Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

CaféAuLait;5508356 said:
I never said a word about overthrowing the government or anything like that.

So quit lying.

Just like Evanglical Christians; I want the laws changed to reflect my religious beliefs; just the same as they do.

And for this to be achieved through legal process; such as voting, the courts, and the law. :cool:

What laws would you like to see changed, if I may ask?

I think it would be fun to force South Carolina, Mississippi, and Alabama to be restricted to a Halal diet.
You can kiss his ass all you like, but you won't get a free pass from him.
If you want to be governed by a 7th century theocratic code that was the invention of an Arab Warlord, why not move to where those conditions already exist?

Are you an American? Do you believe in a person's first Amendment rights? Do you believe that people should be able to practice their religion? Why should he move to another country when he's free to practice his religion in THIS COUNTRY?
Yes, he can do that.

He can't, however, legislate his religion, as he says he wants to do.
Of course not....that's my argument with the sarge. I can say I want everyone to convert to druidism.....but it's irrelevant.
Are you an American? Do you believe in a person's first Amendment rights? Do you believe that people should be able to practice their religion? Why should he move to another country when he's free to practice his religion in THIS COUNTRY?
Yes, he can do that.

He can't, however, legislate his religion, as he says he wants to do.
Of course not....that's my argument with the sarge. I can say I want everyone to convert to druidism.....but it's irrelevant.
Oh, I agree his goal is impossible. He's going to go through life bitter and disappointed.
Are you an American? Do you believe in a person's first Amendment rights? Do you believe that people should be able to practice their religion? Why should he move to another country when he's free to practice his religion in THIS COUNTRY?
Yes, he can do that.

He can't, however, legislate his religion, as he says he wants to do.
Of course not....that's my argument with the sarge. I can say I want everyone to convert to druidism.....but it's irrelevant.

Which is not the point dumb ass. Look to Europe. France Sweden Belgium England. As the Muslim population grows they demand more and more concessions , resort to violence more and more when not met.

The REREAD what Sunni man said. He wants the Muslim population to vote AWAY your rights. He wants the Musli8m population to institute religious laws. Obviously this won't happen any time in the near future. BUT look to Europe for what happens in the West as Muslim populations grow in those Countries.
Sunni man has admitted to us at last that HIS goal and that of his religion is the overthrow of the democratic Government of the US and replace it with Islamic rule and Sharia law.
I never said a word about overthrowing the government or anything like that.

So quit lying.

Just like Evanglical Christians; I want the laws changed to reflect my religious beliefs; just the same as they do.

And for this to be achieved through legal process; such as voting, the courts, and the law. :cool:

Christians don't condone beating their wives. Christians don't condone hatred for Jews or any other religion. Christians don't encourge their children to commit suicide for their God. Christians are taught to respect other people's beliefs and customs, while Muslims demand a tax to live alongside Muslims.

Plus, you're religion of Islam is the enemy of liberty and freedom and enslaves people and destroys people's lives every day.
Yes, he can do that.

He can't, however, legislate his religion, as he says he wants to do.
Of course not....that's my argument with the sarge. I can say I want everyone to convert to druidism.....but it's irrelevant.

Which is not the point dumb ass. Look to Europe. France Sweden Belgium England. As the Muslim population grows they demand more and more concessions , resort to violence more and more when not met.

The REREAD what Sunni man said. He wants the Muslim population to vote AWAY your rights. He wants the Musli8m population to institute religious laws. Obviously this won't happen any time in the near future. BUT look to Europe for what happens in the West as Muslim populations grow in those Countries.
Do those European Countries have a Constitution such as ours? You'r like a child worrying about the boogeyman. Hey....I'm a you really think THAT ANYTHING that happens in these matters isn't part of God's plan? If you believe that the great battle of good and evil is going to happen, don't you think that shit's going to happen to provoke it?
Not saying it's going to be Islam......could be anything...including Corporatism.......which the right seems to think of as a secondary religion.
Of course not....that's my argument with the sarge. I can say I want everyone to convert to druidism.....but it's irrelevant.

Which is not the point dumb ass. Look to Europe. France Sweden Belgium England. As the Muslim population grows they demand more and more concessions , resort to violence more and more when not met.

The REREAD what Sunni man said. He wants the Muslim population to vote AWAY your rights. He wants the Musli8m population to institute religious laws. Obviously this won't happen any time in the near future. BUT look to Europe for what happens in the West as Muslim populations grow in those Countries.
Do those European Countries have a Constitution such as ours? You'r like a child worrying about the boogeyman. Hey....I'm a you really think THAT ANYTHING that happens in these matters isn't part of God's plan? If you believe that the great battle of good and evil is going to happen, don't you think that shit's going to happen to provoke it?
Not saying it's going to be Islam......could be anything...including Corporatism.......which the right seems to think of as a secondary religion.
I view Islam as a military takeover system, and sharia law is designed to make servile victims out of the female population. You should see what they do to Christian churches and Christians in their countries.

50 Christian Churches burned in Jamma, Ethiopia, by rampaging Muslims.

"suspected" Islamists burned down 7 schools. (Nigeria)

Palestinian Cleric Urges All Arabs to Murder christians, Jews, and Americans 'wherever they live.'

Hitler's book in Arab Hands They don't know Hitler planned their destruction after he destroyed the Jews, worldwide, according to this article's author.
I can actually comprehend what Sunni Mn is trying to say... but(and I can't believe I am agreeing with this asshole) Bripat is actually right. It will never be brought up for a vote. The separation of Church and State prohibits the establishment of a National Religion. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Mormonism, whatever....all can be practiced....none can rule.
But as far as Islam "spreading the word" and trying to convert really is the same as Christians trying to spread the Gospel.

