Suddenly there are talks of another stimulus. Wonder why? Look inside...

The only Economists against the Stimulus were on the payroll for the GOP. It is Econ 101 that if the economy goes into recession, and output drops (in this case by about $2T) then SOMEONE needs to inject $2T into the economy to get it going again. Clearly consumers weren't going to and neither are businesses (they still aren't), so the only two options were let the recession get worse (the GOP would love this) or the government injects stimulus, which they did, but they didn't inject enough. Hence the reason we need another one.

I am well aware of the differences between short term and long term planning and affects, are you? You guys are the ones screaming and crying about the debt, when that is a long term issue and what we need to do right now is address the short term issues, like unemployment.

Or do you think we should do nothing about unemployment and just follow Gov. Perry's idea to just pray it goes away?

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about...

That stimulus inflated our currency because unions defy supply and demand fundamentals.

The dollar cant support union demands, and thats exactly the channel that money went through - unions..

Sorry, you just cant take a dollar from a person and put it through the system and expect it to still be a dollar when it comes out the other end.....

For every dollar thats spent only 30cents of it gets pumped back into the economy, the main reason?? inflated union wages...

Econ 101

Competition and supply and demand...

Its basic microeconomics....



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Unions wages inflate the dollar because union wages are not based on supply and demand.
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That stimulus inflated our currency because unions defy supply and demand fundamentals.
Well now I know you have no idea what you're talking about. The USD is NOT inflated. It has been steadily dropping for a decade now.

The dollar cant support union demands, and thats exactly the channel that money went through - unions..
Even though you can't prove it and aren't even trying.

Sorry, you just cant take a dollar from a person and put it through the system and expect it to still be a dollar when it comes out the other end.....
Educate yourself.
Fiscal multiplier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, we did not take a dollar from anyone here in the country. We borrowed it from outside the country and then injected it into our economy.

Its basic microeconomics....
The study of a national economy is MACROeconomics. This might explain why you are so obviously confused.
Every Economist worth a damn agrees that the first stimulus was too small. It got the economy growing, but only added a couple million jobs and we need more. The drop in GDP was pegged well north of $2T so a second stimulus of $1T should really do the trick.

I know you guys think it's about buying votes, but really, it's just math.

Unless they want to throw hundreds of billions into infrastructure, I don't see another stimulus package doing much good. Secondly, I don't think we can afford it right now. We need to cut spending, and that means the military too, but we also need to raise taxes a little bit, across the board. I know this doesn't help people to spend more, but it would help curb inflation and it would also give people more confidence that we are not just pissing everything away. That in itself would give people more confidence and help get things moving in the right direction.

There are no easy fixes right now and thinking that there are is a big mistake.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about...

That stimulus inflated our currency because unions defy supply and demand fundamentals.

The dollar cant support union demands, and thats exactly the channel that money went through - unions..

Sorry, you just cant take a dollar from a person and put it through the system and expect it to still be a dollar when it comes out the other end.....

For every dollar thats spent only 30cents of it gets pumped back into the economy, the main reason?? inflated union wages...

Econ 101

Competition and supply and demand...

Its basic microeconomics....



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Unions wages inflate the dollar because union wages are not based on supply and demand.

Oh bullshit.

What "inflates" prices are factors like multinational conglomerates (Defacto Monopolies)..and executive compensation. This, by the way, squashes competition.

The gulf between rich and poor in this country is starting the resemble the 1920s. Unions have basically been smashed. They have very little effect on the economy.
If there is another stimulus package..I hope republicans don't touch it.

It should go to infrastructure repair, upgrading the energy sector and building high speed rail. Not tax cuts.

That is the only way to directly create jobs and put money into the economy. And the taxpayers actually get something out of the borrowed money. Tax cuts and direct stimulus payments don't help much. We saw it under Bush with his $600 or whatever amount it was direct stimulus, and we saw it with the last stimulus. While I agree that it did save some jobs, I'm not sure it was 2 to 3 million as some like to state. The biggest problem with it is that the money didn't create any real growth.

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Unions wages inflate the dollar because union wages are not based on supply and demand.

Oh bullshit.

What "inflates" prices are factors like multinational conglomerates (Defacto Monopolies)..and executive compensation. This, by the way, squashes competition.

The gulf between rich and poor in this country is starting the resemble the 1920s. Unions have basically been smashed. They have very little effect on the economy.

Spoken like a true card carrying, kool aid drinking marxist..... :clap2:
Because they can't figure out that real solutions will only occur when we cut taxes and cut spending.

