Suddenly Everyone is Hunting for an Alternative to the Dollar.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
Again something I've been arguing is going to happen with most people either burying their head in the sand or somehow believing it is not going to happen.

Other countries simply are not going to continue to allow is to abuse the dollar to our benefit in the way we do.

Suddenly Everyone Is Hunting for Alternatives to the US Dollar

Will it happen next week, next month, next year? No, but it is coming. We know it's coming but we will not be able to address the issue because unlike other countries all we care about is the short term.
Again something I've been arguing is going to happen with most people either burying their head in the sand or somehow believing it is not going to happen.

Other countries simply are not going to continue to allow is to abuse the dollar to our benefit in the way we do.

Suddenly Everyone Is Hunting for Alternatives to the US Dollar

Will it happen next week, next month, next year? No, but it is coming. We know it's coming but we will not be able to address the issue because unlike other countries all we care about is the short term.

You can keep your lousy dollar. The Benjamin is the preferred currency of the world.

This time in history we are like England was around the turn of the 20th century. In a half century there was two world wars in the transition of the declining power to the rising power. Now China is the rising power. And they do not speak English. This can be much worse.
Again something I've been arguing is going to happen with most people either burying their head in the sand or somehow believing it is not going to happen.

Other countries simply are not going to continue to allow is to abuse the dollar to our benefit in the way we do.

Suddenly Everyone Is Hunting for Alternatives to the US Dollar

Will it happen next week, next month, next year? No, but it is coming. We know it's coming but we will not be able to address the issue because unlike other countries all we care about is the short term.
It's inevitable and has been true for several years if you watch global events carefully and in detail .
You do not have to be particularly bright to see when someone is bankrupt .

The US could be $300 trillion in debt once you include failed derivatives and undeclared Obligations( pension funds , for example ) .

You know when it's all over when other countries stop buying your bonds and when the Federal Reserve continues to print imaginary money by notionally buying up everything that can be classed as collateral and calling it assets in order to pretend that notional capital ( promises on bits of paper) are regarded as being backed with something of real value .

That is , when they are seen as lying and cheating because of an inability to even meet a debt payback in regular pieces / instalments . That is , when required interest on paybacks cannot even be met .

The petro - dollar then becomes meaningless and suddenly it is other countries that are setting the standards for making and settling trade .

We will probably go back to having a precious metal as the backing for money and Gold is the most likely route .
If US debts are then halved , say , because the dollar's worth is depreciated by that amount , say , the US might still be able to trade but at a much lower level of importance .

The expanded version of BRICS will rule without the US and EU ( also bankrupt) being in control.

And all of it is literally just around the corner .
Again something I've been arguing is going to happen with most people either burying their head in the sand or somehow believing it is not going to happen.

Other countries simply are not going to continue to allow is to abuse the dollar to our benefit in the way we do.

Suddenly Everyone Is Hunting for Alternatives to the US Dollar

Will it happen next week, next month, next year? No, but it is coming. We know it's coming but we will not be able to address the issue because unlike other countries all we care about is the short term.
welcome to xiden’s america…the dollar simply isn’t worth what it was before you all elected the clown
I've been saying this awhile now & the lefties laugh like the very idea the fiat petrodollars would ever lose value as the world reserve currency.

The signs have been there & now much of the world is looking to replace it but, apparently for progbots, the very idea is absurd.
Just like the idea that the clot shots caused clots & didn't stop transmission or infection.
Or they were inflating ronaflu death numbers to scare the sheeple into compliance that masks or lockdowns wouldn't work on an airborne virus.
Or that quickly dropping fossil fuels would be devastating for the economy.

It must be hard on the proggies to watch the things they laugh at come true & then scramble to pretend they obviously saw it coming all along.
So much they take for granted is simply not so
I prefer bullion.
Do you believe we live in our government and private checks with high percentages of interest in investments without anyone else suffering for it? I am willing to say that a lower income capitalist slave lady in China may be ten times better than most Prog women in America.
Again something I've been arguing is going to happen with most people either burying their head in the sand or somehow believing it is not going to happen.

Other countries simply are not going to continue to allow is to abuse the dollar to our benefit in the way we do.

Suddenly Everyone Is Hunting for Alternatives to the US Dollar

Will it happen next week, next month, next year? No, but it is coming. We know it's coming but we will not be able to address the issue because unlike other countries all we care about is the short term.
Wow, that must be the first intelligent thing I’ve heard you say.

The collapse of the dollar(and euro) is being engineered. They are doing this on purpose. They want to destroy the middle class and turn everyone into serfs. The elite have always hated the idea of constitutional republics, remember the history of the 19th century. They put down every rebellion they could against monarchies. Even the rebellions that “won” often still settled for a monarchy which then later on fucked its people over. Eventually democracy won and republics were formed. So the elites had to play the new game, and that game was banking and finance.

The other big advantage they have is complete control of the media. Something they didn’t have 100 years ago. Now they can destroy our economy and personal wealth and use the media to blame anyone else they want, and the masses will believe it.

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