Such and such is now following you

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Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2014
I just received a notice that a person is following me who I certainly don't want following me. It is stalking behavior, and it is creepy. People usually follow each other because of positive connections. This is because of negative.

Is there a way to get somebody to stop stalking me in this way?
Well, you could leave the board, and see if they follow you.....


put them on ignore.
IGNORE: kinda like still being followed but just putting a bag over YOUR head so you can't see it.

Users ought to have the ability to deselect a person from following them if they believe it is for scurrilous reasons, just as when putting a person on IGNORE, it should block a person from being able to read you or like/unlike you so there are CONSEQUENCES to being ignored.
Oh brother. I accidentally clicked his effing icon because it was next to another member on line, and it made it “follow”, as soon as I saw it I immediately unclicked it. I have no desire to follow his ass.
a person is following me who I certainly don't want following me. It is stalking behavior, and it is creepy
In a very general sense this happens across the internet when advertisers stalk you for your spending money, and creep after your pocketbook.
Naysayers abound, because "Do Not Track" isn't making them any money from your web browsing.
Oh brother. I accidentally clicked his effing icon because it was next to another member on line, and it made it “follow”, as soon as I saw it I immediately unclicked it. I have no desire to follow his ass.

Oh brother. I accidentally clicked his effing icon because it was next to another member on line, and it made it “follow”, as soon as I saw it I immediately unclicked it. I have no desire to follow his ass.
Likely story.
It is easy to do. What he won’t tell you is I immediately unfollowed and he got that message as well.
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I just received a notice that a person is following me who I certainly don't want following me. It is stalking behavior, and it is creepy. People usually follow each other because of positive connections. This is because of negative.

Is there a way to get somebody to stop stalking me in this way?
My god ..I will stop following you !!
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