Gee, did you think of this all by yourself? Sense you have this idea, pray tell (pun intended) on how this is going to work.

If we cut spending, we must let people go, for most of the cost of employment is the salary or wages, as well as benefits paid. This will, in my humble opinon, increase unemployment and reduce demand for products and services.

If we cut taxes, less money will be available as debt service is manditory, so less will be available for discretionary spending, such as defense, border security, the war (lol) on drugs, the war on terror (when will we defeat that dirty noun?) and a new trial for Barry Bonds.
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If there is another stimulus package..I hope republicans don't touch it.

It should go to infrastructure repair, upgrading the energy sector and building high speed rail. Not tax cuts.

95% of which are union jobs... Hence another union bailout..

What about the workers in the non-union private sector??

What are they supposed to do??

Unions are only 15-20% of the workforce... Hence 15-20% of the consumer base...

In what universe can 20% of the workforce stimulate the other 80% of the workforce?

Thats right they cant, which is why jobs are dropping like flies...

This is why labor unions need to be abolished or states need to adopt "right to work" legislation...

Labor unions really don't carry that much weight anymore. If you look at jobs in the automotive industry, union and non-union workers are making about the same amount. You just hate unions so you rant against them. The unions are not the problem.
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Unions wages inflate the dollar because union wages are not based on supply and demand.

Oh bullshit.

What "inflates" prices are factors like multinational conglomerates (Defacto Monopolies)..and executive compensation. This, by the way, squashes competition.

The gulf between rich and poor in this country is starting the resemble the 1920s. Unions have basically been smashed. They have very little effect on the economy.

Spoken like a true card carrying, kool aid drinking marxist..... :clap2:

Not that I'm a huge fan of unions, but the stupid shit I hear just boggles my mind. Unions were directly responsible for the creation of our middle class over the years, and with that middle class, it made it possible for many people to become wealthy. This shit you spew about Marxism is a crock of shit, and makes you look very stupid. It almost seems that you would be comfortable with the US becoming an oligarchy for the extremely wealthy. Rather than looking for ways to restore the strength of the middle class, the only thing you are concerned with is seeing that the super wealthy keep as much as possible.
Well now I know you have no idea what you're talking about. The USD is NOT inflated. It has been steadily dropping for a decade now.

The hell its not.... Our currency has inflated 5% since 2008..

Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2011

Even though you can't prove it and aren't even trying.

Its econ 101, microeconomics.

Really, so if you want a hole dug and some joe said he would do it for 10 bucks, you would go with the union guy who said he'd do it for 40 just because you support unions??

That be a waste of money no??? you would be going against microeconomics.

I suppose one person doing it would have no effect, however doing it on a grand scale while borrowing the money to do it will.....

Its more complicated than that, however I'm in no mood, nor do I feel like writing a thesis at this time.

Also, we did not take a dollar from anyone here in the country. We borrowed it from outside the country and then injected it into our economy.

Which the taxpayers have to pay back - yes you did TAKE MONEY FROM MY UNBORN CHILDREN AND MYSELF DUMMY!!!!!!


The study of a national economy is MACROeconomics. This might explain why you are so obviously confused.

Once again you prove you dont know a fucking thing about economics.

I'm not talking about macroeconomics - I'm talking about microeconomics. I'm talking about the basic principals of supply and demand from the bottom up.. From the consumer to the top...

Microeconomics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Microeconomics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Unions wages inflate the dollar because union wages are not based on supply and demand.

Oh bullshit.

What "inflates" prices are factors like multinational conglomerates (Defacto Monopolies)..and executive compensation. This, by the way, squashes competition.

The gulf between rich and poor in this country is starting the resemble the 1920s. Unions have basically been smashed. They have very little effect on the economy.

Spoken like a true card carrying, kool aid drinking marxist..... :clap2:

Go on chief...explain how Unions are marxist?

Because generally in every Commie country..once the commies come in the Unions are out.
Well now I know you have no idea what you're talking about. The USD is NOT inflated. It has been steadily dropping for a decade now.

The hell its not.... Our currency has inflated 5% since 2008..

Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2011

Even though you can't prove it and aren't even trying.

Its econ 101, microeconomics.

Really, so if you want a hole dug and some joe said he would do it for 10 bucks, you would go with the union guy who said he'd do it for 40 just because you support unions??

That be a waste of money no??? you would be going against microeconomics.

