Summing Up Mike Pence in One Cartoon

Up until the last few days, he supported the big lie of stolen election trump started, and he to this day says he would consider pardoning J6 offenders. I suspect he would pardon Trump also, after trump is convicted.
Looked for support and couldnt find that. Certainly could be because of his recent coming out against it. Found where he wouldnt answer one way or another did the typical answer a question that wasn’t asked routine politicians do but no tacit support of it the stolen election narrative. Do you have a link to that?

“Now, some of these case, some people may have a technical violation of the law,” DeSantis said. “But if there are three other people who did the same thing but just in a context, like [the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020] and they don’t get prosecuted at all, that is uneven application of justice, and so … we will use the pardon power.”

Actual quote about the pardons. I dont see how that’s wildly unreasonable. Trump (IMO) is long on campaigning and marketing and rather short on actual governance and policy. Id say DeSantis is rather the opposite of that.
Looked for support and couldnt find that. Certainly could be because of his recent coming out against it. Found where he wouldnt answer one way or another did the typical answer a question that wasn’t asked routine politicians do but no tacit support of it the stolen election narrative. Do you have a link to that?

“Now, some of these case, some people may have a technical violation of the law,” DeSantis said. “But if there are three other people who did the same thing but just in a context, like [the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020] and they don’t get prosecuted at all, that is uneven application of justice, and so … we will use the pardon power.”

Actual quote about the pardons. I dont see how that’s wildly unreasonable. Trump (IMO) is long on campaigning and marketing and rather short on actual governance and policy. Id say DeSantis is rather the opposite of that.
You mean this?
or these?
No. He has changed his tune. He no longer supports the stolen election lie.
You’re saying that but providing no evidence that he ever supported it. So I’ll ask again any links to him actually saying he believed the election was rigged? I wasn’t able to find anything.
You’re saying that but providing no evidence that he ever supported it. So I’ll ask again any links to him actually saying he believed the election was rigged? I wasn’t able to find anything.
Dude, that election fraud commission he started in Florida was for national consumption, not to solve some Florida problem. As far as I know, they only had one case of fraud down there in 2020, and it was a Republican.
Like so many Republicans (except for Christy) he has weaseled or tried to remain silent until yesterday, waiting to see what side fact and history were going to fall to officially. The newest charges and charging document made it clear to him, finally, it was time to get on board with saying outright the election fraud lies trump sold the MAGA crowd were just that, simply lies.
Dude, that election fraud commission he started in Florida was for national consumption, not to solve some Florida problem. As far as I know, they only had one case of fraud down there in 2020, and it was a Republican.
Like so many Republicans (except for Christy) he has weaseled or tried to remain silent until yesterday, waiting to see what side fact and history were going to fall to officially. The newest charges and charging document made it clear to him, finally, it was time to get on board with saying outright the election fraud lies trump sold the MAGA crowd were just that, simply lies.
So that's a no then?
So that's a no then?
If you stand by in silence when lies are told, it is support. He like too many Republicans refused to say publicly what they knew privately, after the recounts and court case, and remained silent until yesterday. It certainly does not mark him as a man of person conviction, regardless of political wind.
If you stand by in silence when lies are told, it is support. He like too many Republicans refused to say publicly what they knew privately, after the recounts and court case, and remained silent until yesterday. It certainly does not mark him as a man of person conviction, regardless of political wind.
Oh that’s bullshit. DeSantis nor anyone else was required to publicly come out against anything Trump said. DeSantis was the Governor of Florida. What Trump was doing or saying as not the President is none of his concern. DeSantis hasn’t publicly ay denounced cock fighting or throwing kittens in the rover either does that mean supports those activities?

Laura Kelly Democrat Governor of Kansas hasn’t weighed in on this subject. I guess she supports the election was rigged theory.
Oh that’s bullshit. DeSantis nor anyone else was required to publicly come out against anything Trump said. DeSantis was the Governor of Florida. What Trump was doing or saying as not the President is none of his concern. DeSantis hasn’t publicly ay denounced cock fighting or throwing kittens in the rover either does that mean supports those activities?

Laura Kelly Democrat Governor of Kansas hasn’t weighed in on this subject. I guess she supports the election was rigged theory.
The Democrats always knew that Trump's big lie, was just a lie. Which Democrat saying it would have convinced you? None. Trump is your party's guy. It has always been your party's responsibility to call him out, so rank and file member knew the system worked as it was supposed to and the lies were just lies of a failed candidate, trying to overturn the legitimate votes of the election.
The Democrats always knew that Trump's big lie, was just a lie. Which Democrat saying it would have convinced you? None. Trump is your party's guy. It has always been your party's responsibility to call him out, so rank and file member knew the system worked as it was supposed to and the lies were just lies of a failed candidate, trying to overturn the legitimate votes of the election.
LOL. Trumps not my guy and I don’t have a party. I believe politicians about as far as I can throw them regardless of the letter they put next to their name. I didn’t need any politicians to convince me that Trump lost the election. Odd that you do apparently.
LOL. Trumps not my guy and I don’t have a party. I believe politicians about as far as I can throw them regardless of the letter they put next to their name. I didn’t need any politicians to convince me that Trump lost the election. Odd that you do apparently.
Hillary never believed Trump won in 16 ( at least fairly )!
LOL. Trumps not my guy and I don’t have a party. I believe politicians about as far as I can throw them regardless of the letter they put next to their name. I didn’t need any politicians to convince me that Trump lost the election. Odd that you do apparently.
Good to hear, but I know it was BS within two weeks of the election, after the recounts and the earliest court dates.

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