Sunday Talk Show Fireworks: McCarthy on CBS talks about removing Dems from committees/in joint CNN interview, Swalwell, Schiff, & Omar respond to Kev

Nancy fired the first shot. She hand-picked the J6 Committee members, so now...
Nancy fired the first shot. She hand-picked the J6 Committee members, so now...

McCarthy fired the first shot by appointing members of the Insurrection Caucus who all asked for Pardons from Trump for their roles in January 6th, to the Committee in the first place. All of McCarthy's picks made clear that their intention was to derail the investigation, and turn it into a circus.

You don't send the arsonists to investigate who started the fire.
McCarthy did not want an investigation of any kind, he made that clear early on when he was given everything he had asked for in the 9/11 type independent investigation, equal Rs to Ds picks, R subpoena power etc.... Pelosi gave in to all R requests, shook on the deal to have the independent investigation , Rs and D's in the house passed the bill creating investigating committee....

McCarthy went to kiss the ring in Mara Lago, Trump told McCarthy he wanted no investigation, or no participation of Republicans on the investigation so trump could claim it was a witch hunt, so McCarthy spent the next week, lobbying Republican senators to vote against the bill for an investigation commission, that the Rs just passed in the house for 1/6.....

And McCarthy succeeded in the repubs killing the investigation bill the bipartisan house just passed, in the Senate.

So Nancy creates the temporary select committee to investigate, and just like clockwork,McCarthy sabotaged the committee by picking Jordan and Banks, and 3 other Rs which Pelosi accepted and asked McCarthy to pick two others to replace the two foxes he wanted to put in the hen house.... McCarthy knew she would reject the two who were involved in the 1/6 insurrection attempt...and CHOSE TO PULL OFF all the republicans, even the three Pelosi accepted...

It's what Trump, and kiss the ring boy, always wanted.....
McCarthy fired the first shot by appointing members of the Insurrection Caucus who all asked for Pardons from Trump for their roles in January 6th, to the Committee in the first place. All of McCarthy's picks made clear that their intention was to derail the investigation, and turn it into a circus.

You don't send the arsonists to investigate who started the fire.
1. So you only want members that support Nancy's "kangaroo court" on the J6 committee? Until then the minority leader ALWAYS picked the members, Nancy fired the first shot. We want to get to the J6 truth, and NOT be part of the kangaroo court. If a few questions from Jim Jordan turn the committee into a circus, it was a circus to start with. Just watch Jim's hearings to see the real truth about J6.

2. You can call them arsonists, we call them patriots. Either way, they now have the House and will find out the truth about J6.

3. Investigate? Like why did Nancy and the DC Mayor not allow the National Guard to protect the Capitol like Trump and Chief of Police Sund requested?

4. What part did the FBI play in instigating the riot? Was the guy who planted the pipe bomb FBI?

5. Why are the J6 protesters still being held in solitary confinement in the DC jails, for trespassing? Etc.

6. There was no "insurrection", that is democrat and MSM hype.
what whiny bitches. Omar racist believes made her unfit to serve, Shifty’s abuse of power and use of parody to impeach make him unfit, and obviously Shallow is compromised by the CCP
McCarthy did not want an investigation of any kind, he made that clear early on when he was given everything he had asked for in the 9/11 type independent investigation, equal Rs to Ds picks, R subpoena power etc.... Pelosi gave in to all R requests, shook on the deal to have the independent investigation , Rs and D's in the house passed the bill creating investigating committee....

McCarthy went to kiss the ring in Mara Lago, Trump told McCarthy he wanted no investigation, or no participation of Republicans on the investigation so trump could claim it was a witch hunt, so McCarthy spent the next week, lobbying Republican senators to vote against the bill for an investigation commission, that the Rs just passed in the house for 1/6.....

And McCarthy succeeded in the repubs killing the investigation bill the bipartisan house just passed, in the Senate.

So Nancy creates the temporary select committee to investigate, and just like clockwork,McCarthy sabotaged the committee by picking Jordan and Banks, and 3 other Rs which Pelosi accepted and asked McCarthy to pick two others to replace the two foxes he wanted to put in the hen house.... McCarthy knew she would reject the two who were involved in the 1/6 insurrection attempt...and CHOSE TO PULL OFF all the republicans, even the three Pelosi accepted...

It's what Trump, and kiss the ring boy, always wanted.....
1. You can type all the bullshit you want, that doesn't make it true. McCarthy has no sway in the Senate, duh. Why would GOP senators vote to waste time and money on a democrat kangaroo court, after the FBI already investigated J6 and said there was no insurrection?

2. The minority leader ALWAYS got to pick the committee members. That the dems feared Jordan and Banks speaks volumes as to the true intent of the J6 committee. A partisan "witch hunt" to try to disqualify Trump from running in 2024, because the dems have no one to run in 2024.

3. So McCarthy now has the right to exclude the three LIARS AND LEAKERS from the intelligence committee. "Turnabout is fair play". Washington still plays hardball politics.
1. So you only want members that support Nancy's "kangaroo court" on the J6 committee? Until then the minority leader ALWAYS picked the members, Nancy fired the first shot. We want to get to the J6 truth, and NOT be part of the kangaroo court. If a few questions from Jim Jordan turn the committee into a circus, it was a circus to start with. Just watch Jim's hearings to see the real truth about J6.

2. You can call them arsonists, we call them patriots. Either way, they now have the House and will find out the truth about J6.

3. Investigate? Like why did Nancy and the DC Mayor not allow the National Guard to protect the Capitol like Trump and Chief of Police Sund requested?

4. What part did the FBI play in instigating the riot? Was the guy who planted the pipe bomb FBI?

5. Why are the J6 protesters still being held in solitary confinement in the DC jails, for trespassing? Etc.

6. There was no "insurrection", that is democrat and MSM hype.

1. No, I only want members who aren't under investigation for their role in the Insurrection, and whose stated goal is not to try to sabotage the investigation.

2. Your definition of "patriot" matches the legal definition of "seditious conspirator". Jim Jordan won't find out the truth because they're not looking for the truth. They KNOW the truth because they were part of the conspiracy. Their only goal is to muddy the waters and keep YOU from knowing the truth.

Jim Jordan is the guy who, when one of his students came to him and told Jordan that his boss was sexually assaulting his students, DID NOTHING, allowing the assaults to continue. When the student went to authorities, Jordan denied the student had ever reported the abuse to him.

3. That lie has been completely debunked. Pelosi had no say in any of it. The head of the National Guard testified to that effect.

The rest of you post is a recitation of all of the Trump lies and conspiracy theories which Trump, Jordan et al MADE UP to give cover to their plan.



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