Wrong. Islam believes that Allah must rule ALL including the Government. Islam believes MAN must make this happen. They believe that everyone must be Islamic and that those that are not are not worthy of life. They believe in killing those that leave the religion. They believe that unbelievers are not worth anything except as slaves.

Christians believe that all should learn of God through Jesus. That they should CHOSE to worship him. They do not believe that man must rule, they believe that God will destroy Satan with an army of Angels. They do not call for the death of anyone whether they leave the religion or not.

Islam demands MAN rule the Earth through the dictates of Allah. They demand that all convert or die. They believe that all Government must be Islamic run.

Christians do NOT believe man should rule the Earth. They believe that a final war between Good and evil will occur, Good being an Army of Angels. NOT man. They do not believe the Church should run the Government.

They do not believe that any one should be forced to covert. Only given the opportunity to do so.

Rgs....when Jesus comes back and takes back his Kingdom.....who is going to be in charge?.....who will be giving the dictates?....AND if you dont like who is in charge,what will happen to that one?....

We have had this discussion before and been told it just isn't true. That there is no effort by Islam to convert other Countries, that there is no danger that Islam would create a climate where Western Democracies were converted to Sharia law and no longer democratic at all.

I have told you all that Islam preaches that it must take over the planet. That is it's goal. Islam believes that all the world must be Islamic. And they do not believe in separation of Church and State. Islam teaches that Allah must run every thing including the Government.

There are two schools of thought on how to achieve this goal. One is that they must just bide their time and allow their birth rate and monolithic approach to convert those Countries currently not Islamic. The second is that by violence they can achieve more quickly the goal.

Sunni man has admitted to us at last that HIS goal and that of his religion is the overthrow of the democratic Government of the US and replace it with Islamic rule and Sharia law.

Sunni Man is probably a 12 year old kid.
Wrong. Islam believes that Allah must rule ALL including the Government.
Doesn't Christianity also teach that God rules and reigns over everything and that all knees will bow to Christ??

Only those resurrected to everlasting life will follow God and Jesus. Christians do not believe man will rule. Jesus will rule for God.

sounds like the same thing in world government with God as the last word....
Wrong. Islam believes that Allah must rule ALL including the Government. Islam believes MAN must make this happen. They believe that everyone must be Islamic and that those that are not are not worthy of life. They believe in killing those that leave the religion. They believe that unbelievers are not worth anything except as slaves.

Christians believe that all should learn of God through Jesus. That they should CHOSE to worship him. They do not believe that man must rule, they believe that God will destroy Satan with an army of Angels. They do not call for the death of anyone whether they leave the religion or not.

Islam demands MAN rule the Earth through the dictates of Allah. They demand that all convert or die. They believe that all Government must be Islamic run.

Christians do NOT believe man should rule the Earth. They believe that a final war between Good and evil will occur, Good being an Army of Angels. NOT man. They do not believe the Church should run the Government.

They do not believe that any one should be forced to covert. Only given the opportunity to do so.

I believe in the separation of church and state...nothing need more be said. Your irrational fear is just that...irrational.

We are not talking about what you believe or what I believe dumb ass. Islam plans to take over all through assimilation or force. God you people are dumber then rocks.

when Jesus comes back with his he not going to be doing the same thing?....because i was always told when he comes back.....he is going to be pissed.....and there will be no fence either accept him or check out with the Lucifer Gang.....
If Sharia is approved by the majority, then there won't be anymore voting on anything, will there?

Spot the person who has no idea what Sharia law is.

Sharia has less than nothing to do with the political system, voting rights etc.

P.S. I don't support the institution of Sharia for non-Islamic Americans.

We have had this discussion before and been told it just isn't true. That there is no effort by Islam to convert other Countries, that there is no danger that Islam would create a climate where Western Democracies were converted to Sharia law and no longer democratic at all.

I have told you all that Islam preaches that it must take over the planet. That is it's goal. Islam believes that all the world must be Islamic. And they do not believe in separation of Church and State. Islam teaches that Allah must run every thing including the Government.

There are two schools of thought on how to achieve this goal. One is that they must just bide their time and allow their birth rate and monolithic approach to convert those Countries currently not Islamic. The second is that by violence they can achieve more quickly the goal.

Sunni man has admitted to us at last that HIS goal and that of his religion is the overthrow of the democratic Government of the US and replace it with Islamic rule and Sharia law.

Sunni Man is probably a 12 year old kid.

who fought in Vietnam......what a kid....:eusa_eh:
Which is not the point dumb ass. Look to Europe. France Sweden Belgium England. As the Muslim population grows they demand more and more concessions , resort to violence more and more when not met.


I live in Europe, and I haven't seen or heard of any "concessions" or violence happening around here.

Wat "concessions" are being demanded in Sweden?
If Sharia is approved by the majority, then there won't be anymore voting on anything, will there?

Spot the person who has no idea what Sharia law is.

Sharia has less than nothing to do with the political system, voting rights etc.

Bullshit. If it isn't enforced by government, then it isn't law. Muslims want Sharia enforced.

P.S. I don't support the institution of Sharia for non-Islamic Americans.

Muslims plan to impose Sharia on everyone.

Doesn't the UK already use Sharia law?

Can you tell us who it applies to and when?

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