully Blind". To right wingers such as yourself, ALL regulations are "dumb". If you don't name which ones are "dumb", it's because you can't.

How about the regulation that says an employer has to provide healthcare to any employee who works 30 hours a week or more? My wife has been looking for work, and she keeps getting offers for jobs that are are only 3 days a week. Why do you suppose that is, eh doofus?

She can take 2 3 day a week jobs and be working fulltime plus one day.

Multiple part time jobs for minimum wage and no benefits = Republican Nirvana.
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

Interested to see how many people Deluca screwed on his way to that $2.5 billion net worth?

Why Subway Is "The Biggest Problem In Franchising" That's the assessment of a congressional staffer who studied the industry. Founder Fred DeLuca's unique approach to the sandwich business has brought him staggering wealth--and big troubles. - March

And, of course, that doesn't even count his employees, who he's too poor to provide health care for.
Because it's cheaper if America doesn't have health care. Let them die in the streets.

Only hopeless drunks and incorrigible drug addicts die on the street, because they don't have enough brains left to go to the nearest emergency ward.
yes there should be no regulations. Take a look at china. The middle class there is purely and overtly oppressed and the air is toxic. Yes lets look at their model.

OMG the drama queens are running in pairs now. How did we ever survive the first 150 years, or over the centuries for that matter without regulations?


The truth is, many didn't survive. That's why we have child labor laws and safety regulations.

You have some serious issues to be so willfully blind.

No the truth is most did, my dad picked cotton when he was a child and retired as a plant electrical maintenance supervisor for McDonald-Douglas with less than a 8th grade formal education. It takes real ignorance to try to judge our past by today's standards, those people built a nation envied by the world with the best knowledge the had available and as knowledge was gained things changed. Now we are to the point of diminishing returns on regulations and most are put in place by bureaucrats trying to justify their jobs, not because there is a real need for them.
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

And, the founder of Subway has amassed a great fortune by producing fat and salt-laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches handed out by underpaid teenage workers which even the Earl of Sandwich would refuse.

What's your point?

The point, Mr. Social Engineer, is your kind of thinking is the worst kind of collectivist drivel. Your hatred of "fat and salt-laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches" should not be forced down others' throats.
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yes there should be no regulations. Take a look at china. The middle class there is purely and overtly oppressed and the air is toxic. Yes lets look at their model.

Clueless red herring. Less burdensome and smart regulation equates to no regulation in the extremist liberal mind. Earth to stupid, there were regulations in the 60s. Unlike the regulations of today you could read them in one sitting and glup actually understand them before voting on them. Today they are 1000s of pages with items that have NOTHING to do with the bills primary concern. Take Obamacare it made the most radical change to the student loan industry ever. A bill on healthcare regulated student loans? :cuckoo:

We need to step back a little and try to understand this a bit.
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

And, the founder of Subway has amassed a great fortune by producing fat and salt-laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches handed out by underpaid teenage workers which even the Earl of Sandwich would refuse.

What's your point?

Here is a tip for you:


Nobody, not even underpaid teenagers are forced to work at Subway.

And those "fat and salt laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches" might actually be good for your health and conducive to weight loss.

000103 Man Loses 245 Pounds Eating Subway Sandwiches

The truth is, many didn't survive. That's why we have child labor laws and safety regulations.

You have some serious issues to be so willfully blind.

Same can be said of you,not one conservative minded person has ever suggested we roll back ALL regulations just some of the dumb ones that drag commerce down.

The buggy man from the right exists only in your head.

Eliminate the EPA. Like I said, "Willfully Blind". To right wingers such as yourself, ALL regulations are "dumb". If you don't name which ones are "dumb", it's because you can't.

EPA was signed into law by Richard Nixon. And yet, the liberal blowhards are still refusing to give any credit whatsoever to Nixon.

Of course, when Nixon signed that law, he had no idea that that it will turn out to be the "Employment Prevention Agency".
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If there was more regulation, fewer Americans would fall victim to Subway's tuna sub.

And your sandwiches would look like ones as pictured in Subway's ads. Has anyone actually had a sandwich from Subway that looked like this?


  • $images sandwich.jpg
    $images sandwich.jpg
    9 KB · Views: 71
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

So, Subway is going out of business?
I actually had a Subway tuna sub for lunch! :lol:

I will retroactively call it my Chik-Fil-A moment...
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

And, the founder of Subway has amassed a great fortune by producing fat and salt-laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches handed out by underpaid teenage workers which even the Earl of Sandwich would refuse.

What's your point?

Here is a tip for you:


Nobody, not even underpaid teenagers are forced to work at Subway.

And those "fat and salt laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches" might actually be good for your health and conducive to weight loss.

000103 Man Loses 245 Pounds Eating Subway Sandwiches

You don't lose weight by what you eat, you lose weight by what you don't eat.

Eliminate the EPA. Like I said, "Willfully Blind". To right wingers such as yourself, ALL regulations are "dumb". If you don't name which ones are "dumb", it's because you can't.

How about the regulation that says an employer has to provide healthcare to any employee who works 30 hours a week or more? My wife has been looking for work, and she keeps getting offers for jobs that are are only 3 days a week. Why do you suppose that is, eh doofus?

Because those prospective employers are too cheap to provide even a portion of health insurance. But, of has it, don't they?

Those filthy rich, selfish, cheap, uncaring and cruel employers clearly have nothing more in mind than screwing all who apply for job at their companies.

Those who apply there and feel that they have not been given to them what they feel they deserve, have the freedom to apply for a job at any company which is run by poor, unselfish, generous and kind employers who run their businesses purely for providing for those who never bothered to complete Grade 8 and reduced their own worth by overuse of alcohol, nicotine and worse.

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