I suppose one person doing it would have no effect, however doing it on a grand scale while borrowing the money to do it will.....

Its more complicated than that, however I'm in no mood, nor do I feel like writing a thesis at this time.

Also, we did not take a dollar from anyone here in the country. We borrowed it from outside the country and then injected it into our economy.

Which the taxpayers have to pay back - yes you did TAKE MONEY FROM MY UNBORN CHILDREN AND MYSELF DUMMY!!!!!!


The study of a national economy is MACROeconomics. This might explain why you are so obviously confused.

Once again you prove you dont know a fucking thing about economics.

I'm not talking about macroeconomics - I'm talking about microeconomics. I'm talking about the basic principals of supply and demand from the bottom up.. From the consumer to the top...

Microeconomics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just for arguments sake, your ignorance is limitless.

The subdivision of the discipline of economics that studies and strives to explain the functioning of the economy as a whole -- the total output of the economy, the overall level of employment or unemployment, movements in the average level of prices (inflation or deflation), total savings and investment, total consumption and so on. The focus of much of macroeconomic theory is analysis of the ways in which conscious government policies (and the unintended secondary consequences of these policies) can influence the overall "economic health" of the country for good and for ill.

The subdivision of the discipline of economics that studies the behavior of individual households and firms interacting through markets, how prices and levels of output of individual products are determined in these markets, the interconnections by which different markets affect each other, and how the price mechanism allocates resources and distributes income.

Defintions supplied by: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms - Dr. Paul M. Johnson
If there is another stimulus package..I hope republicans don't touch it.

It should go to infrastructure repair, upgrading the energy sector and building high speed rail. Not tax cuts. mean more not really shovel ready projects.

Got it.

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Unions wages inflate the dollar because union wages are not based on supply and demand.

Oh bullshit.

What "inflates" prices are factors like multinational conglomerates (Defacto Monopolies)..and executive compensation. This, by the way, squashes competition.

The gulf between rich and poor in this country is starting the resemble the 1920s. Unions have basically been smashed. They have very little effect on the economy.

No, you're wrong...

If remedial labor was 15 dollars an hour then milk would be 5.00 a gallon.

If remedial labor was 7.50 an hour milk would be 2.50 a gallon.

If remedial labor was 3.75 an hour milk would be 1.25 a gallon.

Problem is unions demand 30 bucks an hour for remedial labor, while non-union workers will do it for 15-20 (even less)...

This is supposed to be a competition based market, yet progressives like Obama opt for the more expensive union labor - what the fuck do you think that does to the economy??
Microeconomics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Unions wages inflate the dollar because union wages are not based on supply and demand.

Oh bullshit.

What "inflates" prices are factors like multinational conglomerates (Defacto Monopolies)..and executive compensation. This, by the way, squashes competition.

The gulf between rich and poor in this country is starting the resemble the 1920s. Unions have basically been smashed. They have very little effect on the economy.

No, you're wrong...

If remedial labor was 15 dollars an hour then milk would be 5.00 a gallon.

If remedial labor was 7.50 an hour milk would be 2.50 a gallon.

If remedial labor was 3.75 an hour milk would be 1.25 a gallon.

Problem is unions demand 30 bucks an hour for remedial labor, while non-union workers will do it for 15-20 (even less)...

This is supposed to be a competition based market, yet progressives like Obama opt for the more expensive union labor - what the fuck do you think that does to the economy??

We got 2 people in this country with a combined wealth of 80 billion dollars. That's 2 people.

And that's insane.
There are no easy fixes right now and thinking that there are is a big mistake.

Like when people say if we cut spending everything will be fixed? I know you're not saying that, but you see those statements everywhere, despite the fact that spending right now is not the problem, and if we cut spending, we lay people off and unemployment goes up and that's not what we need.

What we need, is to put millions of people to work. I think borrowing $1T from China and upgrading our infrastructure (for real this time) while maybe throwing in some high speed rail projects, would be exactly what we need to get jobs growing again. Plus, if you spend the money on rail or maybe green energy, then those projects need workers to run and maintain them after they're built, so there are long lasting job implications.
Oh bullshit.

What "inflates" prices are factors like multinational conglomerates (Defacto Monopolies)..and executive compensation. This, by the way, squashes competition.

The gulf between rich and poor in this country is starting the resemble the 1920s. Unions have basically been smashed. They have very little effect on the economy.

No, you're wrong...

If remedial labor was 15 dollars an hour then milk would be 5.00 a gallon.

If remedial labor was 7.50 an hour milk would be 2.50 a gallon.

If remedial labor was 3.75 an hour milk would be 1.25 a gallon.

Problem is unions demand 30 bucks an hour for remedial labor, while non-union workers will do it for 15-20 (even less)...

This is supposed to be a competition based market, yet progressives like Obama opt for the more expensive union labor - what the fuck do you think that does to the economy??

We got 2 people in this country with a combined wealth of 80 billion dollars. That's 2 people.

And that's insane.

What business is it of yours?

Lets just say you lived in a neighboirhhod where the average net worth is 100K.
You build a business and after 40 years of hard work you sell it for 3 Million so you can enjoy your retirement.

Now what?
There are no easy fixes right now and thinking that there are is a big mistake.

Like when people say if we cut spending everything will be fixed? I know you're not saying that, but you see those statements everywhere, despite the fact that spending right now is not the problem, and if we cut spending, we lay people off and unemployment goes up and that's not what we need.

What we need, is to put millions of people to work. I think borrowing $1T from China and upgrading our infrastructure (for real this time) while maybe throwing in some high speed rail projects, would be exactly what we need to get jobs growing again. Plus, if you spend the money on rail or maybe green energy, then those projects need workers to run and maintain them after they're built, so there are long lasting job implications.

For several years, people re-fi'ed (borrowed) and did major projects on their homes...upgraded them.
Put thousands of contractors and their laborers to work.

Exactly where did that get us?

Seems you agree with the idea of "dont learn from our mistakes"
Every Economist worth a damn agrees that the first stimulus was too small. It got the economy growing, but only added a couple million jobs and we need more. The drop in GDP was pegged well north of $2T so a second stimulus of $1T should really do the trick.

I know you guys think it's about buying votes, but really, it's just math.

Care to name 5 economists who think it was too small?
The first stimulus produced 9%+ unemployment and GDP growth of well under 2% with rising commodity prices.
A second stimulus of $1T will end like the first: in waste, graft, and corruption. Why is it going to be different this time? A second stimulus will also guarantee a downgrade of US debt to junk status.
Well now I know you have no idea what you're talking about. The USD is NOT inflated. It has been steadily dropping for a decade now.

The hell its not.... Our currency has inflated 5% since 2008..

Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2011

Its econ 101, microeconomics.

Really, so if you want a hole dug and some joe said he would do it for 10 bucks, you would go with the union guy who said he'd do it for 40 just because you support unions??

That be a waste of money no??? you would be going against microeconomics.

I suppose one person doing it would have no effect, however doing it on a grand scale while borrowing the money to do it will.....

Its more complicated than that, however I'm in no mood, nor do I feel like writing a thesis at this time.

Which the taxpayers have to pay back - yes you did TAKE MONEY FROM MY UNBORN CHILDREN AND MYSELF DUMMY!!!!!!


The study of a national economy is MACROeconomics. This might explain why you are so obviously confused.

Once again you prove you dont know a fucking thing about economics.

I'm not talking about macroeconomics - I'm talking about microeconomics. I'm talking about the basic principals of supply and demand from the bottom up.. From the consumer to the top...

Microeconomics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just for arguments sake, your ignorance is limitless.

The subdivision of the discipline of economics that studies and strives to explain the functioning of the economy as a whole -- the total output of the economy, the overall level of employment or unemployment, movements in the average level of prices (inflation or deflation), total savings and investment, total consumption and so on. The focus of much of macroeconomic theory is analysis of the ways in which conscious government policies (and the unintended secondary consequences of these policies) can influence the overall "economic health" of the country for good and for ill.

The subdivision of the discipline of economics that studies the behavior of individual households and firms interacting through markets, how prices and levels of output of individual products are determined in these markets, the interconnections by which different markets affect each other, and how the price mechanism allocates resources and distributes income.

Defintions supplied by: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms - Dr. Paul M. Johnson

And who determines the price and demand for product and services???

The fucking consumer... The consumer is generally frugal..

Now, the government is borrowing money from China, giving it to states which in turn hire UNIONS to do projects, and public sector unions which makeup the state public sector...

These unions make inflated wages based on demands - not on supply and demand.

Our government is taking taxpayer dollars and spending that money lavishly on their voting base, which ignores supply and demand principals, hence inflating currency..

The dollar inflates because the private sector taxpayer is paying for services that don't base their market value on supply and demand principals - only demands.

You obviously don't understand capitalism..

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